
Super actor reborn

After being dropped, my book is now being launched again under a new name: 'Second Act: My New Life With a System.' I've put a lot of effort into rewriting it, so I think you'll enjoy it if you were a fan of the original. If you weren't, still give it a shot, I'm sure you will like. Though my opinion may be a bit biased lol

RiverGoat · Urban
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24 Chs

The test I

Today is Sunday, and I'm still thinking about what Mr. Miller said to me.

What should I do? It's beyond what I thought to be possible. Why am I hesitating so much?

Like he said, I won't have a good opportunity like this one again, I should make good use of it.

I want to change the world with my acting, so why wouldn't I?

I got my phone and texted Brian.

[Hey, Brian. Could you tell your father that I agree?]

Some minutes latter I didn't got a message, instead, he called me.

— Hey, Lee, dad said that the trainee test is tomorrow, he said you should be here at 9 am, so he can talk with you before the test. — Brian said, his voice with an unidentified emotion, but it made me feel weird.

Test? Didn't he say that I would work under him? Well, a test is better than nothing, and I'm pretty confident I can work things out.

— Sure, Brian, but I'll try to talk with my mom first, you know we have school tomorrow. — I said, my voice probably sounded anxious, because I'm.

— No problem, Lee, but the next test it's going to be in a year, so explain it carefully to her. — He said, but somehow, his voice sounded… happy?

What if mom don't let me go? I don't want to waste a whole year if I lose this opportunity.

— Okay, bye. — I said, and quickly hang up, I'm still unsure if I misunderstood him.

System said I'm at a trainee level, so I must not be afraid of it. I went to take a bath, to calm my nerves down before talking to mom.

Half an hour later, I went down stair to talk with her, and surprisingly dad was at the dinner table with mom.

— Dad? — I ran as I said and jumped into him in a hug, it's been a while since I saw him.

— Sup, Lee, it's been a while. — He said, but it was completely awful, seeing a millennial acting like a gen z.

— Dad, quit mocking me. — I said, squeezing him harder in my hug.

— Sure, son, but how are things at school? Did you find any problems? — He said, it's been a while since I have seen his concerned eyes.

We can't meet often, so whenever he's at home I try to spend all my time with him. I always try to find a way to mock him about the past.

— Actually, a pretty good thing happened. — I said, acting as a playful kid.

As I said, mom and dad had a rising smile, the moments I spend with them feels so precious.

— Did you get a girlfriend? — Mom said, and that didn't hurt like I thought it would, looks like focusing my time on the acting helped me to get over it.

— I wish I could, maybe if father didn't teach me math when I was a baby, I would have a girlfriend now. — I said with a sorrowful expression, then hugged him ever harder, even causing a little pain in him.

Mom laughed at dad's face instantly, and I really felt the warmth of a family, it's been years, but I still don't understand how such a peace like this can be real.

When I was 'Maximilian' a name the sister from the orphanage choose for me, I never felt anything similar.

When I was a child, I used to thought that being alone was the better for me, when I went to high school, the bullying started, then everything kept worsening, that wish followed me even to my adulthood.

The only thing that kept me sane, was pursuing my acting dream, and I know it doesn't make sense an actor wanting to be alone, but does traumas and fears make any sense?

As I got lost in those thoughts, a bitter tear was falling, and I felt layers of unsettling emotion, that have been congesting my heart since the past life.

To be honest, I never felt anything for anyone in my past life, the only kind of family was my 'mom', but she isn't someone I should think of as family.

Why haven't I met someone like them before? This kind of happiness, sometimes I even think I don't deserve it.

I'm only afraid that someday I wake up and find out that these golden years of mine were only a long and sweet dream.

Nobody saw that little tear dropping, because I was hugging dad with my face on hist chest. Maybe this life was meant to wash away my past regrets.

— Son? — My dad said, seeing that I was too quiet while holding him.

— Wh-What? I—I just wanted to ask both of you something. — I said, trying to hide the embarrassment of crying in such a moment.

Both of them looked at me, they probably noticed that I had a red eye, but what can I do? At least, they didn't say anything about it.

— I was invited to a trainee acting test, can I go? It'll be happening tomorrow. — I asked, they know I've been studying acting since my young day.

— Son, why do you want to be an actor? You know that's not easy to be successful in such a line of work — Mom asked me, I didn't talk about it with them yet.

I took a time thinking, honestly, it's not an easy dream to follow, but remembering the man with a 'S' on his chest made smirk.

Some seconds/minute ago, I was lost in thoughts, but that warmth from dad's hug really helped think things straight.

— Because I want to give life to dreams. — I said, with one of the truest and biggest smile I could have.

That's what acting is to me. It is what I always dreamt of before, what saved me.

Acting isn't only the act of read a script, adjust your facial expression or even the body language.

To me, the true acting is giving life to dreams that'll bring hope to those who hadn't yet, it's silly, I know.

I don't have a big reason, a never ending motivation, but acting saved me once, so I'll keep trying to do the same for someone else.

They looked at each other and I could see in their eyes that they were struggling with this decision, and I understand them.

Actually, I understand the hardships of this line of work better than anyone.

Some time of a harrowing silence, they seemed to concede as they looked at me.

— Okay son, but your grades should be at least the top of your class as you always been. — Dad said, he's always worried about my grades, and I think he's right.

— No problem, dad. — I said, this time, hugging both dad and mom in a big, warm, and calming hug.

Time flied and today is already the day of the test.

Hey guys, sorry be late relesing the chap, I'm finishing my semester on college, but this month forward I'll be realesing more frequently. So don't forget about me, tehehe xD

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