
Sunlight and Moonlight

"Love is an unequal exchange'"Jiang Yun Yao said to the man in front of her. She sipped her tea calmly and continued, "I realized why many people from high society despise the Cinderella story because they won't get any benefits from marrying their daughers or sons with the one with lower status. Human nature is selfish. They'll put their interest above others. Like your parents, you and me. We all have different interests which intersect each other. There are only conflict of interests." She stopped speaking. She gazed out of the floor to criling window, seeing the bustling crowds from the 17th floor she sat in. It looked small, insignificant yet it exist. a trace of melancholy appeared in her eyes. "Now, I know why I don't like Cinderella Story. They only talk about how the Prince and Cinderella love each other - only talk about how they lived happily ever after. But have you ever thought that Cinderella would not necessarily live happily ever after? "She needs to adjust herself with the Imperial Life. She needs to adjust with her prince's life style. That's the suffering she had to go through. She had to restrict herself from doing what she used to. And the other, would Cinderella become the sole wife of the prince? Or would she become the main wife, or even the concubine of the prince? The status she had, no matter how much she dislike it, she had to swallow it bitterly. She couldn't protest yet she also couldn't free herself unless the prince gave up his status as the prince." She realized that a love of two people from different classes would not give any happiness unless one of the two gave up on what they have willingly for the other party. Like how Cinderella get rid of her free commoner life for high class life that full of suffocating ethics for the prince. "In this respect, I don't want to become Cinderella. Instead, I want to become the prince. Do you want to become my Cinderella?" She started at him intently. "Yes." The man nodded indifferently. Under the table his hands clenched tightly. Only he knew how nervous he was while waiting for the answer. Jiang Yun Yao beamed. "Ok. Let's go to Civil Affair Bureau tomorrow." The man stunned in disbelief. "Really?" Jiang Yun Yao nodded, "Yes. At eight in the morning, sharp. If you come even a second more than that time, this offer will not be applicable any longer." .... On the other side of the cafe Two buns were sitting in front of a laptop seriously. Although they couldn't fully process what their mother said to the man, they could vaguely guess that they would get a father soon. The energetic looking bun looked at his calm sibling and said, "What do you think about this man?" The calm sibling replied, "Quiet decent. At least not the type whose peach blossoms were everywhere." The energetic bun enthusiastically said, "He need to pass our ceremony before he can become our father." The calm looking bun nodded in agreement. "Yes." The man who was gleeful in his heart for going to be married his love soon didn't know two little devils were awaiting for his arrival. Join author's discord https://discord.gg/7PMNTK The picture isn't mine. It belongs to the rightful owner

WinterLeaf · Urban
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8 Chs

We'll Travel Around the World with You. It's a Promise.

Jiang Yun Yao hold each bun and lifted them up in the back seat that she had modified for them. She slowly let her sons sit and tightened the safety belt around them. After she make sure it was okay, she went to the driver seat and started the engine.

She drove the car to Imperial City's amusement park.

The park was located between business district and high end residental area. The villa where she lived located in Dragon Residential Village, one of the most expensive residential area in the Imperial City was only several minutes away driving with the car.

Jiang Yun Yao drove slowly. Sometimes, she would see her sons through the rearview mirror. Their milky voice when singing some rhymes she taught was so cute. She clearly saw happiness on their faces. It made her mood soar unprecendently.

Not long after, they arrived at the amusement park.

The two buns, after they went down from the car, were like fish that finally meet water. They looked around curiously. When they saw something giant like drop tower, roller coaster rails, ferris wheel and some others for games and rides, they would pointed it out and said to Jiang Yun Yao that they would play it.

Jiang Yun Yao could only nodded as she said, "You can play anything you want. But you have to ask mommy first." She pointed at the roller coaster rails and some other games and rides that only suitable for adult - the buns' eyes followed wherever she pointed at. "Like roller coaster you see over there. Mommy will not let you play it because it isn't suitable for you yet."

The buns asked with curiosity, "Why mommy? Why we can't play it?"

Jiang Yun Yao patiently explained, "You see, the safety belt over there?" She pointed at the roller coaster.

The younger one blurted out the fact the moment he looked at the direction, "It's too far mommy. We can't see."

The older son nodded.

Jiang Yun Yao froze. Her sons were only four years old. Their senses were not enough to looked at the roller coaster which were running on the trail. She could only said, "Did you hear the screams?"

The buns nodded. Jiang Yun Yao asked, "When usually you scream?"

The older son was the first to respond. He listed everything he could remember. "When we see ghost in the movie, when the light is off and when we see teacher in the playground angry."

Jinag Yun Yao gently asked, "Then, can you see that brothers and sisters over there screams?"

The buns eyes lit. "Because they are afraid?"

"Yes." Jiang Yun Yao nodded. "They are afraid. If the ride can frighten them, will you brave enough to do the same? Will you be sure that you won't pee in the pants tonight?" Although the significant of afraid between riding roller coasters and afraid of ghost or something else were different, she could only said it. she thought, this would be the best explanation so far.

The buns realized what Jiang Yun Yao implied. They were afraid. But, to cover it up, they bravely said, "We are not afraid mommy. We'll only ride it when we grow up." Being afraid isn't okay, but pee in the pants isn't really good.

"Yes. Mommy will go with you when the time comes." Jiang Yun Yao smiled. Her sons hands were trembling. She only feigned ignorance. As they walked inside, she added, "The safety belts in those rides and games can only fit to adults. It will not be able to hold you. If you suddenly fall because of it, you will hurt. Will you make me sad because of it?"

The buns truly realized what their mother said, "Ok mommy. We will listen to you."

Jiang Yun Yao nodded. She was pleased with how obedient her sons were.


Because it wasn't holiday, the amusement park wasn't as crowded as it was in summer holiday. They could play some rides and games without queuing for it.

Jiang Yun Yao could play freely with her sons because she had wore different make up and clothes style from her usual self.

In public, she would wear some skirts and dresses, displaying her image as the queen with high and loftly air but with genial and likeable personality. She was approachable yet untouchable.

Today, she wore the same outfit with her sons. She wore jump pants with white shirt. Her hair was in ponytail style and she donned lensless glasses. Her youth look was enhanced with this style. It was as if she was only a colleague student that unexpectedly play with her two little brothers.

For some keen eyes, they would feel that she was similar with the actress Jiang Yun Yao - and it stopped at that. They would only believe that she resembled the actress as they subconsciously believed that the actress would bring riots of her fans wherever she go.

Her sons rode and played some games for children. When her sons played the carousel, they were so excited that she felt they would jump if she didn't see them over. Of course, Jiang Yun Yao would shamelessly played the carousel together with her sons while holding the camera in her hands. She would surely capture every moments of her sons' first experience as long as she was there. They were only playing carousel but her camera's memory was a third full.

She accompanied her sons playing another game when she decided to take the buns to take the ferris wheel.

It was sunset

The buns excitedly looked out of the glass window, seeing the amalgamation between light and darkness. It wasn't dark enough but places had already turned the lamps on. The landscape was brightened with shimmering lights. Their eyes were full of amazement with the view before their eyes.

The ferris wheel were the biggest in the city, so they could enjoy the beauty of night view.

Jiang Yun Yao looked over her sons. Sometimes, when she felt they would walk closer to the door she would hold them and keep them safe. It was the maternal instinct - she was very grateful for this. Seeing her sons smile and happy, she would feel as if she had all the happiness in the world.

Suddenly, her older son said, "Mommy, when we grow up, we'll travel around the world with you."

The younger one nodded in agreement. "Yes. We will mommy. It's a promise."

Juang Yun Yao stunned when she saw the solemn looks on their faces. She could feel how serious they were when they said it. She smiled, "Yes. Mommy will wait for it."

The buns grinned. Then, they resumed seeing the view, unaware of how their words had impacted their mother.