
Sunset Serenade

The Thornton family businesses are being picked off. One by one the businesses that built the decades old Thornton Empire are getting buried in debt. Now the youngest Thornton, Ashley Maxine Thornton has to step in to save the day. Although to be honest she has never saved a penny in her life. Maxine although educated, has always preferred to lay about doing nothing all day. But when she realizes that her family was on a collision course with poverty, she decides to disguise herself in a maid's uniform to save the day, or more appropriately, to save herself from poverty. Follow Maxine on her adventures. Find out if she will succeed and while doing so, fall in love with the man of her dreams.

Henriettta_Banks · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Training Days

Greg nodded, his expression softening. "That makes sense. Who do you have in mind?"

Maxine hesitated, then said, "Harry Noble. He's been with us for years, and we trust him. He knows the ins and outs of our operations and has always been reliable."

Margot looked at Greg, then back at Maxine. "Harry is a good choice. But we need to make sure he understands the gravity of the situation. His role would be crucial." 

Greg agreed. "We'll transfer Harry to Sunset Haven ahead of your arrival. His job will be to give you all the access you need, undercover, of course, and to pull the plug if things get too dangerous."

Maxine nodded, feeling relieved. "That sounds perfect. Harry can be my eyes and ears behind the scenes, and he can help me navigate any tricky situations."

Greg leaned forward, his eyes intense. "We also need to think about how you'll communicate with us. If you're undercover, it can't be obvious."

"I'll get another phone with details to match my new identity," Maxine suggested. "Harry and I will keep in touch often, since he's my hiring manager it won't be obvious, and I'll check in with you both at regular intervals."

Margot sighed, her worry evident. "And what if someone becomes suspicious? What if the management or guests start asking questions?"

"I'll just have to be careful that's all," Maxine admitted. "I'll blend in, do my job, and gather information subtly. If anyone asks too many questions, I'll redirect or deflect. And if it gets too risky, Harry will pull me out."

Greg and Margot exchanged a glance, weighing the risks and benefits. Finally, Greg spoke, his voice firm but supportive. "Alright, Maxine. We'll proceed with your plan. But remember, the moment you feel unsafe or things go sideways, you let Harry know and you get out. Understood?"

Maxine nodded, determination in her eyes. "Understood. I won't take unnecessary risks. I just want to do my part to save Sunset Haven."

Margot stood up, crossing the room to hug her daughter tightly. "We believe in you, Maxine. Just promise us you'll be careful." 

Maxine hugged her back, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I promise, Mom. I'll be careful."Greg stood as well, placing a hand on Maxine's shoulder. "Let's make the necessary arrangements. We'll contact Harry and brief him on the situation. Together, we'll make sure you're prepared for this mission."

As they began to finalize the details, Maxine felt a renewed sense of purpose. With Harry as her safety net and her parents' support, she was ready to take on the challenge of saving Sunset Haven. The road ahead would be difficult, but Maxine knew she had the strength and determination to see it through.

Maxine's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as she left her parents' study, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the mission ahead. If she was going to succeed as a housekeeper at Sunset Haven, she knew she had to fully commit herself to the role.As she made her way through the grand halls of the Thornton mansion, she couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation coursing through her veins. This was her chance to make a difference, to prove herself capable of handling the challenges that lay ahead.

Entering her room, Maxine took a moment to collect herself before diving into preparations. "From now until I'm ready for my mission, no more designer clothes." She selected more practical attire for the days ahead, ready to embrace her new identity as a housekeeper. Tying her hair back in a tight ponytail, she mentally prepared herself for the tasks ahead.

Maxine knew that to excel in her new role, she would need to learn from the best. She sought out Nina, her nanny and trusted confidante, eager to soak up every bit of wisdom she had to offer. From cleaning techniques to organizational skills, Maxine was determined to absorb it all. 

Greg Thornton, at 71 years old, exuded an air of quiet authority tempered with a warm kindness that had earned him the respect of all who knew him. His tall frame, though slightly stooped with age, still carried an unmistakable presence, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to miss nothing. With a head of silver hair, neatly combed back, and a well-groomed beard framing his face, Greg maintained a dignified appearance befitting his status as the patriarch of the Thornton family.

A hardworking and industrious man, Greg had built the Thornton Hotels and Resorts empire from the ground up the help of his sister Olivia Thornton-Stuart.

They had weathered every storm together and without their determination and keen business acumen, the Thornton Hotels and Resorts wouldn't be where they were today. 

Despite Greg's success, he remained humble and grounded, always quick to credit his family and loyal employees for the company's achievements. He was a man of integrity, known for his fairness and generosity, both in business and in his personal life.

Margot Thornton, at 67 years old, was the epitome of grace and elegance. With her regal bearing and refined features, she exuded a timeless beauty that belied her age. Her soft, silver hair was styled in an elegant bob, framing her face in gentle waves, and her warm brown eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth.

A devoted wife and mother, Margot had been Greg's steadfast partner in life and in business, supporting him every step of the way. She was known for her impeccable taste and attention to detail, whether it be in the design of their luxurious homes or the planning of elaborate social events. But beyond her poise and sophistication, Margot possessed a deep kindness and compassion that endeared her to all who knew her.

As parents, Greg and Margot had always doted on their daughter, Maxine, who was their pride and joy. Born when they were in their early forties, Maxine had been a delightful surprise, a cherished addition to their family. Growing up, she had been pampered and adored, her every whim indulged by her loving parents. With her two older siblings, Mabel and Fredrick, both over a decade her senior, Maxine had enjoyed a childhood filled with love and attention, shielded from many of life's hardships by her devoted family.

Now, as they watched Maxine embark on her daring mission to save Sunset Haven, Greg and Margot felt a swell of pride and admiration for their daughter. They marveled at her courage and determination, knowing that she had inherited their resilience and strength of character. Though they couldn't help but worry about the risks she would face, they also knew that Maxine was capable of overcoming any obstacle that stood in her way. And as they prepared to support her in her quest, Greg and Margot felt a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing that their daughter was truly coming into her own, ready to make her mark on the world in her own unique way.

Maxine quickly discovered it wasn't just Nina who had valuable insights to share on great housekeeping. Little Ricky, the ten-year-old son of one of the house servants, also had pointers for her too; Maxine listened intently as he explained the best way to polish silverware and fold laundry. Maxine complied, grateful for the unexpected source of knowledge.

Nina, the seasoned housekeeper and trusted confidante of the Thornton family, took Maxine under her wing, eager to impart the intricate details of housekeeping that she would be needing for her mission at Sunset Haven. Nina had years of experience behind her, she knew that attention to detail and a meticulous approach were the keys to success in that role.

"Alright, Maxine," she began, her voice calm and reassuring. 

"Let's start with the basics. The first rule of housekeeping is organization. Everything has its place, and it's important to keep things tidy and orderly at all times."

She led Maxine through the sprawling Thornton mansion, pointing out the various cleaning supplies and tools that she would need to become familiar with. From vacuum cleaners to feather dusters, she explained the purpose of each item and demonstrated the proper technique for using them.

"Now, Maxine," she said, gesturing to a cluttered countertop in the kitchen, "let's tackle this mess. The key to efficient cleaning is to work from top to bottom and left to right, so that you don't miss anything. Start by clearing off the countertops and wiping them down with a disinfectant spray. Then, move on to the appliances, making sure to clean inside and out."

As Maxine follows the instructions, NIna offers gentle guidance and encouragement, praising her efforts and offering improvement tips. Despite Maxine's lack of experience, Nina could see her determination to learn and her willingness to apply herself to the task at hand.

"Very good, Maxine," Nina says, nodding approvingly as she finishes wiping down the countertops. 

"Now, let's move on to the floors. We'll start by sweeping or vacuuming to remove any dirt and debris, and then we'll mop to give them a thorough clean."