
Super Devouring System 1

After transcending to a new world, Ye Xuan miraculously obtained the Swallowing System. Not only could it swallow everything (wink wink nudge nudge), it could also extract bloodlines, martial arts, godly weapons, medicinal pills, treasures… “This (beer) is way too strong! Don’t challenge me! Do you believe that I can’t swallow your divine swords?”

the_gamer_8106 · Eastern
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Chapter 32: Double kill!

Only then did he kill a black man, but it was beyond the expectations of the other party to kill him. At this time, the black man was wary, so he could only come close.

Although Ye Zhang is the sixth peak of the martial arts, but the strength is still not to be underestimated, it is entangled with this black man for a while.

With the addition of Ye Xuan, the seventh martial artist of the pseudo-martial martial arts, this black man also felt tremendous pressure and was beaten by both of them.

"It is not a way to go on like this. This person is definitely a Chen family. If it is let go, then it is to return the tiger to the mountain..."

Ye Xuan thought about it, and then used two points to swallow the points, in exchange for a bursting Dan.

"Big, then, eat it, kill!"

Ye Xuan threw this explosive spirit to Ye Zhang. He himself has taken a bursting dan, so he can only give Ye Zhang. At that time, they are the seventh martial arts, and they can't solve this black man. ?

"it is good!"

Ye Zhang had no doubts and swallowed it directly. At that time, his spiritual strength also rose to a level.

He was shocked and laughed. "Haha, let's die!"

At this time, Ye Xuan and Ye Zhang are the seventh heavyweights of the martial arts. Although there are time limits, they are enough.

"Impossible, it turned out to be a bursting spirit, you can actually get the explosion of Dan!" The black man was also panicked and exclaimed.

"Haha, talk nonsense, give me to die!" Ye Zhang's morale rose, and his fists were full of strength. Under the auxiliary attack of Ye Xuan, he punched the black man's chest.

"good chance!"

At the same time as the black man flew out, Ye Xuan suddenly took out the black iron bow.

"Chaotic Star Arrow!"

A spiritual arrow shot out, and two of them were separated, and three arrows flashed through the body of the black man.

"Come once again, give me to die!"

Ye Xuan saw that he did not shoot the key, and immediately shot a chaotic star arrow. This time, the heart of the black man was directly pierced and instantly died.


The body of the black man fell to the ground and there was no life.

"Huh, good risk." Looking at the body of the black man, Ye Xuan exhaled a deep breath, and he did not expect Chen to actually kill the player in broad daylight.

At this time, Ye Zhang went up and took the black man's face towel.

"Sure enough, Chen family, is a family member of Chen family!" Ye Zhang finished, and quickly went to the black man who was shot by Ye Xuan before, and took off his face towel.

When Ye Zhang saw the face of the black man, his face became pale and pale.

This person is not a Chen family, but a Wu family!

"Damn, Chen Jia really joined forces with Wu Jia, this brother, you quickly return to Linjia to inform your family!" Ye Zhang hurriedly shouted at the injured Linjia guard.

As for the Lin Jia Guard who was attacked by the black man, he was dead, and he was murdered by the black man at that moment.

"it is good!"

The guard of the Lin family also understood the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly dragged the injured body back to the Lin family.

In this accident, Lin's family died of a martial art's sixth heavyweight, but Chen's and Wu's family each died a martial arts seventh. Presumably, this matter will soon be passed back to the two families.

Therefore, Ye Zhang must also return to Ye Family as soon as possible, and then organize the manpower to prevent another accident.

After Ye Zhang and Ye Xuan hurriedly returned to Ye Family, they also informed the master of the entire Ye family. Soon after, the family of the Lin family came with a lot of strong people.

"Ye Ge, Chen Jia and Wu Jia are too mad, and dare to start in the broad daylight, but also killed one of my Lin family's offerings, this hatred must be reported!"

In the lobby of Yejia, Lin Ming said very angrily.

"Yes, Chen Jia and Wu Jia also want to eradicate our two families. I am afraid that there will be big moves in the near future. It is better to do it first than we do!" Ye Zhang nodded.

Lin Mingyi said: "What do you mean by Ye Ye brother?"

"The two of us quickly attacked Chen's family. They first gave Chen's family aside and said that they would be caught off guard!" Ye Zhang witnessed the fierce light. If he is not Ye Xuan today, he will probably die in the other's hands.

Hearing this, Lin Ming also hesitated. He took a look at Ye Xuan. You must know that Ye Xuan Fang killed a martial arts seventh heavy weapon, and both Chen Jia and Wu Jia lost a martial art. The seventh heavy weapon, do not fight at this time, but when?

"Well, I will go back to collect the masters of my Lin family now, let's wash the Chen family!" Lin Ming nodded directly.

They discussed the plan, and then Lin Ming left in a hurry. Although Ye Xuan's martial arts were of no use, it was too late. If Chen and Wu were united, they would be passive. Get rid of one.

In less than ten minutes, Ye Jia is a master of hundreds of people, including Ye family and Ye Jia's offerings. Most of them are the fifth martial arts. Only a dozen people have reached the sixth martial arts. Heavy, in addition to this, is the fourth heavyweight of the four martial arts.

"Ye Xuan, after you sneak into the Chen family later, you will follow me and we will take you to the Chen family treasure house!" When leaving Ye Family, Ye Family's three elders are Ye Xuan.

Now Ye Xuan is already the sixth peak of Wudao. In Yejia, it is also the top force. As long as he breaks through once again, it is the seventh heavy weapon. This can greatly enhance the strength of Ye Family.

"Good." Ye Xuan nodded directly, he liked this treasure.

At this time, Ye Zhang and the four major tribes took out some things. The former said: "The battle of today is of the utmost importance, so those of us have also taken out the good things of the collection, and you will take them."

Ye Xuan's eyes lit up, he forgot that these people still have their own private money, he estimated that these add up to at least 10 million two silver.

He didn't have the feelings, he took them all in front of them.

"Hey, the host gets 12 points to swallow points!"

Twelve points to swallow points, plus his remaining seven points, is nineteen points to swallow points. At the moment, he changed five explosions to the four majors and Ye Zhang.

Chen's military strength in the middle of the seventh martial arts, in addition to three people, the black man who was killed by Ye Xuan, only two people left.

However, the four major families of Ye Family have a strong explosion, then their strength will be upgraded to a higher level. At the same time, the elders of the four elders will be able to temporarily break through to the seventh peak of the martial arts.

Coupled with the support of the Lin family, the Chen family is absolutely gone!

Ye Zhang looked at the time, and then he took the masters of Ye Family and rushed toward Chen.