
Super Battleship Reborn

One week before the destruction of the earth, Xiao Yu fused his soul with the main computer of an interstellar spacecraft, and fled before the destruction of the earth. After the integration with the computer, Xiao Yu possessed the powerful computing power of the computer, but also possessed powerful innovation and exploration capabilities as a human being. As a result, the humble interstellar spacecraft in which Xiao Yu lived began to continuously evolve from a chemical engine to a nuclear power engine, and from a nuclear power engine to a positive and negative material annihilation engine. The volume and mass also began to increase. Big. With the continuous development of science and technology, Xiao Yu also began to try to build a true interstellar super fleet that integrates attack, defense, exploration, landing, and acquisition … [Humans never gives up]

DaoistnuoHBq · Sci-fi
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232 Chs

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Attacks The hydrogen bomb trap was discovered from Xiao Yu. After being almost wiped out, these two civilizations have fallen into an endless situation. One civilization must be wiped out and completely destroyed.

Time was passing by bit by bit, and finally, it was time to predict that the hydrogen bomb detonated. Xiao Yu aimed all optical equipment in the direction of the planet.

Fifty seconds later, Xiao Yu observed the brilliance of the first hydrogen bomb explosion. Under the bright light, Xiao Yu had at least three small black spots similar to the base or satellite above the planet's orbit, and was swallowed up by an infinite amount of light and heat.

"Great!" Xiao Yu was so excited.

There was no movement after the hydrogen bomb exploded on the alien planet. It seemed that this ghost, a strange alien, had been swindled.

Twenty-three minutes later, the second hydrogen bomb reached its intended target and exploded like a gorgeous firework blooming in space, bringing death to Xiao Yu's enemies.

Xiao Xiaoyu seems to be able to see that scene. In the dark space, a powerful light source suddenly appeared to illuminate the darkness, but it did not bring warmth and light, but coldness and annihilation.

Since this planet has an atmosphere, it is certain that it must have an atmospheric circulation system, which means that the radioactive waste brought by the hydrogen bomb will slowly spread to the world along with the atmospheric circulation system.

If it is just a hydrogen bomb, it will not matter even if it diffuses, because diffusion also means dilution. The radiation damage caused by a hydrogen bomb is too small.

But what about ten large-equivalent hydrogen bombs? How about a hundred?

Next is the third hydrogen bomb.

After the third hydrogen bomb exploded, a reaction finally appeared on the planet. Xiao Yu observed that the power of the radar beam from the direction of the planet has increased sharply to the point where Xiao Yu can clearly locate it.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu's spacecraft materials have a strong ability to absorb radar waves. Otherwise, Xiao Yu will be found by the other party's radar detection system, which is not necessarily true.

But those hydrogen bombs are too close. No matter how good their materials are, they can't hide their body under the radar sweep of such power. Xiao Yu saw that there were countless laser beams bursting from that planet, and they were firing randomly in space.

Xiao Xiaoyu seems to feel the fluster of the other party. The powerful radar transmission power indicates that they have no regard for whether or not they will expose their tracks. The cluttered laser beams indicate that they are panicking now. They just want to immediately destroy all hydrogen bombs and prevent hydrogen bombs from exploding over their own planets. Consider whether you are doing useful work.

Xiao Xiaoyu did not take advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack on the opponent, but continued to hide in the dark, staring coldly at those flustered aliens.

Xun's attack meant exposing the trace, and if he continued to hide, Xiao Yu would get more opportunities.

I don't have much time for these aliens. Because almost every few minutes, a hydrogen bomb will reach its intended orbit. In this way, all hydrogen bombs will explode within a few hours. If these aliens want to stop, they must hide these within a few hours. In the dark space, all the horrible little guys were found out.

Xiao Xiaoyu just watched silently.

After a few hours, silence returned to space. Xiao Yu did some statistics and found that the 85 hydrogen bombs he fired exploded a total of 69, and 16 hydrogen bombs were intercepted by the other party.

This is an amazing achievement, this is the first time Xiao Yu has caused substantial harm to the other party.

它们 "They already know their position has been exposed, do not know what they will choose to do next?" Xiao Yu is very interested in this, and even faintly, he is expecting the performance of these aliens.

I encountered alien civilization for the first time, and this level of technology is similar to myself. I have to say that Xiao Yu's luck is really good. In this collision of civilizations, Xiao Yu will accumulate valuable interstellar war experience.

"If it were me, what would I do?" Xiao Yu began to think about this problem, and slowly calculated.

嗯 "Well ... first of all, I will find a way to hide myself first, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will be hit again like this. So ... a planet, is there any way to hide it?"

"First of all, conventional methods, such as radio silence and visible light shielding, are definitely used, but they are now in my orbit. Even if these methods are used, they will not work. I can always use simple Calculate their positions. Change the current orbit? This is even more unreliable. Changing the orbit of a planet, God knows how much energy will be consumed. Such energy will emit a huge amount of radiation that cannot be shielded. Doing it will only expose it more thoroughly. "

Xiao Yu thought about it, but he couldn't think of a way to hide the planet again. I could not help but look forward to the performance of the other side.

I do n't want to hide it, I will only continue to be hit by Xiao Yu 's uninterrupted blow. If I want to hide, Xiao Yu ca n't think of a way.

"Or ... I'll just give up the idea of ​​hiding, and choose to look at the other side regardless of the consequences. Both sides are exposed at the same time, or hidden at the same time, this is the balance." Xiao Yu thought, "Maybe they will choose This method. Well, I have to be prepared in advance and try not to be found out by the other party. "

Xiao Xiaoyu immediately began to calculate, what method the other party might use to find himself.

"Maybe ... a high-intensity radar beam scans in full space? Or emit a high-intensity light source and look through the visible light band?"

Xiao Xiaoyu was still thinking, and began to transform his fleet without exposing it in order to avoid various detection methods that the other party might come.

改造 While transforming the fleet, Xiao Yu also launched about fifty interstellar missiles one after another by means of ejection. In this method, it is impossible to completely destroy the other party in a short time, but it can fundamentally cut off the vitality of the absolute side. It may last hundreds of thousands of years. Because of harmful radiation, the creatures on this planet Will all go extinct.

萧 Anyway, Xiao Yu has a lot of time. After a long journey, there are thousands of years left. Idle is also idle. It is not bad to destroy an enemy.

During this period of time, the planet no longer cares about the problem of exposure, and always uses various detection methods to the maximum power, which also caused Xiao Yu's nuclear bomb hit rate to plummet. Fifty interstellar missiles can reach Only twelve were exploded at the exact location, and the rest were intercepted.

"I'm following you." Xiao Yu thought indifferently. "I have a lot of hydrogen bombs? I have so many that I can tell you to eat them as jelly beans. Even if only one hundred can explode, I can still put You consume it. "

This wonderful time lasted for a full month. Within this month, the planet has always maintained a defensive posture, and Xiao Yu 's expected large-scale detection methods have never arrived.

After a month, the alien planet made an unexpected move by Xiao Yu.

Suddenly, a powerful light beam erupted in a part above the planet. Xiao Yu immediately analyzed it. It was the beam of a high-power nuclear fusion engine!

"What are they going to do? Change the trajectory? They aren't so stupid, so bright beams can be seen by blind people." Looking at this incredible scene, Xiao Yu suddenly wondered, but the next moment, Xiao Yu understood After coming over, at the same time, I began to sigh sincerely: "Sure enough, there is shameless enough. It is indeed a civilization ten years ahead of me, and there is such a way."

In Xiao Yu's inference before, they could not be hidden, they would only choose to find Xiao Yu, so that both sides can return to the same starting line.

However, they found the possibility of re-hiding in the impossible.

That's ... high power signal interference. Including ultraviolet, infrared ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ visible light band, roentgen rays, gamma rays, neutrinos, etc., there is no missing 360-degree signal interference without dead angles.

Under this powerful signal interference, Xiao Yu suddenly became a blind man, and he could see nothing and nothing. Xiao Yu suddenly became crazy: "Do you use such shameless means?"

In the face of such an offensive, Xiao Yu had no choice but to stay in place, waiting for this signal to interfere with the past. If Xiao Yu did not make a mistake, the other party will disappear as the interference dissipates. At that time, it is not easy to find the other party again.

When he was on the earth, Xiao Yu heard a sentence that war between races had no morals at all. Everything was aimed at killing each other. As long as it was effective, any despicable means were encouraged.

The situation is more severe than the war between races. This is a conflict between different interstellar civilizations. Here, there is no moral at all. The so-called despicability of the other party is a compliment to one's own means.

No doubt, Xiao Yu has praised the other party's means just now. This method of re-hiding yourself can be called a godsend. In fact, speaking of it, there is not much technical content, but this method is within the dead end of thinking, and most people really can't think of it.

At least, Xiao Yu fell into a dead end of thinking and did not think of such a means.

"Well, just leave you alone, and when I find a way to find you out, I will continue to give you a nuclear bomb package."

Xiao Yu is slowly thinking, putting himself in the dark universe and hiding it a bit more tightly