
Super Emperor System

James Zhang, a Chinese-British mix, found that his life changed dramatically. The Goddess of Luck seemingly took pity on his dull and ordinary life as he was suddenly got a cheat like system. "What?!! Do you tell me that my grandfather is actually a king and I'm his sole descendant?!!" Since then, the whole world changed in an unknown direction. An unknown feudal monarchy country surfaced its face again on the face of Earth. See how James turned a backward, weak, and small country into the superpower that surpassed the United States. --------------- This novel placed on the parallel world. If there was anything in this novel that was the same as our world, it was purely coincidental!!! Also, if anyone feels familiar with the setting of this novel, it was because a Chinese story inspired this. But it was only the idea, not plagiarism!!! If you already read my fanfic before, then you know what I'm talking about. The cover is not mine, I'm just taking it from google :)

Hartman · Sci-fi
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36 Chs

New City Plan

After two hours, all the robots finally finished digesting the entire Internet content. Subsenquently, each of them began to change their body appearance under James's order. Two robots that would be the bodyguard of Madison and Xiao Yan took the appearance of the female, while the rest remained the same with some little change on their facial features.

Then, James waited for a while before he heard the door of his office knocked. After he responded, the door opened and revealed the figure he was waiting for, Yang Feng.

Yang Feng surprised as he saw ten unfamiliar figures in front of James. But that's not what surprised him, instead, he was feeling a dangerous atmosphere from all of them, even the two women! He never doubted his instinct as usually it always right. Moreover, just from his intuition, he felt he couldn't even beat one of them!

"Your Majesty, these people...?" Yang Feng asked hesitantly. Although he knew these peoples mean no harm, but he still instinctively raised his guard.

"General Yang, let me introduce these people to you. I recruit all of these people from all over the world, five of them will serve as the instructor of the Army while I have another use for the rest of them.

Each of these people was elite in elite, even the ace of the elite! Don't ask me where I recruit them from, but they are very trustworthy so that you can rest assured. All of them can speak both Chinese and English, so don't worry about the language problem. And oh yeah, the Sacred Medicine is inside all of that boxes." James said casually as he leaned back against the chair. He also quietly stared into Yang Feng as he felt his aura was stronger than usual.

[Name: Yang Feng

Position: General of the Army of the Kingdom of Lannister

Loyalty: 97

Life Intensity: 4.99 (1 is the average adult human)

Life Expectancy: 43/118

Comprehensive Ability: 88

Outstanding Ability: Military 93]

Yang Feng just nodded as he didn't even doubt James's word. Then he walked into the place where all of the boxes stacked and opened one of them. He then saw the boxes full of a syringe with the blue fluid inside of them.

He clenched his fist as he knew what all of this 'Sacred Medicine' significance to the Army. He already used the one that was given by James last night, and oh..... He never felt so powerful in his life! He felt his strength was almost doubled, and he knew the horror of it. After all, his power itself already 3x stronger than normal men.

'Your Majesty, I will never disappoint your entrustment!' Yang Feng swore inside his heart.

Then, after another small talk, Yang Feng led 5 of the man out of the office along with the 'Sacred Medicine'. Not long after Yang Feng left, James also left along with the rest of the robots.


"Your Majesty, I just want to inform you about this problem. But since Your Majesty already know about it, the old minister then relieved." Zhou Huang said. He was one of the supervisor for the entire kingdom construction.

"So, what your suggestion to fix this problem? I don't want just because of this, our grand plan delayed or even hindered!" James asked.

"I suggest we build a temporary dormitory for the foreign worker. At present, most of the 10,000 workers live in a temporary tent. At this rate, when more of the foreign workers come in, we don't even have a place for them to live on.

So the construction of the dormitory is the immediate priority. We can build the dormitory at the Chang Ping district. The security issue also must be considered. We must not wait until a case happens, it's better if we can prevent it.

There is also...." Zhou Huang elaborated on most of the imminent problems that the Kingdom faced on. James nodded satisfyingly as Zhou Huang was a competent minister. He then gave the authority to solve all of the problems to Zhou Huang.


Chang Ping District was a relatively flat landscape that spanned across 4 km2 at the east side of the King Island. This district was sparsely populated as only 1 village with a population around 1,000 people live here. Most of the land was still in its original shape while only a small part used as farm land.

After an intensive discussion with many of his subordinate, James decided he would build a modern city here. This district position was very strategic as it wasn't far from the Capital city, the Chang'an Port, and the soon built Airport. This modern city would serve as the Economic Capital while the Chang'an City served as the Political Capital.

The budget for the city phase one was a minimum $10 Billion with no upper limit. This city would take many famous city like Hong Kong, Shang Hai, New York, as the reference. But as the budget already a little stretched for now, only the residence area would build first.

When this news came out, many construction company wanted to take a slice from this mega project. After all, this was a city we talking about. After reached an agreement with many construction company, the construction started.

Eight 50 Story building simultaneously built at the same time. With a huge fund as support and time requirement, the construction went 24/7.

I honestly confused about how to build a city. I took many references from internet, novel, and my own deduction. So please forgive me if many of the process was illogical or wrong.

And oh yeah, please help me to pick a name for this city. I'm bad at giving name, so help me.....

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