
Super Gene Immortal Chapter 6

"Sen, why are you going up there again? I thought you checked everything out already?" Lin Beifeng asked as Lux was heading up the cliffside for the second time the next day.

 "I told you there's Sacred-Blood creatures up there and I'm eating them. You want to come?" Lux asked, he really didn't have a problem with sharing, there was so much that even in the time they had left before they climbed down Lux wasn't sure he could finish everything.

 Lin Beifeng snorted at Lux's remark and waved him off, "You can keep it." he said, still not believing a word of it. He figured that Han Sen just didn't like being cooped up and preferred to move around.

 Like that, five days passed with Lux climbing up to the nest twice a day to eat his fill before hunkering down. He didn't just stay up there with the egg in case whatever laid it came back at night or something. Lin Beifeng had climbed down a little bit on the third day but swore he still heard the Mommo beasts before he ever got close enough to see them, so he had insisted on another couple days staying up here. Lux wasn't complaining, he invited Lin Beifeng to climb up with him every time he went up to the nest.

 Today, curiosity had finally gotten the better of Lin Beifeng and he'd agreed. Lux gladly helped him crawl his way up until they reached a spot where Beifeng couldn't climb any further. Lux scurried up the rest of the way and detached a vine that he lowered to Beifeng and hauled him up.

 Unfortunately for Beifeng, Lux had actually already finished eating the egg the day before. Lux was literally just going up this time to take in the view from up there one last time before heading down.

 "There really was a Sacred-Blood creature up here?" Lin Beifeng looked shocked as he took in the nest.

 "Yep… but the egg is empty already, I finished it yesterday. The eggs shell will probably have a few more Sacred-Blood Geno points though. I only got five out of eating it. I was gonna crush up the shell and bring it down for you today." Lux said with a shrug.

 Lin Beifeng looked utterly flabbergasted by this turn of events, and touched by the fact that Lux was going to at least bring him back the shell. Beifeng crushed up the shell and got ready for the long climb back down to the bottom of the cliff.

 The trip down was significantly easier than the trip up the cliff had been. The Mommo Beasts were nowhere to be seen, and because Lin Beifeng was lost and had no clue which way to go to get to Glory Shelter, he accompanied Lux back to Steel Armor Shelter.

 "Lin Beifeng, you may not want to be seen walking into the shelter with me. Some of the big powerful people here seem to have a hate boner for me and they might make your life difficult if they think you are being friendly with me." Lux warned before they got too close the Shelter.

 Lin Beifeng looked genuinely offended, "You saved my life Sen! I don't care who it is, I'll kill anyone who's disrespectful to you!"

 "Nah man, I made a mistake early on and offended the most powerful players here in Steel Armor Shelter, even with your connections they could cause you massive trouble here in the Sanctuary. We need to enter separately and make sure that you don't let people know that you are my friend. Otherwise, they won't trade with you, or they might even bully you like they did to me. You can be my secret helper sometimes or something like that." Lux insisted. The hate that was directed at Han Sen was unreasonable enough that he really didn't want to get Lin Beifeng involved.

 With that Lux separated from Lin Beifeng and made his way into the shelter alone. As much as the guy protested that it was not a friend should do Lux firmly told him that it needed to be this way so that he wasn't a burden. Checking the dead drop with Su Xiaoqiao only to find the guy there delivering his latest shipment, Lux did the exchange with him and ofloaded all the beast souls that he didn't need or want before.

Then he went back to his room and checked on the Swift Mantis that was slowly changing color from its green body to a sky blue. Lux wasn't sure how long it would be until it hit Sacred-Blood but it looked like it was close.

Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.

Status: None.

Lifespan: 200 years.

Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.

Geno Points Gained: Ordinary 100, Primitive 100, Mutant 19, Sacred-Blood 29, Super 0

Beast Souls Gained: Sacred-Blood Black Beetle(Armor), Sacred-Blood Bloody Slayer(Shapeshifting), Sacred-Blood Obsidian Wyrm(Weapon-Spear), Mutant Three-eyed Cat(Pet) Primitive Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon-bow), Primitive Swift Mantis(Weapon-Dagger)X2, Primitive Yellow Winged Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)X10

 Lux had offloaded his excess beast souls and was still oddly lopsided when it came to sacred and mutant geno points. Which was upsetting seeing as the whole trip had been for Mutant Geno points to begin with and he hadn't even gotten one. Though complaining about getting five sacred-blood geno points was worthless. The weirdest thing about the Egg had been the fact that it hadn't even given any notifications about a beast soul whatsoever. Never a kill notification. Perhaps the egg had been infertile? Or was it already dead when he found it? He wasn't sure.

 Lux shook his head with a wry smile and headed out for the teleporter. He hadn't intended to be gone an entire month, but it seemed like that's how the cookie crumbled. With a renewed pep in his step Lux stepped onto the Telepad with a grin on his face.

 Stepping out of the teleporter Lux was making his way out of the teleporter station when a familiar figure seemed to materialize out of nowhere… seriously this girl was persistent.

 "Station master Qin Xuan! What a surprise to see here." Lux said with a little bit of sarcasm tainting his voice.

 Qin Xuan turned on her heel and gestured for Lux to follow, "Come with me." Was all she said, heading for the same training room they had fought in before.

 'Should I go all out and try to win?' Lux thought to himself. He had progressed quite far with Ghosthaunt, he was pretty sure that he could get in close and grapple her into submission if he put everything into it. The passive improvement by [Machine Learning] combined with his practice while out on this last hunting trip made his proficiency jump quite a bit. Even the whole rock climbing had contributed to the martial art. On top of that his practice with Jade Skin was going quite well, he hadn't skipped a day even when trapped up on the cliff face. Lux was fairly certain that his physical fitness level was approaching what would be necessary to at least survive an encounter with a super beast… ok maybe that was stretching it too far. But he was definitely up there.

 Lux figured he would just use her as a training partner after a bit of internal debate. His goal was to hone his skill. That's right. The fact that Ghosthaunt was all about getting really close and grappling with the opponent wasn't lost on him. It was all about binding up an opponent's ability to move freely with few striking techniques to speak of in the entire repertoire. It could be used to dominate opponents who were stronger than you if applied correctly. And Qin Xuan was still absolutely stronger than him.

 The fight this time ended with Lux managing a single pin on Qin Xuan one time at the very beginning of the match, after which, Lux began losing fast. She came at him with a vengeance, and though he was definitely able to last a lot longer now, she would completely overpower him and out speed him at every turn.

 After that day, Lux was unable to pass through the teleportation station without being dragged into the training room to get his ass handed to him by Qin Xuan. Though he was actually quite pleased by this. She was quite pretty, and Lux got to spend an awful lot of time alone with her… though not in a way that he would prefer.

 Time passed by quickly, he checked on the Swift Mantis daily to see if he could get more accurate times on the transformations. He wasn't going to kill the mantis until it became a Super Creature to hopefully get himself a weapon capable of dealing with super creatures. But if this first one did not work out, he was planning on using it to produce mutant and Sacred-Blood creatures to max out his geno points since said creatures were so freaking difficult to find naturally, instead of trying again for another super weapon.

 Lux was fairly certain that he Swift Mantis had doubled in size over the past two and a halfish months since he'd put the thing in there. And he was now thinking that it was going to take just shy of three months for a primitive creature to reach Sacred-Blood rank. Lux was on his way to the Telepad, almost looking forward to his daily spar with Qin Xuan. However, for the first time in a week, Lux didn't spot her at the terminal.

 Instead Lux spotted another girl that he was familiar with as was walking towards the station. She appeared to be almost hesitating about going into the teleporter station. It was Xue Xi. After that last time when he'd gone to the exhibition match, Lux had done a little covert research on her so that he wasn't blindsided by anything. Xue Xi was from a single-parent family, raised by her mother who had been working for Han Sen's father at his company. Her mother had often brought Xue Xi to work with her due to not having anyone to babysit and the ludicrous prices of sitters in general had turned her away from hiring anyone. Especially because the company that Han Sen's dad ran had a full rec room specifically for workers who had children. Lou Sulan basically ran a free daycare there for the company's employees. So, growing up Han Sen had known her for many years. Which definitely made it harder for Lux to interact with her without tipping her off to something wrong.

 Even still, Lux waved at her as he approached with a smile on his face, "Hey Xue Xi! What are you doing here?"

 "Sen! I'm sixteen now. I can enter Gods Sanctuary." She huffed.

 Lux shrugged, "Sorry, I have a hard time remembering birthdays."

 "I'm only a few months younger than you, you know." She said.

 "Definitely not a little girl." Lux said, giving her a once over. She was quite attractive, with rather well-developed tracts of land, and an almost honkytonk badonkadonk. Not bad at all.

 Xue Xi blushed a little when she noticed Lux's onceover. Now he didn't sit there and undress her with his eyes, it had just been a quick glance and hadn't even been obvious, but she noticed and found it a little embarrassing.

 Xue Xi was just about to say something when some jackass showed up in what had to be a V10,000 jet car from how goddamned loud the thing was. His hovering private jet car coming to a stop right beside where they were talking and a prissy looking rich guy about twenty years old jumped out of the thing powering it down right there on the side of the street.

 "Sister, I told you earlier that you should use my private teleportation equipment. Theres no need to use public transit. You'll run into loiterers and vagabonds out here." The young man spoke to Xue Xi casting a glance at Lux and added, "and other undesirables."

 Lux had no idea who this guy was. He was definitely not Xue Xi's brother, she was an only child. Lux wasn't sure what was going on here, but he didn't know whether it was his place to interfere. Xue Xi looked uncomfortable, but Lux couldn't tell if it was at the situation as whole, or about the guy himself.

 "Brother, he is my childhood friend." Xue Xi explained.

 "Whatever, come, we should go back." The young rich guy spoke and took her hand, leading her back towards the parked AV.

 Xue Xi turned and waved at Lux, "Sen I'll be back." She said softly as she went along with the guy. Again, Lux really wasn't sure if it was his place to interfere with whatever was going on here. Xue Xi was going with the guy completely of her own accord, and aside from looking embarrassed by the situation didn't seem to be in trouble.

 After Xue Xi safely boarded the AV, the rich prick came over to Lux who had just been standing there pondering if the guy needed beating or not. The guy leaned in and growled, "People like you aren't worthy of being friends with her. Leave her alone or you'll be sorry."

 Lux was genuinely amused by the pseudo alpha male posturing.

 "Want to run that by me again pretty boy?" Lux said lowering his voice an octave.

 "The fuck you call me!" the rich boy said and moved to knee Lux in the gut.

 The guy was fast, but Lux was faster. He deftly avoided the knee, repositioned himself and with a little clotheslining action, he dropped the prissy rich dude onto the ground before the guy even knew what was happening. It had barely taken any effort to lay the guy flat out on his back.

 Xue Xi apparently noticed something was wrong and came out of the AV to see the guy laying flat on his back looking stunned.

 "Sen! What happened?" she asked as she ran over to the downed guy and helped him back up to his feet.

 Lux chuckled at the question, "On nothing really Xue Xi, just a ritual between men. I'll see you later Xi. We should get dinner sometime to catch up." he said before heading off.


 "Brother are you alright?" Xue Xi asked the young man who was eyeing Han Sen's retreating form with interest, a small smile on his face.

 Seeing the smile one the young mans face Xue Xi slapped him on the shoulder, "Fang Jingqi, don't you go picking on him he's my childhood friend and he didn't mean to hurt you."

 Fang Jingqi glared over at her, "So you're saying that if he meant to hurt me I'd be dead?"

 "Broth-No-That's not what I meant!" Xue Xi felt like things were really not going well.

 Fang Jingqi gave an exasperated wave, his gaze still trying to trace where Han Sen had gone off too, "No worries sister. It is as he said, it was just a ritual between men, time honored, and I shall return the favor as is right. Invite him over to our place for dinner in a few days."

 Xue Xi was even more confused than ever at that, "…What?"


 That night, Lux found himself surfing the web looking at different forums and chat groups. Randomly wandering around the Sanctuary was proving to be a non-viable form of hunting for the kind of prey that he needed now. The internet in this world was, funnily enough, called the Skynet. Which almost made Lux laugh the first time he heard that. Skynet had taken over humanity in this world and they didn't even know it! Too bad there was no one around to share the joke with. At least no one who would appreciate it.

 After a bit of surfing the web, Lux found a forum called "Polar Night" which was a civilian run forum that far easier to navigate than the complicated BS that the Alliance run sites were like. Not to mention these sites didn't require ID so Han Sen could use his alias and not run the risk of getting faulty information from the area around Steel Armor Shelter.

 Honestly, Lux was mostly disappointed. There were tons of job offers, from protecting newbie hunters to hunting specific beasts for their beast souls. But barely any information on where Mutant creatures might be lurking. One of those job offers, however, was actually pretty enticing. Some young master was offering 10k per day of protection by an experienced hunter. Lux hadn't found anything about potential Mutant beasts, so he guessed making a fair bit of money to hunt the areas he had already been in and not risk going on another month or two long ordeal would be nice. He would even be collecting beast souls to sell through Su Xiaoqiao which would just mean that he was making even more money than normal. Lux was already rolling in cash, but one can never have enough money, and honestly it was just something to do.

 He responded to the request for protection. Just a quick email and text message that he was provisionally interested in at least a short term contract with them for his services as a protector. After a few minutes he got a text back saying that they needed to see his skills before they committed to hiring him, but gave him a time, date, and place within the shelter to meet up and see if he could qualify for the position. The date was six days away. Lux confirmed that he would be there then sat back to think.

 There was no way that he could show up in his Sacred-Blood beetle armor. And defend a newbie. The name Lux had already made the rounds as a mysterious figure within the Steel Armor Shelter and Son of Heavens gang was on the lookout for Lux in his iconic golden armor. And showing up as the legendary Ass Freak would cause some major issues for him if he used beast souls because of the image that people had of him and the fact that Son of Heavens gang would probably try, key word, try, to bully him into giving up any beast soul that he showed off.

 Lux had so far managed to maintain the lowest of keys. He wasn't standing out at all to anyone except one pretty girl who had an odd hate boner for him. So, showing off at all would not be suitable for Lux going forward. He wanted to avoid attention until he was strong enough to face at least Demi-Gods. Those who had undergone their third evolution and risen to the 4th Sanctuary. Before then, Lux really didn't want to stick his head up too far. Mainly because he didn't want to end up in a government or private sector lab somewhere for thousands of years while they try and figure out how he was immortal. Han Sen's only secret had been the Super Genes and the Black Crystal really. Lux had immortality on top of that and [Machine Learning] accelerating his ability to grow. If he stuck out and drew the attention of someone that he couldn't escape from and couldn't compete with, Lux would have to completely abandon the Alliance and hide out in the Sanctuaries until he evolved out into the 5th sanctuary which was the home of the alliance. At that point he'd be pretty set, but that would condemn Lux to probably more than a decade of fleeing and living in the wilderness. Call him petty, but he liked the creature comforts of modern society and was reluctant to go completely wild man when all he had to do was just not stand out.

 In keeping with not standing out too much, Lux figured buying a mundane weapon that would be helpful would be good enough. He couldn't go with a spear because showing off his advanced martial prowess with the weapon would bring too much attention. So, Lux figured he might as well go with a Bow and arrow. He was already decently skilled with a bow. A sort of natural talent with them if you will. But he didn't have any special techniques or skills with a bow, he was just a good shot.

 So after another perusal of the web Lux found a bow being sold second hand that was rated those with a physical fitness score of at least 7.0. 10.0 is the minimum that someone would reach when they maxed out both Ordinary and Primitive geno points. So, Han Sen being able to handle the bow wouldn't stretch disbelief too far for anyone who was paying attention.

 Lux made a few purchases, the bow and two quivers of arrows. He got some ultra cheep ones to go practice with. And a quiver full of 'relatively cheap' Z-steel alloy arrows that were bottom of the barrel when it came to z-steel alloy weaponry, but good enough to do damage to Mutant creatures in the first sanctuary.

 With all of that purchased, and the bow in the mail, Lux decided to take a rest of the time before his upcoming babysitting job to practice Ghosthaunt and The Seven Deadly Thrusts.

 When the bow and arrows were delivered, Lux tested out the bow with the super cheap arrows. The bow's draw weight was something that a normal human would never be able to draw. But for Lux it was just a decent draw that would tire him out if he had to continually loose arrows for hours on end.

 Honestly Lux wasn't sure why he was even trying to make a little extra money. But hunting solo was pretty boring when he was just running into the same creatures. But there was no way that he was leaving the shelter for at least a year. Until he had made his Swift Mantis turn into a Super Creature and gotten himself a super weapon, Lux was not going to be doing anything crazy. He had actually been preparing for the time that the swift mantis reached that point by preopening a hole in its shell that was non-lethal but would give him access to its organs even after it reached the Super rank. That way he would be able to kill it even if its shell ended up becoming impervious to anything that he could do.

 Anyway, practice and the day of the job came around. It was time to meet the money bags clients. Lux had the quiver of good arrows secured firmly off his hip, the way quivers were meant to be worn by the way, and his new bow in hand as he teleported to the sanctuary and headed towards the meetup point.

 Upon arrival he found a crowd of a few dozen people who had all come for the same job interview… Lux didn't want trouble, so he turned his ass around and left. This wasn't going to work. He was just going to go outside the shelter and kill beasts with his bow.

 So that is exactly what he did, Lux pretty much marched out of the Shelter ignoring hecklers like usual and headed into the sparse forest of to the side of the city. The only things here were the Primitive and Ordinary Green-Scaled Beasts, but that was all he really cared about right now. He just wanted to let loose in a storm of arrows.

 And he absolutely did let loose. His archery skills became more and more refined as he started taking shots through the narrowest of gaps in the trees and striking vital points of the creatures. Once the Green-Scaled beasts became boring, Lux headed over to area where the Swallows tended flock. People didn't like hunting these things because they just fled and were lightning quick. Lux had found that it was pretty easy to hunt them with just a knife if you were patient and moved slowly. He had quite easily killed over a hundred of these things through ambush tactics with just a dagger. With a bow though? He was aiming for it to be a challenge.

 Lux spent a good ten hours that day visiting the various hunting grounds near the Shelter and downing creature after creature from afar. Lux could say with certainty that he very much enjoyed using the bow. If he could get ahold of a Super Arrow and a Super Bow… he probably would end up being the Skyrim stealth archer. Able to kill dragons with a single arrow from a hundred miles away. Lux chuckled at that thought.

 Even as the darkness of night approached, it was no hinderance to Lux. But he was getting pretty bored and decided to head back home for the day.


 What Lux didn't know is that he was followed on his little hunting spree by one of Qin Xuans lackeys who had reported Lux's extraordinary archery capabilities to Qin Xuan only about an hour before Lux decided to leave for home.


 When Lux arrived at the gates of the Shelter ready to turn in for the night, he found someone unexpected waiting for him alongside several of her subordinates. "Han Sen. Come with me." She commanded. Lux was pretty sure that he could just ignore her and leave without any true repercussions… except she would probably beat him within an inch of his life the next time she caught him at the teleportation station.

 "What is it? I'm headed home for the day. Can it wait until tomorrow?" Lux asked.

 Qin Xuan paused for a moment at that and gave it some thought before shaking her head, "I'd rather get this out of the way sooner than later."

 Lux was actually a little curious as to what she wanted. She didn't have the usual hate boner going on. Maybe she finally realized that what she really needed some of his vitamin D… 'Fat chance of that, but a guy can dream.' Lux thought to himself as he followed Qin Xuan to an empty building within the Shelter.

 "So what was so important that it can't wait?" Lux asked.

 "I want you to join Bullseye" she said.

 Bullseye was Qin Xuan's little gang. Well… not so little. And not really a gang so much as a sponsored recruitment unit for whatever sector of the military she actually worked for.

 "As you probably already know, most of those under me are more closely related to the military because of their ties with me. Bullseye is technically mine and not part of the military, but because I am trusted, my recommendations go a long way in getting people into military schools of their choice. Your talent in archery could easily bridge any gap that my recommendation on fills partially." Qin Xuan explained.

 "I have no intention of going to a military school though./?" Lux half stated half asked.

 Qin Xuan looked almost offended by the mere idea of not going to a military school. One could think of the military school as a different kind of college that would get a lot of networking done with people who both are important and who will be important in the Alliance military.

 "But without a military school education alongside an Aristocratic title you will only amount to an ordinary grunt once you reach conscription age. If you don't go into a military school the highest, you could ever hope to be placed would be NCO. Becoming an officer is like… the ticket to success. Grunts just get pushed through the meat grinder, Officers actually get further training and opportunities that others don't. Why wouldn't you apply to a military school?" Qin Xuan had a combination of exasperation and consternation displayed on her face.

 Lux had already done his research on this subject, that is why he didn't really care about actually joining a military school. He intended to become an Aristocrat, which was a title earned by individuals who managed to max out Ordinary, Primitive, and Mutant geno points at a minimum. Though going a step further and maxing out your Sacred-Blood geno points before evolving to the 2nd sanctuary earned you a higher rank. Aristocrats were already treated as officers from the get-go going into the military. Though of course those who went through the military academies had a leg up because of networking, just being an aristocrat was good enough for Lux.

 "Umm… look, can we talk about this some other time? Maybe over dinner or something?" Lux asked.

 "No." she said.

 "Fine. I'm not going to a military school. I have other plans. What do I get if I join you little gang? Mind you I don't want to join because I value my freedom." Lux asked.

 "Well, for starters you get to be a part of my gang. That's benefit enough for the majority of people to come running. Secondly, I can use a little weight to stop Son of Heavens guys from targeting you anymore. Which if you haven't heard the rumors, will probably save your life." Qin Xuan said smugly.

 "How so?" Lux asked, genuinely confused.

 "Son of Heaven seems to be convinced that you are working with that Lux guy who keeps interfering with his plans." Qin Xuan shrugged, "last I heard his guys were supposed to tail you till they found out who and where he is."

 Lux paused at that, "What about the rumors that are about to start about us? Doesn't that bother you?"

 "What rumors?" it was Qin Xuan's turn to be confused.

 "Well, you just quite openly invited the notorious Ass Freak into a building completely alone. People are bound to talk." Lux pointed out.

 She waved it off that didn't faze her. Lux wasn't convinced about joining her, he could always just move to another shelter, as irritating of an ordeal as that would be he could do it. But then he had a thought. Qin Xuan's Bullseye gang had quite the information network within and without the shelter. He could probably use that to his advantage and get ahold of more Mutant and Sacred-Blood creatures.

 "Fine I'll join your little gang." Lux sighed, "I'm going home now though. I'm tired."


 Qin Xuan watched Han Sen leave. "Stationmaster, why did you recruit a guy like him? He's not Bullseye material at all." A woman the same age as Qin Xuan said as she entered the room.

 "Trust me Manli. He has some incredible potential. You will see in time." Qin Xuan told her friend.

 Qin Xuan was probably the only person who had truly realized how much potential Han Sen had. She actually had to take sparing with him seriously after only a week. He had grown in skill and even strength over that time at a pace that was actually almost frightening. Now he was demonstrating incredible talent with the bow. That particular bow required a minimum fitness of 7.0. But to use it like he had been hunting, Han Sen was probably around a 10.0 on the scale, maybe just above that. Which meant that he was already in line to become an Aristocrat no matter what. Then there was how fast Han Sen had learned. The first time she's fought with him, he hadn't even known a martial art. Now? He was practically a seasoned veteran of whatever weird style he was learning. Then, there was the fact that he was completely unbothered by the entire situation he was in. He didn't seem to care that no one in the Shelter would associate with him, he didn't seem to care that Qin Xuan still won every match, he just kept on getting back up and continuing as if nothing was wrong. He was definitely someone that she wanted to turn to her side.


 Lux wasn't sure how he found himself in this particular situation. After getting home, Lou Sulan asked that he help her out the next day by taking Han Yan to school for her. Lux didn't have a problem with doing that, he got directions to Saint Paul's which was basically the premier private school on planet Roca, which is where Han Yan was going to school now. But right now, he found himself holding his uncle's arm in a lock that was extremely painful.

 Lux had already delivered Han Yan to her class at that point, when he ran into his uncle who tried to extort him for money for some ungodly stupid reason. Lux, knowing that the child that his uncle had brought to the school was not one of his official cousins, had recorded his uncle with his illegitimate child which resulted in his uncle attacking him.

 After that was settled, Lux walked away from the encounter 100k richer than he had been. With the blackmail material still in hand. He was totally planning on telling his aunt surreptitiously to ruin that marriage. Fuck those greedy sub-human bastards that are Han Sen's extended family. It's like they had been infected by the full brain rot of the skibussy.

 Leaving the school and heading back home, Lux paused as he walked past a private Fitness level testing center. Lux didn't actually know where he ranked on the scale. He paid extra in the testing center to have a completely private setup. Otherwise, people would be able to watch him on the monitors of the basic testing chambers. The fully private testing didn't give any information to the facility staff, it would just print out a certificate for you that ranked everything.

 Lux went through the battery of tests two times. One time using beast souls to see where he sat in terms of pure combat readiness, the other time without beast souls and completely using only his normal physical capabilities.

 The physical fitness test ran one through a gambit that measured over 100 different aspects of the body. From toughness and organ functionality to reflexes and eyesight. Lux was actually impressed by the variety. At the end of his double testing, Lux got two certificates with a readout. On his first run through without beast using beast souls, his overall score put him at a physical fitness rating of 10.0 on the dot. Which was a little lower than he had thought it would be. But using his Beast Souls he scored 13.5 between being transformed by his Bloody Slayer Beast Soul and his armor. Which was incredibly impressive. The average person who managed to completely max out Ordinary, Primitive, Mutant, and Sacred-Blood Geno points would score a 15 on the index pretty consistently. For those practicing a good Hyper Geno Art they could stretch that up to 17 or 18 which was generally considered the maximum limit for unevolved humans.

 Lux was fairly certain that between all of what he planned to do, Hyper Geno Arts, and maxing out Super Geno points, his physical fitness level would be around 30 before he evolved. And that was assuming that he didn't find and consume plants that gave him ridiculous buffs along the way. He had managed to collect even more buffs during the hunt where he met Beifeng.

Name: Lux Luxor

Title: The Immortal

Traits: [Adaptive Regeneration] [True Sight] [Machine Learning] (3/9)

Skills: [Jadeskin: Sacred-Blood], [Ghosthaunt: Mutant], [The Seven Deadly Thrusts: Mutant], [Intent Concealment: Innate], [Hand To Hand Combat Mastery: Ordinary], [Weapon Combat Matery: Ordinary], [Martial Arts Understanding: Ordinary], [Hyper Geno Arts Understanding: unranked], [See Full List*]

Active Buffs: [Satiated], [Quenched], [Shapeshifting Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Poison Beast Soul Enhancement], [Arrow Type Beast Soul Enhancement], [Recovery Enhancement], [Pet Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Armor Type Beast Soul Enhancement], [Pet Type Beast Soul Enhancer], [Arrow Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Armor Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [Bow Type Beast Soul Nurturing], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???], [???]

Deleted Debuff log: See list…

 Lux was probably the happiest about the nurturing type buffs. He still didn't know how fast they were, but he was hoping that it would soon show its worth. The rate at which his beast souls got nurtured was something that he couldn't predict. But between the enhancements and nurturing buffs, Lux was hopeful that he could potentially hit the point where he had a full compliment of Super beast souls. Lux was well on his way to becoming OP. Technically he was already there. But it wasn't like he could flex it yet, he was an OP baby, he needed to at least get OP toddler status before he started flexing.

 One thing that Lux had found interesting was that he had gained the Bow, Arrow and Armor nurturing buffs in areas where beasts who dropped those specific kinds of beast souls liked to graze. Leading Lux to theorize that these plants were literally designed for those particular creatures to enhance and nourish them. It made sense. Lux may be extracting effects from the plants that were meant for the beasts themselves.

 Lux was feeling pretty good about himself after the physical fitness index test. He had no clue what would be happening over the next several years, but he was pretty sure that sooner rather than later he was going to be at the top of the unevolved ranks.

 Lux's musings were interrupted by a commlink call from a number that he didn't recognize.