$'So what's the plan?'$
'Plan is simple, we try to control our strength' - Saba was coming up with ideas with "himself". In the end he decided that one of his brain should focus on hunting while other focus on controlling his power.
'As expected we do not shine anymore, we just glow a little' thought Saba.
#'Well... but we still glow though, I do not think it will be easy to catch something like this. We are like highlighted text. But better then nothing, worth to try hunting, Let's try climbing tree, At best we would be like sunshine that come through woods'#
'And at worst danger sign'
Saba climbed one of the trees and waited patiently. He saw some animals similar to deer and boars. Although he had good chance to catch them, He decided to observe them. While observing he saw that deer type of animal avoided to eat red berries looking berries.
$'Do you think it's poisonous?'$
#'Not really sure but it's better to avoid eating those berries. Maybe it will be good to apply it on weapon?'#
'Doubt that it will be easy to do that, if it's very strong sure why not but look at that.' - Saba directed attention at weak looking like boar. It seemed it was very hungry and it ate some of the red berries that deer avoided eating.
$'Hah so it's not that lethal after all, in desperate times, you could eat small dose I suppose?'$
#'Is it me or those animals are starting to look at us?'#
Saba soon realised what was happening. As Orochimaru was not concentrated on supressing light, it started slowly going wild. Saba did not wish to lose his pray, So he was thinking, thinking hard about what would be best way to catch something that could see you. And he came up with simple answer, Blind them.
$'Oh well... Time to shine. PLUS ULTRA FLASHBANG'$
Saba jumped out of tree, He jumped and opened his hands wide open, As if you would expect him to land in hey that would be ready for him to land on for some reason. The jump in the eyes of the animals was so 'Beautiful' That it was blinding... literary blinding.
Saba quickly dived down jumping on blinded Boar's head crushing his head as hard as possible with his weight. And ran to deer that was closest to him although dear did hear loud noise coming from tree, it was late as his neck was already grabbed by Snaky.
"Well... this two is not bad... it is not bad food for now. Speaking of which I do not really feel hunger... I feel nice while it's day time, even better when under sunlight"
'$I like that you finally started taking situation seriously but let's take food and resume hunting. I do not wish to accidently burn food while overthinking$'
Snaky bit deer's neck and agreed to Orochimaru. It is better to try get used to using 3 heads as fast as possible, Who knows what awaits them in future.
Saba returned to base with some meat and the red berries that was avoided by deer type of animal.
"Where is Sandro?" - Just as Saba asked this question sound of crash could be heard not far from base.
"$The hell man!! He talks about being careful and stuff, while he acts like raging dinosaur!!!$"
"#Whatever lets get going, don't think bright flashes are any less eye catching, to be honest#"
He soon went back into forest and thought different ways of hiding. At first he tried to dig down and burry himself in ground. Which was funny idea. As it looked like as light shining through ground as if some kind of treasure was buried there. Funny enough that idea worked on rockoon looking type of animals.
After catching 4 of those things, The trick seemed to not work anymore.
'#I think those animals are not that dumb. Maybe they have like some information network?#'
$'Oh well I got bored of this idea anyway. If animals are that smart I think we should level up our game'$
#'Heh what are you going to do next? Hide in rocks? HAhahahahaa'#
#'Wait... you serious?!?!'#
" . . . " What am I doing? Thought Saba while melting insides of boulder and hiding inside. Before going into boulder he placed deer's favourite grass that they mostly enjoyed to eat.
#'Welp here we are now... from third rate villain to a... Trap'#
$'Hey man, we have to survive somehow. And those deer's seem good thing to hunt'$
#'Was it really worth melting this MF rock for two fukin hours?'#
'I think we should add some gate thing to this.' - Saba thought while ignoring Snaky
$'Boulder with gates? And yes! It was worth it Snaky'$
Saba thought that it was funny idea. Who does not like gates? Every man has attraction of something big and round. If you add big gates to it. Hell no man can hold his curiosity back from such invention, For right reasons or not, they would check it out at least once or twice.
'Boulder's gates. Seems like it could be good trap.'
Snaky was observing from small holes that saba made to check on surrounding, Saba still thought that it would be best to observe as much as he could, So he waited 2 to 3 hours. He saw that animals had habit of observing surrounding before eating, and that they would sometimes communicate or at least it was what it looked like.
Soon enough 3 deer came near boulder where plants were put. They observed surrounding area and after seeing that there was no threat they decided to enjoy their meal. Saba thought that it was enough for today and started communicating with "himself"
'Okay Orochimaru you ready?'
$'Alright!!! Ladies and gentleman, Let me introduce you in 3... 2... 1...'$
Boulder broke with loud noise and shining hands came out of it reaching for deer's necks. Third deer although blinded but scared soon tried to run away in random direction. But sadly for it, something bit it's leg, dragging it down on ground and slowly pulling it inside of boulder.
From the trees there were monkey and raccoon like animals observing this seen, It was horrifying for them. From their point of view. Boulder became alive it opened it mouth and shined so bright that blinded everything that was looking at it. And after bright light they only saw that 2 deers were already swallowed and third one was slowly getting dragged inside of it, It dragged the body with what would seem like tongue while maniacally laughing. So they ran away.
"Well that was that. Now time to go home." Said Saba while dragging 1 alive and 2 dead deer.
Saba wanted to bring at least 2 of them alive but he could not think of a way dragging them to base. He could make snaky immobilise one but two would be hassle so he decided to not get greedy with it. In the end if something went wrong. Only thing that would be left for food would be charcoal at best and dust at worst.
"Seems light is waning, it is going to be night soon, Well there will still be fire... huh" Saba soon understood that he overlooked one big detail. Fire!!.
He did not see fire in the morning. Nor did it last too long at night.
"#Wow... Calm down, do not overthink for now, You might affect Orochimaru and I might snap this poor deer#"
'you are right'. Saba decided it would be best to discuss this matter later with his brother. Who knows if this is magical world, there might be magical animals worse then them combined.
He got closer to their base and what he saw left him sunned.
"What in the name of Atlas is happening here?"
"Oh hello there brother" - Said Sandro with a smirk.