
Super Dojo

Synopsis A thousand years ago, monsters appeared out of nowhere on Earth and almost annihilated humanity. However, humans found a way to defend themselves against the monsters by using magic. Since then, the age of magic started and humans managed to defend themselves from the monsters and prevented humanity from extinction. A thousand years later, many developments happened and the monsters were not a huge threat anymore. Among many of the developments was space and dimensional travel. Strong humans started setting out from Earth either to space or the other dimension to become stronger. Kyle was a 20 years old man and his family ran a small magic book shop. However, a few weeks ago, Kyle’s parents passed away. Kyle was a college student and had no time to attend the shop. He decided to close the shop and made his decision on what to do with the shop after he graduates. While cleaning the shop, Kyle found a weird magic book and he accidentally got himself the Dojo System. With the Dojo System, Kyle wanted to make the best dojo in the universe.

SourMango77 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 - I am Dodo

Chapter 3 – I am Dodo

[Congratulations, Master! The dojo system which is me now belongs to you]

Once Kyle heard that mechanical voice, he stopped on his tracks. "That does not sound appealing," said Kyle.

[Hahaha, I know you are angry at me master but I assure you that my power is useful to you] said the dojo system. [Also, if you realize it, your emotion is now better than earlier, right? That is the fault of my power. I apologize to you master]

"So, I got agitated the past few days because of you? Is that some kind of side effect?" Hanz was now calmer than a few days ago. He could feel the change because the anger happened abruptly before and even if he tried to stay calm, he could not. However, he could easily control his emotions as he was used to.

[I apologize again and it is indeed a side effect. Not because of the power but because of the process of integrating with my power. The time that is needed to integrate with my power is supposed to be three days and at most five. However, Master's body is too weak and it takes longer to integrate] said the dojo system.

The dojo system managed to confirm many things when he finally got access to the system's power. One of the things he confirmed was that his power was not powerful or anything that caused the side effects but it was because Kyle was weak.

He was disappointed that he was not powerful but he was happy to find out that he was not fully responsible for the cause of the pain Kyle suffered.

"So… is the side effect permanent? Since I feel fine now so it is not permanent but will there be any residue or something similar?" Kyle asked as he was worried about his body. The experience of getting mad without any valid reason was not a good feeling. He was afraid that he might get angry easily in the future.

[Wait a second, Master. I will check it for you] said the dojo system.

'So, one of his abilities is to check my body… Well, if he can even enter me forcefully through… that part, it is not impossible to check on my body,' thought Kyle and he decided to get back to his room while waiting for the results from the dojo system.

Kyle opened the door to his room and once he opened the door, the first sight that caught his eyes was his bed. "Haaaa~~ how long has it been?" Kyle's face brightened. He ran towards his bed and jumped on it.

His body landed on top of the soft and fluffy bed. Kyle hugged his pillow and took a deep breath of the scent of the pillow. "Hah~ Nothing smells better than my body smell, kekeke," Kyle said a nonsense thing as he was too happy that he got to lie down on his bed.

[Body check finish. Master, congratulations. Master's body is fine. No damage is found. Master can rest assured] said the dojo system.

"That is good then," Kyle felt relief. "By the way, what are you? You can tell me now, right? Also, you said about 'your power' so, why are you in my body?" Kyle asked all the questions he wanted an answer from the dojo system. "Ah, before I forget, don't call me 'master', I don't like it. It sounds weird. Just call my name," said Kyle.

[But master, you are my master. It is rude of me to call your name like that] said the dojo system. Kyle stared blankly at his pillow.

"Yeah~ it is rude of you calling my name and then, you force yourself on me. Now that I think about it, why me?" Kyle was unsatisfied with the way the dojo system did things.

[Urmm… About that, Kyle, I am not the one forcing myself on you but the power itself does that?] said the dojo system. He was bent on not calling Kyle by name but he easily did it and that irked Kyle a bit.

"Isn't your power yours? So, you are the one forcing it on me," said Kyle.

[Before the dojo system integrates with you, the power is not mine yet… or rather it is easier for me to say that even right now, the power is not mine, it is yours. I am more like the manager of this dojo system. Your helper or slave if I must say] said the dojo system.

"Then, you and the dojo system are two separate things… or entity?" Kyle asked as it was now more confusing than before. He thought that they were the same but from the way the dojo system said, it looked like he was wrong.

[Urm… It is hard to explain. This power and me are the same and not separate but we are separated at the beginning?] said the dojo system and it looked like he got confused too until he said another thing, [Anyway, me and this power is here to assist you with whatever you wants to do using this power]

"Okay…" Kyle was not satisfied with the answer. He decided to let it go and made his conclusion that the power was the power and the voice was the consciousness of the power. He needed more information for the conclusion and asked, "Are the dojo system the same as those cheat power system I read in novels"

[Yes, Kyle. It is similar] said the dojo system.

"Then, with this dojo system, will I be the strongest person in the multiverse?" Kyle asked because the result of the main characters with systems from the novels would be the god, deity, immortal, or whatever was the strongest in the story.

[Unfortunately, no, because Kyle, you are not the only one with the system. There are many others with system power in their body in the multiverse and from the knowledge I have, I am the 432nd system in the multiverse] said the system, and Kyle was shocked.

"For real? So many system users?" Kyle asked the system again and continued, "How can there be so many systems? Are they the same as you?"

[No. We are all different. Each of us has different functions] said the dojo system and he continued [Why so many of us? The only thing I know is that we are created naturally by the law of the multiverse. As for the purpose of our power, it is to help our master and in my case, helping you, Kyle]

"Ah… is that so?" Kyle suddenly felt suspicious of all of these systems. He remembered reading a novel where a tree was giving these system powers left and right for the results be the system consumed the host's soul and took over the host's body.

There was also a system he read in a novel that was created by a clan where it contained the minds of everyone in the clan and tried to lead the main characters to the wrong path of power. There were also many other system stories where their purpose of power was shady and mysterious to end up being the bad guys in the end.

However, with many of those systems stories, there were also good systems. The systems without any scheme would usually be those that were given by the goddess or god of that world to defeat the demon king or a power that the humans got from cross travel to another world. All those types of systems would usually be the good ones.

[I know what you are thinking Kyle. Don't worry, we are not like that at all. I am not a child of a tree or the baddie like those stories. Our purpose is to help our master. We are not born due to someone but from the law of the universe. I know you will not believe me but all the other systems users are alive and well]

[Many died but that was because they met a strong enemy or died of old age] said the dojo system. [Those that are still alive is usually at the top of their career and all of them used the power of the system without much worry]

"Okay then. I asked earlier why me? I remembered that before the white book melted, you said 'condition met'. What is this condition?" Kyle asked. He was not a magician. He was a normal human and he became an orphan a few weeks ago. There was nothing special about him.

He was not reincarnated, died of wrongful death, hit by the white truck, living like a saint, having a powerful ancestor or something unordinary like that. He was seriously a normal human.

[The condition is simply you reading the whole book] said the dojo system.

"Huh?? I don't even understand any words of it, so, how is it possible for me to read that book? I did look through page by page but I am not reading it," said Kyle as he found it weird.

Was not 'reading' meant to be able to read the words? Even if someone cannot understand the meaning, he was still reading the words. However, Kyle not only did not understand the meaning but he cannot read the book too as the letters were unfamiliar to him.

[You skimmed through the book and saw every word written on it, so that counts as reading the book to us] said the dojo system.

"Ah, ok then… Anyway, what is the book trying to say?" Kyle was curious.

[It is related to the system power. All the functions the system has] said the dojo system. Kyle nodded and he wondered if the other system users could read the book too and the dojo system read his mind and answered, [None of you able to understand the book]

"Oh, I guess I am not the only stupid one," said Kyle and he thought of more things he wanted to ask and he got a question. "By the way, are all the system users going through the same process as me?" When he remembered what happened to him, he was not in a good mood.

[Kyle, you and the others are not our users but our master] the dojo system corrected Kyle and he continued, [As for your question, yes, they went through the exact process as you, though they finish earlier than you]

Kyle's mood lightened and thought, 'Ah, I am not the only one. They went through hell too,' and he giggled. Though he was not in pain or something, thinking of the white liquid entering from his back and mouth was not a good experience.

"Then, why are you in my basement? How did you get there? Also, how can you shapeshift to me?" Kyle asked the dojo system.

[At that time, I was just being created by the law. You can consider me as a one-minute newborn when you first saw me. The system has no fixed place when they are born and they will appear anywhere possible. In someone's house, in a toilet, underground, in the air, space, anywhere is possible]

[As for me shapeshift into you, that is part of the power of the system. This power can only be used once and it is during the integration process. As you already know, you are vulnerable during the integration process and as your worker or slave, we have to protect you and that is how I can shapeshift to you, Kyle]

Kyle nodded and he understood.

"Well then, I don't think I have any more questions I want to ask," said Kyle while hugging his pillow and he thought of something, "What is your name?" Kyle did not know the dojo system's consciousness name.

[I am a newborn, so I don't have any name. As my master, you need to give me one] said the dojo system.

"Hmm~ a name for you… How about Jojo? Wait, no, this name is too popular because of that one anime. If I name you this, they will keep saying I am referencing that anime. Let's choose another name…" Kyle was thinking deeply.

The dojo system felt like it would be a good name because Kyle was considerate enough to not call him a popular name like Jojo and thought deeply of a better name for him. He felt touched by the way his master acted.

"I have the perfect name for you! Since you are the dojo system, if I take the 'do' from the 'dojo' and add some letters next to that, it will be super amazing!" Kyle said that excitedly and the dojo system got excited. [What is it? What is it? Give me the best name Kyle!]

"Your name will be Dodo! This name is perfect for you," said Kyle with confidence.

[…] the dojo system fell silent for a few seconds and said, [Thank you, Kyle. That is the 'perfect' name for me] Dodo grumbled by himself, [Jojo sounds better. At least it is popular. What the heck with Dodo? I am not a bird]

"Hohoho, I knew my naming sense is perfect," said Kyle while laughing but the truth was that he wanted some revenge towards Dodo. He still felt sour with what had happened during the integration process and he was satisfied with this revenge.

[Okay then, let's move on with all of these. Time for me to explain what my power is capable of] said Dodo.

However, Kyle raised his hand to stop Dodo and said, "Let's wait for tomorrow. I want to sleep right now. It's been a while since I slept on my bed." Kyle was tired physically and mentally. He was not a magician and he was not the type of person who likes to exercise, so he felt tired easily.

[Okay then, we will continue tomorrow] said Dodo and he went silent immediately. Kyle nodded and closed his eyes. Once he had closed his eyes, fatigue came immediately and he fell asleep without much problem.

Time went on and a few hours later, it was morning.

11th day, Summer 3rd month, year 3020.

"Krugh~ phiew~ krugh~ phiew~" Kyle was snoring loudly due to fatigue and he had been sleeping without waking up once that night. His position on the bed was really funny. He was like a kid where he pushed away all the pillows and bedsheets away from him.

[I wonder who will want to marry him in the future] thought Dodo. Though Dodo has emotions like humans (something that he got after the integration finished) he did not need to sleep. He had been awake all this time and he had seen all the bad posture Kyle showed while sleeping.

Dodo wondered if there would be any woman who wanted to sleep with that kind of man where they loved kicking when sleeping. [Maybe I should fix that sleeping habit when we become stronger] thought Dodo. All he thought was for the better of his master, Kyle.

"Teet! Teet! Teet! Teet!" Kyle's alarm rang and he frowned. He extended his arm and tried to reach the alarm clock. Kyle turned off the alarm clock and slowly opened his eyes.

"Is it morning already?" Kyle said and he stretched his body and said, "What a nightmare… I found a white book, it melted and turned me to a statue… then, I got the cheat system thingy. Haha, I am not some kind of a main character in a novel," said Kyle.

"I guess the death of mom and dad affects me that much that I dream of all those things I read in a novel," said Kyle.

[…] Dodo was silent.

"Hah~ but that revenge is the most satisfying thing in the world. Dodo, pfft!" Kyle sniggered. "Now I know why there are many revenge stories and dramas. Revenge is the most satisfying thing," Kyle felt happy.

[…Damn. I didn't know you are that petty, Kyle (╬ Ò﹏Ó)]

"… So, it is not a dream," said Kyle and he felt awkward. Dodo was not like his friend where if he felt awkward, he could avoid him. Dodo was inside his body and thus, he would need to face the awkwardness.

"Urm… I stink, I need to take a shower," said Kyle as he was trying to run away from what he said earlier. Kyle took his towel and went to the bathroom.

[I am going to take your picture when you take your shower and post it online] said Dodo.

Kyle was stunned and he asked, "You can do something like that?"

[Figure it out yourself. You read the whole book anyway. Hmmph!] Dodo was mad.

"Ha-ha-ha… Dodo, I am sorry. Don't do that, how about I think of a better name for you? Don't take my naked picture," Kyle tried to bargain with Dodo.

[Too late. Once you give me a name, it cannot be changed] said Dodo and he continued [What are you worrying about? No one will even look at your naked picture. You are ugly. Your body is not in good shape too. Your peepee is small too, hmph!] Dodo was mad.

"… I admit my body is not in good shape but I am not that ugly," said Kyle and he looked at the mirror, "I am not that handsome but I am still good looking…" Kyle fell silent for a few seconds and he looked below.

"Mine is not small at all," said Kyle as he was a bit proud of himself.

[Hmph! There are people with bigger peepee than you] said Dodo, he did not want to lose.

"Well, mine is not small," Kyle did not want to lose and he realized that Dodo might not have the picture function and he was just mad at him and trying to mess around. 'What a kid,' thought Kyle.

[I am a baby] said Dodo.

"…My privacy," Kyle went for a shower and after that, he went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see a lot of food inside and they were all from Aunt Claudia. He took out the frozen curry and heated it.

While waiting for the curry, he wiped out the dusty table and cleaned whatever he could clean in the kitchen. After that, the curry was heated and he sat in front of the table and ate the curry with bread.

"Well then, Dodo, you can explain to me what you can do," said Kyle and munched on the bread that he had dipped on the curry.

thank you~

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