
Super AI.. Two Side Mystery And Fortune

The end of one period and the beginning of a new one has altered life on earth, with the value of weapons and ammunition declining and the appearance of superhumans and developed creatures increasing. Ajaya, a little child who had been living a happy life with his family, experiences sadness as a result of one of his family members' plot, and he becomes more than immobile on the bed and is left with no chance of surviving, leaving his parents in despair with no obvious resolution. But that's not where the story ends; a new mystery about the "Rudraksha System" emerges

Peacewar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 17 [Giga Core]

Begal mansion inside the vault room

After the system notification of the curse details, Ajaya had no idea what a "sin" was, but he did know that the person whose forehead would light these shades is not a good person, and these people will now target him whenever he comes into contact with anyone within a 10-meter radius. As a result, he must exercise caution around these individuals.

He was concerned because it stated that if he killed any bad being, his sin would be absorbed and influence his mind and willpower while increasing his inner thoughts to be more similar to the sin of the person he killed; however, he must kill the sinful being stealthy to avoid being affected by this effect.

Ajaya hadn't killed anyone in his life and never had he seen anyone kill someone; he was stunned by the details given by the system that is related to the curse: he needs to kill a high-sin being that carries a lot of malice in him and has committed a lot of crimes, but he hadn't killed anyone and he didn't want to do so; he just wants to live in peace with his family and nothing else.

He recognised that the world had changed and that the current world demanded not money but strength, which money can buy but would struggle to maintain without the strength to protect it from being taken from others.So, in order to live and protect your loved ones, you must be strong; without it, it is a dog-eat-dog world that is brutal, ruthless, aggressive, competitive, merciless, cutthroat, vicious, voracious, and without mercy.

When his father returned from his unknown expedition of the faction, where he was working as a hall member, he would always talk about the competitive nature of other families and their ruthlessness toward their enemies. He always said that without potential and strength, only a lucky person could live a normal life, but that lucky person should lower his head in front of Strong.

[[Because of Ajaya's childlike innocence, he only understood a few things about the curse's effects. He was born in a calm and composed environment of his family, and even as an infant, he didn't face any difficulty entering a competition of the Chakra Users Endowment Centers.

Ajaya had no idea that the system had not displayed the terrible effects of the curse on the curse detail panel to him due to his childish nature, which would put him in a more severe state than his previous self. The system wishes to keep the details of the terrible side effects hidden from Ajaya because they may have a negative impact on his ability to act in the future, as the curse has the potential to weaken his will to resist the sin of darkness.

Because the curse is too powerful and will keep him isolated from others, the system is restrained from displaying some curse details that aren't restrained by the Shakti Mudra because the system can only perform a low-rank shakti mantra seal with its current strength.]]



Chakra Users Endowment Centers are Chakra knowledge centers, similar to "schools," but previously there were schools and colleges for educational purposes that have changed to a "school" in various fields of Chakra Ability Endowment, which will be explained in future chapters.


Ajaya wanted to ask the system if there were any ways to remove the curse's harsh effects on him, especially if bad sin people targeted him or his related family members because of him and he might not be able to bear it.

The system responded just as he was about to ask the system.

:(Host, don't focus on what has happened but on what you can do, as the dark sin energy has alerted the entire city, while your family is on high alert and may enter the vault in a few minutes. As for the devil, he isn't going to attack because he has accomplished what he wanted, so exit the vault undetected or you may be in grave danger as too many powerhouses are approaching the Begal's family mansion.)

:(Host, previously you didn't have much energy, so the system had to stop the core formation of 100 prismatic energies into a core, but now that you have Prismatic Energy-2,32,800, from which the host can use 1,00,000 to form a Giga Core that can help produce 100 prismatic energies every few seconds, and this core is 100 times more powerful than a prismatic core. A single Giga Core can increase the host's morphic state from a weak state to a middle core state while increasing the soul defense to a whole new level and increasing the soul strength, so are you willing to exchange 1,00,000 for a Giga Core?)

After hearing what the system said, Ajaya took a step back while still standing in his position of keeping the absorb ability active.

Ajaya exhaled a sigh of relief when he learned that the devil would not attack for the third time, but when he learned that the entire family had been alarmed, with more powerhouses of the city rushing to his family mansion location, he let his body relax to a stiff state once more before deciding to leave this vault.

After the system gave a suggestion of an exchange to convert prismatic energy into a Giga Core, he didn't hesitate to accept the suggestion, which the system had initiated after approval was given.

[Giga Core Formation: o%....2%]

The system started to condense a large amount of the prismatic energy to form a core.

Just when he got calm, his eyes fell on the Mantra sigil sheet. His eyes twitched while he frowned.

Ajaya wanted to leave the sight of this Mantra Sigil sheet, so he moved away from the view of the mantra sheet while thinking of leaving the vault room. Just then, his gaze landed on a blue energy barrier within which the Kaada was lying in an eagle design. It felt quite mysterious to him, and he wanted to try it, so he moved into its location.

Ajay walked carefully without touching anything because he didn't want to be blasted by another sheet devil because there could be more of these sheets hidden within. He didn't have 100 years of soul life to once again sacrifice, he was sure he would die after a year due to only having a year of soul life left.

[Ajaya didn't know this mantra sigil sheet was the only one inside the vault.]

After reaching the big glass wall where his gaze reached inside the blue-coated shield where a Kaada with an eagle was designed on it, he wanted to view the Kaada details with the ability he had, which wasn't available previously due to the deficiency of the prismatic energy.

He activated the wraith's vision, an ability that he got from the system after becoming a wraith. This ability of his can directly discern the nature of something towards Ajaya, such as whether an item or a being is bad or good towards him. As well, this vision can be seen through any wall or illusion created by energy.

Ajaya's eyes glowed with blue light after activating "Wraith Vision," while in his eyes the Kaada details were revealed.The mantra sigil sheet on the pile of the radiation crystal trembled violently and began to flotter in midair, much to Ajaya's surprise, which he was unaware of.


[Garuda kamplar]

Threat: - Minor

Details: Can summon surrounding Eagles to scout any area within a 10 kilometre radius, while all views seen or captured through the eyes of Eagles can be seen through the Kaada and reflected in the Kaada user's mind.

Quality - C-Grade characters can summon a maximum of 10 eagles.

Consumes - 0.5000 Prismatic Energy.

When Ajaya got immersed in Kaada details.


Far from India, in the vastness and darkness of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil,

There were corpses of wild beasts and Brazilian tribe people, they had just had a war while no one remained alive except for a black-cloaked figure who was seated in between a pond of the blood of the fallen beast and the Brazilian people flowing in the direction of the black cloaked figure, the black cloaked figure sat in between a small pond of blood, In his hand he had a half torn book that is created through human flesh and animal skin woven and which is dried in blood, this black cloaked figure flipping the book pages while he started chanting into demonic language "Rakta Rakta Rakta pasu pasu shiza".

[[Tantra Chants]] (Dark Magic Chants in English)

Just then, small blood-red tattoos on his chest started glowing in scarlet, which was visible on his throat that hadn't been hidden in the coat cover.

Just when he was continuing in his chants, he stopped due to a sense of something from a far distance that brought a smile to his face.

Saiten is great and almighty while saying that he vanished from the blood pool formed from the fallen humans and wild beasts.

Thank You


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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