
Super Battleship Reborn

One week before the destruction of the earth, Xiao Yu fused his soul with the main computer of an interstellar spacecraft, and fled before the destruction of the earth. After the integration with the computer, Xiao Yu possessed the powerful computing power of the computer, but also possessed powerful innovation and exploration capabilities as a human being. As a result, the humble interstellar spacecraft in which Xiao Yu lived began to continuously evolve from a chemical engine to a nuclear power engine, and from a nuclear power engine to a positive and negative material annihilation engine. The volume and mass also began to increase. Big. With the continuous development of science and technology, Xiao Yu also began to try to build a true interstellar super fleet that integrates attack, defense, exploration, landing, and acquisition … [Humans never gives up]

DaoistnuoHBq · Sci-fi
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232 Chs

Chapter 5

After more than half a month as a cosmopolitan scavenger, Xiao Yu realized a truth: comets are all strong and capable guys.

If you measure it by volume alone, a comet near a star can be considered the largest star in the universe. The comet tail stretches out, and the maximum length can reach more than 100 million kilometers, just like a huge broomstick, sweeping cosmic space. But when I got closer, I realized how weak the comet is.

After walking through the comet tail for more than half a month, Xiao Yu collected less than five kilograms of water, and the thinness of the material in the comet tail can be imagined. This collection efficiency made Xiao Yu extremely depressed. If Xiao Yu still has hair, Xiao Yu will surely scrape her hair down.

Xiao Xiaoyu is now 30,000 kilometers above or below the zodiac. In any case, there is no need to go up and down in interstellar space.

The so-called zodiac plane is an imaginary plane. It can be simply understood that most of the orbits of the planets in the stellar system are on a plane, and this plane is the zodiac plane.

It's pretty close to the original Earth's orbit. Through the optical telescope, Xiao Yu can already see countless small black meteor stars from above, exuding a heartbreaking light.

Xiao Xiaoyu has adjusted the orbit. He intends to follow the earth's meteorite group to orbit the sun for a while. After all, collecting materials is serious, although the speed is really a bit slower.

The lens of the optical telescope swept slowly, and an inconspicuous figure entered Xiao Yu's field of vision.

This is an irregularly shaped meteor, about ten meters long, seven or eight meters wide, or fifty or six meters high. Light from the diffuse reflection of nearby stars illuminated it, and the light was collected by Xiao Yu again.

When Xiao Yu's heart moved, he immediately made some simple analysis of the meteorite. The results of the analysis immediately made Xiao Yu lift up his spirit.

Tritium analysis shows that the meteorite is composed of approximately 30% water, 69% iron, and trace elements of nitrogen, silicon, hydrogen, oxygen, and potassium. Among these trace elements, most are hydrogen and oxygen.

"Is this ... Is this a gift from heaven to me?" Xiao Yu's heart was immediately cheered up.

陨 This meteor has a volume of about 400 cubic meters and a mass of more than 3,000 tons! Even if hydrogen and oxygen each account for 0.1% of their mass, the total is six tons! With so much fuel, many things can be done.

Especially, there are more than 900 tons of water on it! After approaching the sun, this water can also be ionized into hydrogen and oxygen by the ionization of the sun, which is another huge income. There are more than 2,000 tons of iron, which is enough for Xiao Yu to repair the spaceship.

"Capture it! Be sure to capture it!" Xiao Yu instantly made up his mind.

At this point, the star blocking the meteorite moved away, and the sun's rays shone directly on it.

Under the heat of the sun, the solid water, solid hydrogen and oxygen on the surface of the meteorite immediately began to volatilize quickly. Fountains began to appear on the fluffy surface. Numerous gaseous substances were ejected. The entire core was enveloped in a layer of white In the mist, dragged a long tail backwards.

Xiao Xiaoyu's heart was anxious: "These are all my treasures, but I can't volatilize like this."

Xiao Xiaoyu immediately steered the spacecraft between the meteor and the sun, and used his solar panel to withstand the heat of the sun. Without the sun's rays, only a few K in the interstellar space immediately cooled it, and the long white tail dissipated at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Xiaoyu was relieved, and began to figure out how to truly earn this gift from heaven.

When a sweet big cake is in front of you, there is enough motivation to make cutlery such as cutlery. Xiao Yu no longer cares about energy consumption, controls the robot, searches the material storage room, and even disassembles some less important equipment, intending to use the waste.

The equipment manufacturing room is Xiao Yu's most protected place except the main control room. Here, Xiao Yu collects the most basic and important machinery to ensure that he has sufficient manufacturing power after obtaining raw materials. Fortunately, the equipment manufacturing room did not suffer much damage during the previous large-scale collision.

With the robot's labor of sleeping and eating, a mechanical claw with a high-strength cable about 300 meters behind was quickly manufactured.

Xiao Xiaoyu is now only a few kilometers away from this meteorite. This distance, in terms of astronomical scales, is already close to each other, but compared to Xiao Yu's capturing power, it is still a little longer. Xiao Yu had no choice but to carefully control the small spacecraft and set the engine's power to the minimum. Little by little, a few meters and a few meters slowly approached the meteorite block.

It's actually very risky. The distance of several kilometers is the shortest distance for Xiao Yu to steer the spacecraft. Crossing this bottom line, if another meteorite hits the meteorite at this time, causing it to crash towards Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu has no time to dodge, and can only be destroyed by it.

"Begging for wealth, Damn, after doing this ticket, I will be fragrant and hot!" Xiao Yu was fierce in his heart, but acted more cautiously.

Gradually, the distance has been shortened to two kilometers ... one thousand ... five hundred meters ...

When the victory was in sight, suddenly, a dark and inconspicuous figure broke into Xiao Yu's sight. Xiao Yu was shocked, and saw that figure hit the target meteor at a relative speed of several hundred meters per second, burst the target meteor out of a burst of fire, and then rolled up because of the heat of the impact. The above solid water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen all began to volatilize violently and turned into a large cloud.

Not only that, the target meteorite changed its orbit by this impact, and began to fly away in other directions, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Xiao was anxious and anxious, cursing the troubled meteor over a thousand times. After the curse was over, he began to renew his spirit, turned the telescope, and looked for the trace of the target meteor.

Xiao Xiaoyu knew that because of the recoil of the volatile gas and the original inertial effect, it could not run far. Sure enough, after searching for two hours, Xiao Yu finally found it in the direction of the zodiac, about 600 kilometers away from him.

Xiao Xiaoyu's speed didn't dare to increase too fast. He only dared to maintain the relative speed between himself and the meteorite at 50 meters per second, that is, one hundred and eighty steps, and slowly approached it.

The speed of one hundred and eighty miles can be regarded as a gallop on the earth. Here, snails can be regarded as praise. Xiao Yu ran for more than three hours before re-approaching within a distance of three kilometers.

"Fuck, there is another guy who does not open his eyes to dare to do bad things for Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu desperately consumes energy and wants to kill you with a laser gun." Secretly determined, Xiao Yu carefully approached.

The distance is getting closer and closer, Xiao Yu's mind is getting closer and closer. Finally, the distance was reduced to 280 meters!

This distance is already within the catch range of the flying claws made by Xiao Yu.

Xiao Xiaoyu aimed his muzzle at the target meteor and decisively issued a launch order.

The recoil of launching the flying claws caused Xiao Yu's spaceship to shake. This shaking affected the accuracy of the flying claws. The flying claws flew out like a sharp arrow, but they did not hit the target meteor, but at a distance from the target Meteorites pass by about fifty meters away.

Xiao Yu was so discouraged that the control machine retracted the flying claws again, modified the recoil parameters, and launched again.

Continue to fail. The flying claw flew past twenty meters away from the meteor.

Continue to modify the recoil parameters and continue to launch.

Finally, Xiao Yu succeeded this time! The flying claw accurately hit the middle position of the target meteor. The sharp flying claw pierced the fluffy outer layer of the target meteor, then opened and jammed inside the meteorite, connecting it firmly with Xiao Yu's spacecraft.

The meteorite was hit by an external force and immediately flew in the opposite direction. The high-strength cable was stretched and straight, UU reading book www.uukanshu.com was pulled by the meteorite, and Xiao Yu's spacecraft flew out along with it.

I am so wonderful in a weightless environment, there are many things that subvert common sense. If above the earth, you launch a flying claw against a rock, even if the flying claw catches the rock, the rock will never escape. This is because of the gravity of the earth.

But this is in space, there is no gravitation of the earth. Meteorites are bound to respond. It receives the force of a flying claw and escapes in the opposite direction. This situation is like Xiao Yu tied himself to the tail of an arrow with a rope, then shot the arrow out with a bow, and then he was also flying by the arrow.

This situation has been taken into consideration by Xiao Yu, so Xiao Yu is not panic at all. Xiao Yu didn't dare to stop forcibly, because that force would exceed the capacity of the cable and the cable would break. Xiao Yu only continued to exert a little bit of force, slowly reducing the kinetic energy of the target meteor.

After spending three hours, almost flying thousands of kilometers, Xiao Yu finally subdued the meteor. Then, Xiao Yu dragged the meteor and slowly flew away from the ecliptic plane.

Just like a lion, he quietly caught a calf in the herd, but did not dare to swallow it under the surrounding of the cows. Instead, he moved the calf away from the herd to start eating. I dare not start my own meal here. Because it's too dangerous here.

It took three days for Xiao Yu to drag the target meteor to a place 40,000 kilometers away from the zodiac. No other meteorite trails were in sight. Looking at this delicious meal in front of him, Xiao Yu growled in excitement: "Open dinner!"