
Sunshine High

A son and mother has moved in to his mother's childhood home in the town of Sunshine Valley. They believed that this will bring them a new opportunity, especially for Scott Smith enrolling in Sunshine High. However, things don't add up as the students as well as the town are being manipulated by its high school making its people act up. Unravel the mysteries and horrors with Scott as he finds the truth about his new high school

EddyMei234 · Horror
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32 Chs

Bloody Trail

Three hours had passed since Scott was waiting outside of the school. The lights shut off in the building and most of the people left. Without a choice, Scott walked back home leaving Ashley's motorcycle to pick up for tomorrow. 

While walking Scott had a lot in his mind. "What's Ashley still doing in the building? She must've fallen asleep in the bathroom stall." "But what she said in the milkshake place. Can I really be a better person after what happened a couple of months ago?"

Scott wonders those things in his head until he heads home. Once he reached home, Scott's mother questioned how the dance was and if Ashley was safe going home on her motorcycle. Scott told her that his first and last homecoming dance was something he wouldn't forget, but also told about Ashley wasn't with him as she spent way too much time in the building that he assumed she went home by herself.

"I guess she was too exhausted from that dancing that she did." Mrs. Smith assumes as she knows what exhaustion feels like after the dance.

"Right mom." Scott went up towards his room.

On his bed, Scott looked at the ceiling thinking of what happened to Ashley. He was worried as she didn't come out for a long time and knows that it doesn't take that long to use the bathroom. 

"Ashley, where are you?" Scott closed his eyes ready to head to sleep

It was now Sunday morning and Scott woke up still questioning Ashley's whereabouts. Lay on his bed, Scott realizes he still has her motorcycle keys in his pocket. He brought them out and looked at them.

"Ashley, if you wanted to head home without me, why did you leave your motorcycle behind?"

As Scott kept looking at the keys, he realized that the bike was still at the school and feared that the district would confiscate it by Monday morning.

With nothing to do on a Sunday morning, Scott got ready for the day, changed his clothes to a plain white shirt and black jeans, and walked to the school district with Ashley's keys in his pocket.

"I hate when I have to walk to school on a Sunday." Scott kept walking towards the school.

As he reached the school, he saw that the bike was still there. 

"There's Ashley's motorcycle ." Scott ran towards the bike. "Well Ashley didn't bring her bike home. Maybe I should hold on to it until I can see her around."

Scott took the bike getting ready to walk home with it until he noticed something. 

The school door was unlocked.

"That's weird. School shouldn't be open. Maybe there's some faculty that I can talk to about Ashley's disappearance."

To explore Ashley's disappearance, Scott went inside the building to know where Ashley went. The lights weren't on and the hallway for some reason smelled like something was rotting. Scott approached the faculty office, but the doors were locked.

"Weird, the door is locked." Scott tries to pull the knob. 

While pulling the knob, Scott realizes something. There were red stains on the floor. And it made a trail.

"Is that red paint?" Scott looked at the red stains on the floor.

"Those red stains though made a trail that was leading somewhere. With curiosity Scott followed the trail. 

When he was following the red trail, it seemed to head to the upper floor. Scott then went upstairs as he passed his precalculus class. But the trail kept going up, so he kept heading upstairs. On the third floor, the trail seemed to reach the floor and it kept going through the hallway. Scott followed the trail until it seemed to head into a room. A room that he has never seen before. Scott approached the room where the red trail was heading to. As he was in the room, Scott was going to open the door. Until he heard somebody.

"I can't believe she is finally out of our way." An anonymous person feeling relieved. 

"Yeah she just wouldn't shut up in that room, so I had to shut her up." Another anonymous person speaking.

"I was so glad to lock that door. If she tried to escape, it would've been hard for us to cover it up." A female anonymous person was also speaking.

Scott was peeking through the door and he couldn't believe it.

It was John, Laura, and Troy.

"So as I was saying. Our goal for Scott to finally be a part of us can finally come true and I believe that you are responsible for the delay. Isn't that right Ashley." John looked at Ashley.

But when Scott looked at Ashley, his eyes became wide open. What he saw was Ashley's dead body. Her body was rotting with flies above her head, blood being spilt on the floor from her throat, and her skin being pale as her corpse became rotten. 

Scott looked at the floor next to him and realized something. 

"That isn't paint, that's blood!" Scott whispered with tears coming down his eyes.

"Oh Ashley, you were supposed to be a part of us, but you kept rebelling our obedience. If you obeyed, you should've been alive right now. But you just made wrong choices." John pushed Ashley's body to the ground.

"Oh My God! Ashley!" Scott is in terror as he realizes that they killed Ashley.

Scott was in so much terror to the point where he ran back outside. He ran down both floors, across the hallway and outside of the school building. 

Scott cried that his only friend was now dead and he didn't want to look back at what happened. 

Looking at Ashley's motorcycle, Scott got on and turned on the engine with Ashley's keys. As the engine started, he hit the gas and left the school with tears constantly coming out of his eyes.

"What the hell was that?" John was startled by the engine.

Troy got off his seat and went to the window to see what was happening outside.

"Don't worry John. It's just a stupid bike." Troy looked outside of the window.

"Things are about to get fun."

Hi everyone, this chapter is very short as I'm finishing up Ashley's arc. Killing off Ashley was difficult as how I love her as a character and her empathic personality. As the story goes on, I hope for Scott to progress himself as a student and as a person.

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