
A promise is a promise

As the morning light crept through the gap in my curtains the corners of my lips turned up in to a childish grin. I squeezed my eyes to stay shut tightly as I replayed yesterday in the restaurants kitchen. The memory of him leaning towards me made me throw my arms around myself in to a tight hug. Drawing closer to me my heart skipped up hitting my chest with force until his kiss lands on my cheek. This memory burned in to my mind sending shivers all over me until i threw myself over on my bed and squeezed my pillow. The pillow I embraced so tightly in my arms I let my mind pretend for a moment it is sweet holding me deeply.

"Daisy, it's getting late are you up honey?", my mum called from the kitchen, her booming voice shattering my dream like haze. I let out a grumble of sadness that I left that enticing memory. As my eyes sprang open my smile quickly returned as I remember that he asked me to come back again today. I leaped from my bed and began furiously searching my wardrobe for the perfect outfit. Yellow, I need to get something yellow. That's it! I pulled a large bulk of clothes to the other end of the rail to reveal a dress I never wore. It was a gift from my dad when he was still trying to win me over after leaving mum. It was covered in lace daisies and although a solid structured white top the skirt was flowing tulle in a pastel yellow. I told my dad I hated it but I in honesty loved it and I hoped that sweet would love it too. As that idea came in to my head I held my cheeks between my hands to hold down the obvious glee. I needed to get my emotions under raps before mum caught me in this state. I wanted her to be a part of this but I wanted to explore these feeling on my own first.

Slapping each cheek firmly but gently I pulled the dress from the hanger and slid myself in to it. After putting on the dress I looked at my hair clips with intense scrutiny. Which one? Which one? My eyes met one clip with a large bee as the centre piece and iridescent wings I knew this was the right choice. I placed the clip in to my hair and thought about what shoes would be best. I realised that my silver shoes would match my outfit and I somehow felt that they were my lucky shoes. After all when sweet kissed my cheek I had them on. My face flushed a bright shade of pink as the daydream felt much more real now and soon I will see him again. My nerves bubbled up like an overflowing cauldron and I began to pace the room rethinking my whole outfit. Maybe this is too much? I should wear something less obvious? Maybe I shouldn't go today he might not even notice.

"But I promised!", I exhaled defeatedly but louder then I anticipated. My mother peered around the door with a curious look on her face.

"What did you promise?", she asked now entering my room and sitting on my bed. I turned from her gaze to face my wardrobe as if I wasn't happy with my outfit yet.

"Oh I just… told Mary I'd go see her today", I lied hoping that without seeing my face she would believe my flimsy story. She paused watching me her eyes narrowed as she looked me up and down.

"Mary she was that lady you told me about, you're such a good girl to go see her again", she smiled with pride. I relaxed slightly, maybe she did believe me and I was worried for nothing until she continued.

"I see you're wearing that dress your father bought you, I'm surprised last thing you said about it was you'd rather drink pond water than wear it", she giggled perhaps it was the memory of me being childish that made her laugh. I turn to her quickly to stop her laughing.

"I've grown up a lot since we moved and I realise that I like this dress", I smiled at her and continued, "I don't like who gave it to me but if I make better memories in it then that won't be what I think of when I see it". She looked almost stunned her mouth open and no words followed. She cleared her throat to focus herself and walked over to me.

"My you really have grown up, what a beautiful young woman you've become", she said softly as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. She hugged me tightly before I left the house. Outside I thought about our goodbye and how she hopes I have fun and share my adventures with her soon. I would soon mum just as soon as I figure out where this adventure is going. With that I set off to Mary's place, since I'd told mum I was going I should drop by and see her.

After days of walking the same route I had finally started to remember my way a little better and getting to Mary's house was going to be much easier this time around. Mary seemed to do her shopping at 10am or close then so I tried to get there in time to help her with her bags again. Sure enough Mary was carrying 4 bags packed full of groceries again.

"Mary let me help you with those", I called to her. She turned towards me and let out a huge sigh in relief.

"Oh Daisy, you are a lifesaver I always buy too much", she explained very out of breath. I hurried over and took 2 of the bags from her and started to walk with her back home. In one of the bags I was holding I noticed this time a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It featured sunflowers and daisies huddled together in a shiny gold ribbon.

"Mary these flowers are so lovely, did you get them from the florist?", I quizzed whilst smiling brightly. She looked at the bag and seemed to need a second to remember what she had bought.

"Ah yes I thought that I hadn't bought some in so long a nice bunch of flowers would brighten the house right up", she explained then quickly changed the subject. "So that pizza place are you going again today?", she leaned over to ask.

"Well I had planned on it, someone asked me if I'd go back again today and I promised I would", before I spilled all my thoughts I stop myself abruptly.

"I see that must be why you look so adorable today in that pretty Daisy dress", she beamed a smile to me as I blushed deeply. "Hmm I have an idea when we get to my house wait before you set off on your way please", I looked confused but nodded in agreement. We kept walking a little longer till we reached Mary's house. She again gestured me in and to set the bags on the table. Once I had placed them down she directed me to sit on a wooden dining chair.

"Now dear can I fix your hair for you all that walking had messed it a little", she said as she put her hand on my shoulder in a gently grandmotherly way.

"It's messed up!, oh please do fix it thank you so much Mary", I became frantic as I accepted her offer of help. I felt my bee hair clip slide from my hair and Mary glided a brush gently through my hair. She took some strands and began to braid them and places the hair clip in the back to secure them. She then placed something extra at the side of my head and proclaimed she had finished.

"Take a look and tell me what you think", she hurried me towards a mirror near the front door. She had braided it half up and used my clip to keep them up at the back it was so well done and neat. I turned my head to the side and saw a sunflower from Mary bouquet. It shon so brightly I was smiling so wide at the job Mary had done.

"Mary! I love it, you sure it's okay to take one of your flowers?", I looked a little guilty saying it. She waved her hand in dismissal.

"My dear it completes the look, I insist you take it!", she said smirking at the job she had done. I knew she'd never take it back so I hugged her and thanked her again. She wished me luck today and with new hair I set off to the pizza place once again.

Would today be as good as yesterday? I had no idea but all I knew was that with my sunflower and silver shoes I was luckier then a four leaf clover.