
Super Cup 13: When I make Fusions

A group of garbage pickers found an abandoned building, in ruins. There were no doors or windows, and weeds grew everywhere. Faced with the situation of abandonment, two young men entered the land and collected from there everything that seemed to have some value in the scrap market. Among other items, they took Some Caps without having any idea what it was about; these were not normal caps... Many died and others were lucky enough to control these Caps. Follow the journey of Zicco Sena and his friends in search of changing this tragedy and winning the Cap Cup.

Papagaio_Doutor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

You found the caps, but I sell it

While some were searching the rooms for anything valuable, two garbage collectors were talking to Josey.

"Hey boss, if we find something that could make us rich, what would you buy?"

When asked what he would buy, Josey became alert. He suspected that his colleagues were testing him with this question.

With a quick thought, he replied, "You don't need to worry. We haven't found anything yet, so focus on finding something to sell and let's get rich together."

The collectors might have questioned further, but their boss quickly went to search elsewhere.

"I'm in a hurry, folks. Let's find something quickly because there's a soccer game today, and I want to listen to it on my radio."

Each of them entered different rooms. However, the place Josey was heading to was where another collector was already present.

He didn't even notice the other person and just wanted to escape the situation. As he passed through the open door, he saw something that left him speechless.

The room was filled with beautiful caps—something he had never seen before, not even among the wealthy. Some caps sparkled as if they were encrusted with diamonds.

That's when he noticed another collector rummaging through a black bag. Josey didn't consider himself a person of good character, and seeing someone find something that could fetch a good price, he didn't hesitate.

He decided to take everything for himself, especially a cap that appeared to have a diamond.

The other collector didn't even have time to defend himself before receiving a kick to the head and falling to the ground.

"I'll finally be able to afford a decent meal today."

Josey paid no attention to the condition of the other collector. He quickly gathered the caps and stuffed them into the bag, wasting no time as he left the room.

His plan was to sell the caps quickly and become wealthy. The other collector wouldn't be able to complain since there was no proof that Josey had been the one to hit him.

Even if there were evidence, the collector was alive, and Josey would use his newfound wealth to protect himself from any retaliation.