
Chapter 21 Come back again

After completing all this, John finally relieved.

Rubbing his face fiercely.

"The face is stiff, and acting is really not easy, even if it is myself."

Back in the command cabin, John moved skillfully to the commander's seat, and naturally straightened his waist.

The atmosphere in the entire command cabin, in the middle, kill a little instantaneously.

This is the killing of the captain's career and walking between life and death during his lifetime.

When sitting in this familiar place, the gas field split.

This is almost the instinct of the body.

So that John did not dare to sit on the commander seat throughout the whole process.

Fortunately, Yuan Shu had no doubt.

In all fairness, it is not a good experience with a closed space with a closed space.

Moreover, John has many things that cannot be exposed in front of Yuan Shu.

During this time, it was a bit hard to endure.

"Finally met again, old friends."

Gently stroking the commander's seat under him, John sighed.

When he returned from his rebirth, John tightened the string in his mind.

Rebirth is a good thing, but if you fail to get the Tomahawk as before rebirth, the significance of rebirth will be a big piece.

After all, John, who was born again, can be said that the whole career was bound to the Tomahawk.

If the existence of the Ax of the Ax, John will be confused.

From the beginning of the Tomahawk, John has always restrained himself, and it was not until he confirmed that Yuan Shu's death can John completely liberate his emotions.

The deliberate jerky before.

The action is skillfully entering the underlying database. Unlike the brief data of the previous queries, John opened a detailed full attribute mode and started to check carefully.

Fire destroyer Tomahawk, comprehensive combat power assessment level LV.6

Remaining source: 12, source acquisition rate: 25%

Standard module list:

Standard main gun (green) (LV.2), maximum attack intensity: 23; charging time: 10 seconds; recharge time (buffer time): 50 seconds; attack attributes: kinetic energy; upgrade conditions: 1., conditional conditions: 1., conditions required for upgrading: 1. Source point 200; 2. 3 tons of copper ore.

Standard armor (green) (LV.1), defense strength: 11; material: alloy; defense attributes (resistance to different attack attributes): 11%of kinetic energy, 11%particle, laser 11%, mysterious 0; upgrade center; upgrade center; Conditions: 1. Source point 200; 2. Titanium ore 20 tons.

Standard energy shield (LV.2), shield durability: 130; regeneration rate: 1.2; energy consumption: 1 point/second; stimulation speed: 20 seconds; override buffer ; The conditions required for upgrading: 1. Source point 100; 2. Iron ore 3 tons.

Standard engine (LV.2), maximum power: 22; energy consumption (full power): 1 unit/hour; upgrade conditions: 1. Source point 100; 2. gas ore 3 tons.

Standardized Skytop radar (LV.1), exploration range: 10; accuracy: 10; upgrade conditions required: 1. Source point 100; 2. Ao copper ore 2 tons.

Standard hull structure (green) (Lv.0), hull structure strength: 20; additional module slot: 3; fire type fit: 48%; upgrade conditions: 1. Source point 2000; 2. Titanic crystal; 2. Titanic crystal; 1 unit.

List of additional modules:

Feiju transition device (purple) (LV.0), energy consumption: 100/time, jump speed: 100 times the speed of light; charge time: 1 hour; buffer time: 24 hours; 24 hours;

Additional attributes: Quick transition (the distance within 0.1 light years, ignoring the transition time, instantly arrived, the rapid transition function has a separate buffer time for 24 hours);

Conditions required for upgrading: 1. Source points 400; 2. Titanium crystal 1 unit.

Quantum entanglement brain wave manipulation system (green) (LV.0), energy consumption: 1 unit/hour; effect: After opening, the captain can remotely control the warship by the captain; scope: 0.01 light years; upgrade conditions required: 1. Source point 200; 2. Qi ore 1 ton.

The Lulou System (Gold) (LV.0), Energy Consumption: 100 Units/times; Charging Time: 1 hour; duration: 24 hours; buffer time: 24 hours; 24 hours;

Additional attributes: Tower, the warship enters a hidden state and has a strong concealment (60);

Conditions required for upgrading: 1. Source point 500; 2. Titanium crystal 2 units.

Material list:

Main cannon ammunition remaining: 123 rounds, auxiliary artillery ammunition ammunition: 2012, energy margin: 2298, living materials waste: 393 units.

Sure enough, it is exactly the same as the impression in previous lives.

Five standard modules, main guns, armored, engines, radar, energy shields.

As for the hull structure, it is a relatively special module.

It is equivalent to the main structure of the warship.

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