
Super Electric Eel Avatar

Because of an accident, Chen Fan obtained the power to possess an electric eel! Of course, being an ambitious guy, Chen Fan just HAD to explore his Electric Eel Avatar thoroughly! Captains, are the Somali pirates still giving you a headache? Come and hire me online, and I will guarantee that your ship will be even safer than protected by an American aircraft carrier!

Xia Zhong Cang Jian · Urban
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267 Chs

Reduce Your Time to Consider

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

No detailed patterns were seen in the panoramic photo. Only the small black dot in the center was evident.

The high-resolution digital photos were quickly magnified by the staff. A group of bespectacled team members stared at the monitor wanting to see what it was.

As the dot grew, the group held their breath.




"It's... It's like a rock." Sonnenfeldt rubbed his chin. The coordinates of the signal captured by the satellite could not possibly be wrong, so why did they find only this?

"It should be rocks!" Minister Earl pushed up the spectacles on the bridge of his nose. The satellite took pictures at a 90-degree angle. The wave-like concave line was definitely rocks.

"Continue to zoom in, and then use the image polarizing stereo software to analyze if there are any camouflage tents hidden in it."