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While Fury and the system were busy creating the battle card those mercenaries already caught up with them , after which they saw what Fury did with the dragon " Hey, who are you and what did you do the dragon.... answer me " a man who was a member of the mercenaries, with a greatsword strapped behind him spoke harshly. Seeing a strange kid out of nowhere , turning a dragon into a slip is not something you see everyday so he increased his vigilance his green eyes locked on Fury.

Fury stood still startled, not listening to what the man said " Umm system what should I do " Fury asked as he couldn't think of what to do

[ System suggest that you run? ]

The voice suggested " Oh yeah " Fury remembered as he was startled by the mercenaries he couldn't think straight.

Fury ran into the forest at his ultimate speed trying to stay as far from the mercenaries as possible but, however those mercenaries reacted faster chasing him immediately

" hey kid we're your friends, we ain't gonna hurt ya , we just wanna know what ya did to the dragon... that's all so stop ya running " said another member with a cowboy accent, But Fury was not dumb enough to stop running instead he ran more desperately like his life depended on it .

Gotcha! one member who was close to Fury stretched his hand wanting to grab him by the collar but Fury already saw it coming so he dodged the hand sending a punch to it making that member nearly tripping over.


" Ahhh F*ck ! this kid fist broke my fingers be careful his hands are like metals, he's just a kid but how can his fist be that strong " the member screamed warning the others who were shocked, the corner of his eyes twitched as he gritted his teeth enduring the pain.

Fury kept on running but he was also amazed at his strength but his speed still slow as the mercenaries were catching up to him " System is there a speed enhancement skill or anything that can help me escape from here.

[ Yes there is, available in the store and the store is locked but .... ]

Fury cut off the system speech as it was talking too slow " so what do I do I need to get out of here, tell me something useful, or are you trying to get me killed here " Fury yelled dodging the arms that have been trying to grab him and confusing the mercenaries as they wondered who he was talking to.

[ You can borrow energy from your new summoning battle card ]

Immediately doing some hand signs the dragon summoning card appeared in his hand, a bright blue mist flowed from between his eyebrows into the card " DRAGON CARD UNLEASHED!, BLOOD WINGS! Suddenly a fiery red light enveloped him , two blood red fiery wings sprout out behind him increasing his speed ten times stunning the mercenaries most mouth were widely open. " Ahhhh! " a member who was close to Fury screamed in pain, his face was painted by the flames emitted from the pair of wings, disfiguring his face badly.


Fury vanished leaving behind him numerous shreds of fiery afterimages before finally losing the chasing mecenaries " that kid is really strange, and he just used the foreign energy what type of energy is that? "the leader of the mercenaries pondered. " QUICK! I want a background check on that kid as soon as possible, and I hope it's not what I'm thinking, is he from the coscroll clan " the leader said worriedly as he looked up.

Miles away from the mercenaries a red light silhouette dashing through the forest with an unbelievable speed came to a stop .

Pant Pant Pant

Obviously this red light silhouette was Fury. Fury was drenched in sweat as he was panting hard " fuck that was way too intense " Fury scanned his surroundings after which he saw he was alone did he finally calmed down, deactivating the wings bringing out the dragon card then a mini version of the dragon came out of the card " Did we lose them? Zed said with worry in his voice, also scanning the surroundings before he let his guard down " Dude who were those people and what do they want from me" Zed spoke innocently like a five year old kid forgetting his dragon accent . Obviously to experiment on you.... wait.... " Fury paused realising something while staring at the dragon.

Shocked Fury stared at the dragon who sounded like a dragon warrior moments ago now speaking like a innocent kid " you.... you are asking what do they want from you really? " Fury asked looking at the dragon as if looking at an idiot, you are a dragon and a group of mercenaries are chasing you and you don't know why who wouldn't figure this out even a five year old kid... how old are you , weren't you just speaking like" Fury asked as he was confused " Nah I did that to make myself look matured so people don't realise that I'm just a five thousands years old dragon

" What, you say you're five thousands years old like you're five years old " Fury said smilingly " Don't you know that dragon age are measured in thousand years? " Zed spoke with pride. " shit we have to go back home Fury said seeing it was almost susetrunning off while the mini Zed stood on his shoulder criticizing Fury for being weak and running slow but Fury ignored him and just kept on running.

Back in the forest

"Sir I found out that his parents are low occupation holders, his dad is a city guard while his mom is a chemist at the city medic organisation, nothing suspicious about them ".

However Fury arrived home bringing few hunted minor beasts "Fury, did you hunt the entire forest, this will be enough for 3 months " Jake said looking at Fury's catches a pair of star rabbit, " Fury dear bring them let me cook them don't worry you'll get the biggest share " Emma said smilingly . " Don't forget you're starting school tomorrow so make sure you get enough sleep. okay?" Emma reminded. " Yes mom I will, now stop worry about me I will fine " Fury assured .

After dinner Fury continued the technique his father taught him after which loud roars began to increase becoming more deafinin


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