
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

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A complete winner

"Exactly! A three-pointer buzzer-beater, and it's not the first time he's done it. Faced with Thunder's Big Three before, he pulled off a three-point buzzer-beater, but tonight... the difficulty of this shot is even greater!" Mario chimed in, "Carlos has redefined the center position long ago, telling the entire league that centers can excel not only in the paint but also from beyond the arc."

"Yes..." Jose nodded, lost in thought for a moment before smiling, "With just three minutes left in the final quarter, the score was neck and neck, the game deadlocked. But in the last 3 minutes, the situation changed dramatically. First, Rose used his 'change of direction without slowing down' and 'mid-air fake pass,' leveraging his extraordinary physical talents to secure a 4-point lead for the team.


Carlos delivered a thunderous dunk over a defender, followed by an alley-oop dunk in collaboration with Curry, tying the score and igniting the court, asserting control over the game. However...

In the crucial moment, Rose once again tore through the defense with his exceptional physical abilities, facing a double-team near the restricted area, executing an extreme fake move and making a successful layup.

A near buzzer-beater!

With only 3.4 seconds left for the Suns to respond, Carlos nailed a highly challenging three-pointer from deep range, completing the counter-buzzer-beater for the Bulls.

This unpredictable and intense battle, until the very last second, kept everyone guessing, but that's the charm of competitive basketball."

"Absolutely, I..."

Carlos's buzzer-beater, coming from a Mexican player, had Mario and Jose completely ecstatic in the broadcast booth, showering Carlos with continuous praises, unable to contain their excitement.

In the stands, Parker was stunned by Carlos's long-range three-pointer buzzer-beater, saying, "Even though I know it's not fake, a center pulling off a three-point buzzer-beater like this is truly miraculous."


Ginobili, shocked but amused, also chuckled, "Unbelievable, inconceivable. Carlos has elevated the center position to a whole new level, reaching new heights."

"No, no, no!"

Duncan shook his head, stating, "Carlos didn't elevate the center position in a traditional sense, he doesn't play with the brute force typical of traditional centers, Carlos is a unique center.

He simply plays with a different offensive style as a center! Currently, it's unique to Carlos.

The league is evolving towards the era of small ball, with increasing firepower in perimeter attacks, mostly from guards and forwards.

But now... Carlos, as a center, exhibits an outside attack just as potent. I believe... in the future, Carlos will be a special category in the small ball era!"


Ginobili nodded in agreement, unable to think of any other center in the current league who can attack in such a way, let alone perform a buzzer-beater. Carlos has seamlessly integrated into the small ball era and might be the most unique player in this era.

In the stands...

Iverson, who retired just a year ago, kept clapping and applauding, saying, "Impressive, really impressive. Carlos, this center, his offense is so distinctive. Clearly a center, yet playing with the offensive style of a super guard.

If he continues this style, he'll catch the entire league off guard. Just like when I used my crossovers to show the league that even a small player can survive and play spectacularly in the big man's game."

Next to him, Howard felt a bit bewildered, whispering, "Did this kid really pull off a buzzer-beater? He's a center, and he actually shoots three-pointers from outside, and he made it?!

Truly unbelievable!

Is it luck? Hmm... it must be luck, definitely luck. Our centers simply don't have the ability to shoot threes from outside, let alone such a high-difficulty buzzer-beater three.


The more Howard pondered, the clearer his thoughts became. Listening to the explosive cheers in the arena, he squinted at Carlos on the court:

"A rookie center, lucky enough to hit a crucial three-pointer from outside, winning the game and applause. However... when you face me, I'll tell you, as a center, only by dominating the paint can you win and lead the team forward."

On the opposite side in the stands,

Wall stared fixedly at Carlos on the court, his face filled with shock. Clearly, Carlos hitting that high-difficulty three-pointer, counter-buzzer-beating the Bulls, surprised him.

"Is it fake!!"

"How can he, a center..."

Even though Carlos had defeated him with a mid-range shot in their first meeting of the season, seeing Carlos so accurately shoot from the outside still felt unbelievable, causing a strong sense of shock.

After a while...

He regained his composure, listening to the chants throughout the arena praising Carlos and the scattered remarks declaring Carlos superior to the first overall pick this year, making his gaze turn icy.

"Carlos, you keep winning like this! In the next game, I'll make sure to reclaim everything that belongs to me."

On the court...

After the Suns players celebrated, Rose approached Carlos, saying, "Hey, that three-pointer of yours was too fake, wasn't it?"


Carlos shrugged, smiling, "Actually... I think your fake layup was pretty fake too. Not something an ordinary player could pull off."


Rose laughed, waving his hand, "Don't praise me. I'm a loser, what's there to praise? The key is, I lost to a rookie. It's really bad."

"What's wrong? You look down on rookies?"

Carlos smiled at Rose, but Rose shook his head, saying, "Of course not. I mean, you're just too good, completely surpassing the other rookies of your class, especially in those last few offensive plays.

I admit it, Carlos, tonight you're the winner, a complete winner. It's a shame that the Bulls were buzzer-beaten by you tonight. Looking forward to the next game against you. Hopefully... I can beat you."

"Same here, enjoying a matchup with 'Jordan's successor' would be great."


Rose lightly patted Carlos on the shoulder and left with a smile.

Positive compliments always put people in a good mood. Despite losing tonight to a rookie, Carlos's praise and acknowledgment made Rose happy.

At the same time...

Carlos also left a good impression in his heart.

Back to the Mexican National Sports Television studio...

The two commentators, recovering from their shock and joy, Mario spoke first, saying, "46 points, 12 rebounds, 5 assists, 4 blocks, a long-range three-pointer buzzer-beater! This is the perfect performance Carlos delivered tonight.

With a splendid show, he counter-buzzer-beated the Eastern Conference leaders, the Bulls, leading the team to a 13-game winning streak as a rookie. So far this season, he hasn't suffered a single loss!

Let's congratulate Carlos, congratulate this center from our great Mexico, and hope he continues to excel and shine on the NBA stage."


Jose nodded and added, "The two most crucial offensive plays that decided the game tonight, one was Rose's fake layup, and the other was Carlos's long-range three-pointer. Professor Mario, what do you want to say about these two plays?"


night_killer 3 power stones!

liutianlong,Vergil_MorningStar,LordHelowilson,Chrxix 2 power stones!

TKru,PacoBAS,Davd_Catalyst,Noname101,Greenwillow,overlord_6964 1 power stone!

Thank my friends!

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