
Sunshine High

A son and mother has moved in to his mother's childhood home in the town of Sunshine Valley. They believed that this will bring them a new opportunity, especially for Scott Smith enrolling in Sunshine High. However, things don't add up as the students as well as the town are being manipulated by its high school making its people act up. Unravel the mysteries and horrors with Scott as he finds the truth about his new high school

FantasticNovels · Horror
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42 Chs


While both in class, Scott was still terrified of the camera on the corner of the ceiling looking at him. Meanwhile, Ashley was still ruminating about what happened to Lopez as his room was straight up taken from him. Many students that were around them were acting unusually as if Lopez's room has never existed and remembers it as the room for the Sunshine Daily. Whether it was about racism against hispanics or not, Ashley is still suspicious of what is going on in this school.

Scott tried to learn what was on the board, but the camera got to him to the point of telling Mr. Cheung. "Um Mr. Cheung, why do we need a camera in our room even though it wasn't there on the second day of school." Scott pointing at the camera.

"What are you blind. The camera has always been there and it's to ensure our student's safety. If you don't that, then you are free to leave this classroom Mr. Smith." Mr. Cheung was annoyed by Scott interrupting his class.

Scott didn't want to cause a scene, so instead he tried to focus in class and not let the camera distract him. However, it wasn't the camera in his precalculus class, but the other cameras that had been bothering him. From the long hallways to the gymnasium, Scott was always stalked by the cameras watching him slowly adjusting their angle to view him. Not even he is safe in the mens room as there's also a camera in there.

Feeling insecure, Scott tried to report to the principal's office about the many cameras that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Although Scott was fine about cameras being in a school building, it wasn't normal to how there are that many on each floor. What's worse is that those cameras are usually watching him instead of the different students in the building, which contradicts what Mr. Cheung was telling him.

Scott came to the principal Dover's office to report the cameras watching him. "Mr. Dover, can I have a talk with you?" Scott opened the door without Dover being surprised.

"Of course what do you need?" Principal Dover put down his pen while writing some documents. "I do love to hear from one of my students."

"Um yeah. My name is Scott Smith and I want to report a complaint about the cameras that are constantly watching me" Scott pointing at the camera outside. "Every class that I go to, even when I use the bathroom, the cameras will always be watching me and I'm very uncomfortable with it." "Is there a way where the cameras shouldn't be focused on me and instead on the safety of others?"

"I don't know what to say to you Scott, but the cameras will always be there." Principal Dover talking politely to Scott. "You see, me and John had been discussing the safety of our students as we had witnessed someone missing from our school last week. Since then, we doubled our security cameras to help protect the students from any future threats to their safety." "Maybe the reason the camera's been watching you often is because this school cares for you Scott."

Scott didn't trust Dover as it felt like it was stalking him more than protecting him. "But how can I focus in class if something like that keeps bothering me and can we at least remove the camera in the bathroom because of how inappropriate it is to put it in there?" Scott is getting desperate of wanting the cameras to be removed.

"I'm sorry Scott, but like I said many times. This is for our own good and for the school." Dover picked up his pen to go back to his documents. "Now if you mind leaving this office. I have to finish these papers."

Scott left the room feeling frustrated that there isn't anything done with the cameras. He felt like it was more safe for him to have less cameras watching him than more installed in the school. Nowhere to go, Scott never felt safe to do his task. Now at lunch, Scott instead went outside to eat as there aren't any cameras watching him. Lunch was the only time where he can actually feel free instead of being inside a place where he felt insecure rather than secure.

A week has passed and the cameras were still there monitoring Scott in every corner of the school. Meanwhile, Ashley was still thinking about Lopez as his disappearance was still unjustified and wanted to find out what happened to him. The only thing Scott was excited for was his lunch period where he can finally head outside and eat his lunch there. "Finally, some time for myself." Scott opening his lunch

Meanwhile, Ashley was in her study hall at the library studying for her political science test. But with all the things going on with test anxiety and Lopez's disappearance, she needed to get air for herself. Ashley left the library letting the librarian know, which she didn't care honestly.

Now outside, Ashley felt she needed a breather after the many things going on, before she decided to head to the library again, she noticed Scott.

"Scott is that you." Ashley waved at him from the entrance.

"Ashley Hey!" Scott waved back at her. "What are you doing outside?"

"Oh you know, just want some fresh air after being in school too long." Ashley putting her hands on her back. "Can I join you?"

"Yeah sure, I have an extra turkey sandwich if you're hungry." Scott pulled another sandwich from his bag.

Ashley smiled seeing Scott again after their first period ended. Walking towards Scott, she sat down with him and took the sandwich from Scott letting her relax.

"Scott, I didn't know you were outside. What are you doing out here and not in the cafeteria." Ashley eating the sandwich. "I mean I don't see anyone besides the both of us being outside."

"Well it's just that I'm not feeling safe there." Scott looked at his sandwich. "You see, ever since last week when more cameras were installed, I just felt they were only focusing on me and not on the other students." "Although they say it's for our safety, I don't believe I'm safe there."

"Really Scott." I'm sorry to hear that." Ashley showing her empathy towards him. "Well if we want to help understand each other, I guess we have to hangout somewhere else besides my locker." "How does that sound?"

Scott shook his head up and down as he felt it was better to talk somewhere else. "Yeah that sounds very nice, but can we hang out somewhere far from here?" "Besides the cameras, I still don't feel safe being in an area with John after what happened this summer and the party."

"Of course. I can feel the same after Lopez's disappearance." Ashley felt the shivers down her spine. "After meeting Lopez, I just felt I want to make a connection with him as we're both Hispanic and was honestly a nice person to be with." "But since I care for others who I meet, I'm concerned for him as he isn't the type of person to retire that early in the school year."

"So I guess we're both in the same boat here." Scott talking quietly. "I'm scared about being stalked while you're scared of Lopez's safety."

"Yeah Sunshine High feels more like a cult than an average school." Ashley joking around about the school. "So how about this, let's meet at this place where I personally know. It's a shop that my bus usually passes by and I think you might like it." "They usually serve the best ice cream and milkshakes there so want to head there."

Scott had never been to an ice cream shop in a long time and never had ice cream ever since he was four. He even forgot what his favorite flavor was as his taste buds had changed when becoming a young adult. With nostalgia, Scott said yes not only for the ice cream but as well as hanging out with Ashley since they both never hung out before.

"Yeah I would love to have some ice cream. It's nice to eat something sweet." Scott is packing his lunch as he is almost done. "I'm tired of eating granola bars that my mom considers sweet."

"Great, then that's settled. But when do you want to meet?" Ashley threw the sandwich wrapper to the garbage can.

"How about this Saturday. Besides homework, I usually spend my Saturdays biking around and playing video games." sounding excited.

"Yeah, Saturday seems good. After finishing my political science test, I can finally have something good to eat." Ashley then was startled by the bell ringing.

The school bell rang as Scott's lunch period and Ashley's study hall was now over. With Scott's and Ashley's next class, they both hurried to finish what they were doing and started heading to their next class.

"Oh crap class is starting soon and my bag is still at the library." Ashley noticed after the bell rang. "So how should we meet each other?"

"Oh yeah um we can meet at my house. I'll text you my address later today." Scott pulled his phone out. "Here's my address."

Scott texted Ashley her address later giving her a notification on her phone. Ashley sees her phone. "Oh you live near here. I didn't notice that. But still cool nonetheless." "Then this Saturday then right Scott."

"Yeah Saturday it is." Scott put away his phone.

"Alright, see ya Saturday Scott." Ashley ran back to the building as her stuff was still in the library.

"See ya." Scott put on his backpack and headed back to the entrance.

"Having ice cream huh." Andrew peeking behind the school wall. "I have to warn John about this."

Hi everyone sorry for the delay in chapter 7. This chapter is short because I want to test out this new format that other authors on webnovel uses. Besides that, chapters will be a bit slow because of school starting tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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