
The Troublesome Family Strikes Again

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

At that moment, they were only three meters apart.

Unlike when he could only hear her voice over the phone earlier, Luke could now easily sense with his Mental Communication that this arrogant and harsh woman, who was well-known in New York's upper-class circle, really admired him.

He couldn't go ahead with his initial plan to sort this out with a few words.

Luke felt even stranger as they chatted.

Why did this Aurora sound like she was checking up on his background?

Why was she so interested in his education, work history, family background, and what he wanted in a future wife?

Luke wasn't interested in discussing his personal matters with this lady. He just laughed and said directly, "Mrs. Soderberg, did you call me here just to ask these questions?"

Aurora chuckled and took a sip of her black tea. "Luke, I just said that you can call me Aurora."

Luke said, "Okay, Aurora. Can you answer my question now?"