
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · Sports
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Triggered random mission

No suspense.

The Suns defeated the Green Army.

Pierce stayed on the court, his eyes somewhat dazed. "Losing to a rookie, are we really getting old? Is the era really changing?"

If winning consecutive games against the Spurs and the Heat filled him with confidence for the future, losing to the Suns, losing to the rookie Carlos who hit 10 three-pointers and scored 50+, sent his confidence plummeting into the abyss.

Garnett walked over, patted Pierce on the shoulder, and said, "Don't be disheartened. The Suns are indeed strong now, an 11-game winning streak is the best proof. Losing to them doesn't mean we're not strong. Don't lose confidence. When we return home, back to our territory, we'll beat them again and defend our honor."


Ray Allen walked over and echoed, "As long as we have confidence, we can still contend for the championship this year!"

Listening to the comforting words of his two brothers, Pierce nodded gently. "I know, I won't be easily knocked down, especially not by a rookie."

"That's the spirit!"

Rondo, who came over, joined them, bringing the four together once again.


After the home game showdown, discussions on the internet exploded.

"We won? The Suns even beat the Celtics?!"

"Oh my God, that's the Green Army that successively defeated the Spurs and the Heat. The Suns actually defeated them. Can we say that the Suns are stronger than the Spurs and the Heat?!"

"Friend, you can't compare like that, but the Suns are indeed strong."

"Yes, when your team has a center who hits 10 three-pointers and scores 50+ points in a single game, it's very difficult not to win."

"Carlos is too fierce!"

"What? You're saying Carlos, a center, hit 10 three-pointers in a single game?"

"My God, Carlos is so tall, and hitting mid-range shots is already difficult. Now he can hit 10 three-pointers in a single game. How do you stop someone so accurate from beyond the arc?!"

"Who can stop the Suns' 11-game winning streak?"

"Hehe, don't rush. Next, the Suns will face two opponents, the second-placed Mavericks in the West and the second-placed Bulls in the East. With the double-team of the Mavericks and the Bulls, the Suns definitely won't be able to handle it."

Although it was early in the morning, the fans were tirelessly discussing. Carlos, who had just experienced another splendid battle, was gaining even more popularity.


The next day.


The Minnesota Bee, Houston Chronicle, News Daily, and other major newspapers were all eager to report on Carlos's news.

Whoever released the news faster would make a fortune.

The news of Carlos crushing the Celtics with 10 three-pointers in a single game spread rapidly in a short period.

At 9 a.m...

Suns' training facility.


Curry was diligently practicing three-pointers. Despite his improved stats since joining the Suns, he knew that to get even better, he had to work hard.

Carlos was also in training.

Even with the system, he didn't mind further enhancing his skills through practice.

Carter and Nash's training didn't go unnoticed. Of course, a significant part of their training was to maintain their form. After all, they were getting older and had many injuries.

Several hours later.

Sweaty Suns players gathered in the resting area.

George brought water and towels. While resting, Dragic was reading the latest news report. As he read, his eyes lit up, and he burst into laughter.

"Wow... the Western Conference Player of the Week has been announced, and our Carlos is once again the Western Conference Player of the Week. Four consecutive weeks, a rookie holding the title for four weeks in a row. I think... has he already created a historic record?!"

"Of course..."

George affirmed with a smile.

Nash shrugged and said, "If it's Carlos, it's pretty normal. Look at his terrifying performance on the court. Who can take away his Player of the Week?"

"That's true."

Dragic nodded with a smile and continued, "Carlos once again outperformed a bunch of stars like Tim, Kevin, Nowitzki, Kobe, and others to be named Player of the Week! Incredible... our rookie Carlos is really unbelievably strong."

"What about the Eastern Conference?" Carter asked.

He knew it must be Carlos for the Western Conference, but now he was curious about the Eastern Conference.

"Let me see..."

Dragic flipped through the newspaper and then said, "In the Eastern Conference, Derrick Rose of the Bulls was named Player of the Week last week, the 2008 number one pick."


Carter looked surprised. "I thought it would be between LeBron and Howard, but unexpectedly, Derrick came out of nowhere. That's impressive."


Frye, who had been listening, laughed. "Carter, it seems like you have some misconceptions about Derrick. This year's Derrick Rose is really unstoppable. Windy City Assassin Rose, I think he's playing at the level of being Jordan's successor this season."


Carlos, who had a say in the matter, said, "Unparalleled speed, terrifying explosiveness, and super hang time allow him to wreak havoc on the court at will. To be honest... I don't even know if I can defend him one-on-one!"

That's right...

Despite having Iverson's talent, Carlos admitted that before facing Rose, he wasn't sure if he could win against him, given Rose's speed and explosiveness.

"Windy City Rose," his talent is truly explosive!

If it weren't for injuries ruining him, future star guards like Westbrook, Harden, and Curry might not surpass Rose. Because... those spotlights might all be taken by Rose alone.

Is this statement a bit arrogant?

Of course not, based on Rose snatching one of LeBron's five consecutive regular-season MVPs and becoming the youngest regular-season MVP.

"Not good!"

Nash suddenly spoke, and everyone looked puzzled. He continued, "Our next opponents are the Mavericks and the Bulls, two teams ranked second in their respective conferences. They are both strong. It won't be easy to consecutively beat these two opponents."


With this statement, everyone became serious, feeling the pressure.

However, Carter, who had just finished reading a newspaper, smiled and said, "Steve, you can't boost others' morale and diminish our own prestige. The Suns are not weak now. Even in terms of records, after winning against the Celtics last night, our record of 13 wins and 8 losses, with a winning percentage of 61%, has surpassed the Trail Blazers and the Nuggets. We're now fifth in the Western Conference. Only 1.5 games behind the Mavericks. No need to fear them."

Upon hearing this, Nash, who knew he was a bit too worried, smiled awkwardly and said, "I just want everyone to take it seriously. As for victory, I think we still have it under control. Tomorrow night... let's all work hard together and slaughter the Mavericks!"


Everyone responded in unison, their fighting spirit high.

[Ding! Triggered random mission.]

As Carlos roared, he suddenly heard the system prompt in his mind.

DaoistBGgAkd,Vero_0315,David_Oyelayo,ArthurCE10,TheRace,Gillelzel,RyuSenju,Jayzzie 3 power stones!

Demon_Daniel 2 power stones!

Frankrc17,PacoBAS,Chrxix,Kami_Sama16,Frankrc17,Tyler_Botts_6213 1 power stone!

Thank you so much!

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