
Cristopher was revived

"President Ling, but..." Zhao Min cannot contain his emotion and said his opinion; he cannot understand wht his presentation was rejected and how this situation happened.

He was ask to come early to discuss about this contract but he waited for 5 hours and this is the result?

Ling Yunli only glance at him with no expression and looked at his gokden watch. It was an hour until Ling Yunli waved his hand as a sign that the meeting is adjourned. All the staff walked out leaving Zhao Min inside together with Ling Yunli.

"Mr. Zhao, my decision is final."

Final? Zhao Min slammed his hands on the table. Bullshit! This is a contract that's worth billions and he will only say that it's final? Zhao Min is already mad.

"President Ling, have you read everything in the contract?"

Ling Yunli raised his eyebrow at what he said and glanced at the contract. He opened his mouth and a cold yet manly voice was sounded.

"Do you mean this useless contract?"

As soon as the words left Ling Yunli's mouth, Zhao Min who was mad, fume.

The contract is important for him especially when his family called him in the middle of the night just to say that he must get that contract because the people who invested in all their business backed out.

He spent a lot of effort and time for this and now it will be called useless?

"The first problem is the location, but then I can find a way to fix that. If the quality of the products are top notch then the lo ation will not ne a problem."

Ling Yunli immediately explained.

"But the problem the history of your company."

He rotated his swivel chair as if he was bored. The atmosphere in the area is colder as if the king is angry..

"All your investors paid a high amount of money but it is nowhere to be found. And base on it, you created a dummy project just to get a lot of money from the company.

Sorry mr. Zhao, I can't let my billion dollar money go to waste."

Ling Yunli finished.

"If you excuse me now, I'm a busy person."

He stands up and walked passed Zhao Min, but before that he gently patted his shoulder.

"If only you didn't offended my sister, then I wouldn't mind wasting a billion for her."

Ling Yunli is known for pampering his sister, he doesn't mind wasting money for her. But no one knows who is that mysterious sister of him.

Right it must be Qiqi, her mother was married to Ling Manli. That makes her the younger sister of Ling Yunli.

But he cannot remember the time he offended her.

Exhausted,with a massive amount of weight in his shoulder, he fell on his chair with a loud thud.


In the Imperial Residence of the Zhao Family in City A...

It was already noon by the time Ling Yueliang woke up.

The clattering of things was the first thing Yueliang hear when she opened her eyes. She switched her position and crossed her legs and returned to sleep when she feel something wet and slimy in her bed. Followed with the abdominal cramps and headache, she feel irritated and pushed her blanket away from her legs.

She stood and went to her bathroom for her hygienic practice.

Hmmm. The swelling is gone but what she saw in the mirror left her shock.

"Christopher was revived! New members arrived!"

Yueliang looked at her reflection. Christopher was the name she gave to one of her pimples.

Christopher was supposed to be dead/cured but now because of her period, it came back and it looks like it invited a few more of its kind. Hehe

As the sayings said,"the more the merrier."

Her phone vibrated, indicating a text message.

"Little Moon, wakey wakey , get up and eat your lunch. And by the way your new car has arrived!"

It made her more irritated because of what her brother texted.

Car... She hates it!

Now she's grumpy

She immediately finished her lunch and went out to order a taxi, she wants to meet her brother. The moment she opened the door, what greeted her is the car. She went and kick one of the wheels but guess it's a wrong move, it only hurt her foot. Fuck!

When she arrived in there, she hurriedly went to the receptionist.

"Good noon ma'am, what can we help you? "

Though the receptionist doesn't like how she dressed plainly and simple, she still remained professional.

" Can you tell me which floor mr. Ling's office is at?"

"Do you have an appointment with him, ma'am?

" No"

The receptionist nodded.

"We cannot give you the place ma'am unless we have his approval. He's in a meeting right now so technically we cannot afford to disturb him. If you may, please kindly wait in the lobby until we can connect to him. Can I have your name please?"

"Yueliang, tell him Yueliang is here."

The receptionist gave a polite smile.

"Certainly,we will ma'am."

Yueliang nodded in approval. It looks like the staff here is trained well and respect everyone, cause if not then she will be the one to do that.

Thinking about that, it made her laugh devilishly.

It made her mood improve a little bit.

Her abdominal cramps is starting again so she doesn't have a choice but to sit in the comfy chair.

Zhao Min, who tread heavily with a weary steps out of the elevator, sight the figure of Yueliang in the lobby.

Because of this girl,Xiao Xue is angry with him.

"Even in here you still keep on following me? Heh! I'm not in a good mood to talk to you right now Yueliang."

He smirk and stood proudly while looking at Yueliang.

Yueliang, who heard his voice, didn't even move nor flinch as if there's no Zhao Min talking to her.

"Don't even think of begging me to start all over again for I will not even bat an eyelid."

Yueliang doesn't want to talk to him, her abdominal cramps is getting painful.

All she wanted was to have a peaceful place to rest. Now she regretted going here.

Zhao Min was offended when Yueliang didn't even looked at him.

"Yueliang listen, Xiao Xue is the only one for me and don't even think of offending her, your status cannot be compared with her!"

"Excuse me ma'am, president Ling is now available and waiting for you. Let this man escort you to his office."

The receptionist butted in, afraid that his boss will be waiting.

At the same time, Yueliang was thankful for her meddling, now she doesn't have to listen to Zhao Min.

Soon she arrived in her brother's office, opening the door suddenly making her brother spit the coffee in his desk.


"Little moon, your face is a little bit different from yesterday."

"Shut up and let me rest in your bed"

The pain is getting unbearable, now she just want to lie here.

"Hey don't come here just to sleep!"

But then he still offered his bed.

"Oh before you sleep, grandpa wanted you to attend the gathering tomorrow, and you can't say no."


"You can't say no!"


"Little moon, you know that grandpa will be disappointed if you don't. He was expecting to see you after all these years. He thought that it was all his fault that you left, so by saying no, it means that your angry with him."

It left Yueliang in deep thought. She really didn't want to go but thinking about her grandpa's disappointed look, she can't bear to say no.

"Fine, but don't expect me to look good"

Hearing this, Yunli got excited.

"Bringing yourself is enough."

Yunli didn't take Yueliang's warning into heart but he didn't expect that what they will see will forever remain into their mind.

Hello living_moon here. Please join me in this journey to my crazy world. Hehe please be nice to me.

Living_mooncreators' thoughts