
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

The Old World Conference and an Entry to the New World

London, 1944.

A day had passed after hostilities had finally ceased, sure there were still large-scale partisan groups and a constant layer of thin ice between the local populace and the Wehrmacht, but they cared not, unless they had Anti-tank weaponry they wouldn't stand a chance against the armored Ubersoldaten.

"We are approaching the venue now Mein Fuhrer," The Chaperone told the Fuhrer who has been watching the passing sights of ruined London at the back of his car.

In front of them were cars with different flags painted on them, men in suits walked in the Lancaster Mansion, this was where the talks would take place.

The mansion is a large, imposing structure made of brick and stone. It is situated in a prime location in the heart of London, overlooking a lush garden with a fountain. The mansion's front entrance is adorned with a grand set of stone steps leading up to an ornate wooden door.

Inside, the mansion is spacious and luxurious, with high ceilings, intricate moldings, and elegant chandeliers. The walls are lined with oil paintings and ornate mirrors, and the floors are covered with plush carpets.

The meeting room where the talks will be held is located on the second floor of the mansion. It is a large, wood-paneled room with a long, polished table surrounded by high-backed chairs. The walls are lined with bookcases filled with leather-bound volumes, and there is a large fireplace on one wall.

Overall, the mansion is a grand and impressive space that exudes power and wealth, making it an ideal location for the high-level talks that will determine the fate of nations

"We will now hold the talks," The announcer said after sitting down.

There were armed guards everywhere within the Mansion, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this was the most defended place in all of the Home Isles, Partisans would have to think thrice if they wanted to attack this place.

"The papers that will be passed from our diplomatic guards are our demands, we hope that the emissaries of the defeated nations consider this as a gateway to peace and prosperity that would last a thousand years." Hitler spoke as he peruses through the paper himself, the diplomats of Japan and Italy reads through the papers aswell.

Murmurs from the other side of the table could be heard but it didn't change anything as they keep it as whispers.

The War had finally come to its conclusion, a major victory for the Tripartite Pact members. Japan, Germany and Italy, the latter nation's fate dangling on a very serious tightrope as Mussolini and his compatriots such as his advisor take glances of the peace treaty and the mustached man in control of a massive empire situated right on top of the Italian Peninsula, the Alps as a natural border between the superpowers.

But the Italians were reassured by the German government that the two nations would continue friendly diplomatic relations as fellow "Peacekeepers and Guardians of European Descent".

"We believe that by signing this treaty of peace that Europe would finally focus on preserving peace and prosperity in the continent" The german diplomat smiled as he reassured the tensed parties on the other side, but it was just a pretense, everyone knew it, stories about German and Italian atrocities hadn't come to light yet but the Allies were aware that something unforbodding was being done within Axis occupied territory.

"You want us to pay at least 70% of our treasury in war reparations' for 12 years, disbandment of Allied Armed forces, prohibiting the use of lethal weaponry within Allied countries, plant a government loyal to you, detaining well-known war criminals from the losing side and expatriating them to Germany, Italy and Japan where they will be trialed under the laws of the Geneva Convention and to cede all colonial holdings and other disputed territories to the victors? Why would w-"

"Its because we have lost, it would be best to sign the treaty now, they hadn't left us with anything yes but for now we can only argue, it is clear..... We have lost" The well dressed man with a posh accent spoke with defeat in his tongue, his downcasted eyes as he read through the contents of the treaty, but they were determined to fight contrary to the faint sighs of a defeated adversary.

"Well then sign here and there, disarmament of your troops would begin on the 12th hour in the afternoon and will end at the end of the year." The signing of the treaty ended with a unconditional surrender, everyone saw that the treaty was signed, there were even cameras recording everything to prove that it wasn't counterfeit to dissuade rebel groups.

But if all else fails there was still the overseers, large automatons rivaling the height of the Clocktower of London closely watching with its cannons and a number of sophisticated crowd control weaponry to disperse protesters, the Ausmerzer Zweis would be stationed in major RAF air bases for quick deployment across the Isles in case of an emergency.

Many should have known that by now, an Era focused on automisation and robots would arrive.


At the same time as the signing was taking place.

Two Ausmerzer Zweis could be seen flying above the calm clouds, deep ocean blue under the bomb bays of the Ausmerzer Zwei ready to bomb anything into dust, the Wolkenjägers stood by at the flight deck as personnel checked and maintained the VTOL fighters, hoping that they wouldn't explode suddenly just like the incident before the invasion of Britain.

"It's really calm here huh? I was expecting at least a dragon to swoop in" The commander of one of the Ausmerzer Zweis comments as he sips on his mug full of hot choco.

"Yes, we haven't detected anything yet with our Heat sensors so its likely that the Dragons and Wyverns haven't flown in a migratory path to Europe, although reports from the Afrikakorp have shown the devastation a single wyvern could cause to our army without this kind of technology"

"Yeah, I've heard that one of the divisions in Ethiopia had crumbled because of the unexpected wyvern attack, best hope that RnD would find a solution to that, those beasts are living flying tanks"

"It's proven that Flak 88 is effective against the Wyverns, but a continuous attack from a Wirbelwind would take it down in a minute of firing AP Flak" the female subordinate of the commander spoke with an indifferent tone as she watches the screen with the commander, checking the dials and the information displayed on the sleek black rectangle.

"Terrifying stuff indeed" the commander leans back on his chair, placing the hot choco on the plate with chocolate crumbs on it.


The lounge of the Ausmerzer Zwei.

It would take a while for the Ausmerzer Zwei to get to the Continent where the elves live, so to accommodate the feeling of a luxury liner the engineers of the Ausmerzer Zwei hired interior designers and other sorts of people in order to bring out a comfortable atmosphere within the Reichs most advanced piece of technology.

"Really glad that We've been selected as one of the task forces to help the elves, this Strawberry Smoothie tastes so good!" One of the soldiers exclaimed inside of the lounge area, it was a wide space that could fit at least 1000 or so people and for the majority of the flight, the soldiers would hang out in this palace of recreation.

"Doesn't suit my taste, I'd rather have some of that dark chocolate they're giving away at the bar instead"

Stomping could be heard as the two were arguing on the sweet elixirs that would've been labeled as a luxury back at home, in an instant a shadow loomed above the two soldiers still in their garbs.

"What are you idiots doing? Briefing is at 0200, get your gear and move to the theatre room!" The officer barked at the duo, intimidating them with the armored uniform and the rank and force that enforced such behavior. The damned Airship was too large so a majority of the men were just wandering around, luckily maps would be placed in intervals as well as cleaning bots that would direct them to their desired location with ease.

In the dimly lit room, the theatre room was full of people watching the stage, they all wore their uniforms, from an elevated position they could be mistaken for bobs because of how the helmets glowed.

A man walked onto the stage with heavy steps until he takes position on a lectern placed on the stage "We will now begin the briefing" The man on the stage spoke with an intimidating voice, his patches on his shoulders and the officer's cap yelled out GENERAL, his face with a deep scar protruding from his mouth and cheek.

The once-black background of the General suddenly lit up with a flick of a remote on his hand, revealing what looked like a map, a map of an unfamiliar continent with a detailed list of places that were color-coded, the men sat on their seats with their focus primed at the General.

"As you all know we have been assigned to protect our new friends, they are our benefactors and we are returning the favor for what they've given us. We all know about the reports from the Embassy building incident and the Eastern Front right? Then we will have to face those kinds of beings" The background flicks to a town with a big coast, what looked like docks and ports placed at a strange interval.

"We will first begin with our objectives, first we will land on the port city of Vanyalond where we will be greeted by the Meriavellan Army and be briefed on the current situation and set up a command center, once that is done we will use the Ausmerzer to drop in on the battlefield and provide support to them, the Demon realm is also providing support to the Elves so if you see a demon or a skeleton just don't bother them.. For now we know that the enemy are conducting guerilla tactics similar to the partisans of Yugoslavia, so we have to maintain caution at all times within the Great Forest. Do NOT let the enemy get the jump on you, carelessness will not be tolerated!" with a press of a button the background flicks to three letters with the map of the conflict zone, the forest, the swamp, and the mountain range along with a list of tactics spread out.

"There will be three groups assigned to the mission, Group A will handle the Meriavelle mountain ranges, we have received intel of small humanoid tribes living there, your jobs are to make sure they are not part of the conflict, Group B will handle the swamps, that's where the lizardmen reside, they are also supporting the Elves with their men but lack weapons, your jobs are to handle steady logistics between the Elves and the Lizardmen as well as holding the swamp in case of an attack, lastly, Group C will handle the forest ranges, maintain comms with the Elves and the rest of the deployment and make sure that nothing gets past your sights." Drinking a glass of water before clicking on the button to change the background again, this time it showed the Reichs Jet aircraft and their outlines and capabilities.

"Air support is on standby by Vanyalond, the Wolkenjäger and the Todesengel will be at your service, but the Ausmerzer Zweis will not participate since they will police the skies above, to maintain air superiority but the ammo is not unlimited, conserve your ammunition and keep stock, the damned sea monsters keep sinking any attempts for seaborne resupply so we will have to wait for another Ausmerzer Zwei for our supplies" the room fell silent once more, the amount of fuel the Wolkenjäger and the Todesengel consumed would not last them a week or two, it was too fuel hungry coupled with the fact that the Ausmerzer Zwei, for how it was marketed as the Airship that could fly nonstop for a millennium could only hold so much ammunition, sure it could carry hundreds of tons of weight but it was already putting a strain on the thrusters, adding more weight would overwork the thrusters more.

This was indeed something short of a risk to lose tons of sensitive technology to a continent they weren't familiar of.

 "The Fuhrer expects this to be done in one to three years with a total victory on our side." A sigh of relief, one to three years would give them ample time to come up with solutions to fix the supply issue.

The General looked at his led display watch which showed a picture of a man, a young woman, and three children along with the time, he looks back at his soldiers who all wore face masks and salutes.

"That is all, I want everyone to be ready by the time we spot land. Sieg Heil!" The infamous salute that was one of the defining characteristics of that infamous nation, the soldiers also salute and the theatre room was lit up, the screen turned off and now it was showing a commercial for a brand new watch.


Outside of the Theatre Room

"Hey you want to get something to eat? Or should we go have some fun with the bots?" the tone of the soldier was as aloof as ever, the soldier he was talking to just shook his head.

"Nah Johann, I don't want to do anything for now, how about later instead? That take on Strawberry Milkshakes being the best thing ever still doesn't sit well with me" As the two soldiers walked away, their surroundings turn to bright red, and the sounds of an alarm blared throughout the entire craft as men scrambled to the defense platforms.

"Hey what the hell's going on?!?" The General pushed through and grabbed a Luftwaffe soldier running with his breathing apparatus on.

"We have detected a large cluster of unknown flying objects, possibly wyverns from our Heat sensors, automatic defense systems are currently undergoing regular maintenance so we have to man the turrets" The soldier salutes and runs off at a high pace, the General and his guards ran the other direction, towards the command tower.

"Hey, we should help defend as well bro!"

"Yeah, let's get our rifles"

Minutes later and gunfire could be heard echoing up above, explosions of different volumes sprinkled here and there in this awful orchestra of death and carnage, these were the sounds of a battle in the heavens this world had not seen before.

A black cloud loomed towards the three Ausmerzer Zweis, but they knew it wasn't just an ordinary cloud, the sounds of a million or so wings flapping was all the men could hear as they prepared their weapons, rifles, Anti-air emplacements full of flak rounds and a complex array of anti-air missiles stood by.

Until white smoke flew up to the air, a trail of the V4A air to air HVHE laser guided missile propelled itself towards the cloud, bursts of light and black dots fell to the ocean floor with a thunderous clap as more of these rods of death flew towards the enemy, many would still break through the barrage of missiles but was quickly dealt with by the onboard manned Anti-Air systems, its design similar to the flak 88 and the autocannon variant of it.

RAAAAAAAAAAH! Wyvern screams as they dove to the Uberconcrete flight deck paved with lines to guide the aircraft, because of the speed of the Ausmerzer Zweis normal wyverns could barely keep up, but their stronger, speedier variants could easily land and wreak havoc amongst the ground crew with their apparatus on to keep them in place.

"WYVERN! 180!" A man yells.


Explosion, these exchanges between the unknown foe and the Reichs finest were all the communication they needed, kill or be killed was what they have in mind.

"WYVERN AT 54! AH SHIT!" Another explosion followed after, but as the massive contraption was reloading the loading mechanism jammed, a cartridge was stuck in the slot, this slot alone could fit an eleven-year-old child with ease.

"Scoot over!" One of the men orders with his pipe as he shoved the cylindrical object through a gap made by the cartridge, a few motions and with the help of four men they have successfully unjammed the cartridge.


Another one bites the dust.


And another one down, another one down, another one bites the dust!


In the Command Center.

Everyone was sitting straight up, not slouching for even a second as their straightened backs also showed their alertness, no room for relaxation, for if the Wyverns manage to get inside of the Ausmerzer Zwei. It would be a massacre.

"Status on the repairs?"

"We have been told that the repairs are still taking awhile, looks like damage from an exterior origin..." The commander caresses his chin upon hearing this, he couldn't help but worry.

"Sabotage" He whispers to his assistant.

"Most likely, we should hold off on releasing this though, once we reach the coastline of Vanyalond do we tell the rest of the staff about it." The Commander spoke in the same, whispering tone to not illicit any attention to them as his other officers are currently doing their utmost to fend off the Wyverns within their authorities.

"Should we deploy the drohne? They should still have some energy left to fend off the Wyverns for abit"

"They're just as good as toy guns against the Wyverns, our small arms are barely making a dent on that armor and they are best used against crowd control, policing and search and rescue ops so no, just don't let anyone else find out about this."

"Alright, should I send a report to the homeland then?"

"Make an encrypted report, only you, myself and the group that found the sabotage should only know about this, send me a list of their names and tell security to maintain surveillance on our engines and hangars"

BEEP BEEP. The two beeps from the display and a green bar on the top left corner with a symbol of a robot with a gun meant one thing to the commander.

"Looks like they've done it, activate the Donnerschild immediately" He orders with joy, finally, the battle is over.


Crackling from the loudspeakers erupted as the words of the Commander of the floating battleship spoke into the microphone while the automated cannons and other sorts of automated defense platforms powered on with a whirring sound as their barrels pointed towards the trickling black cloud above.

"The Donnerschild has been activated, maintain fire until we have confirmed that no other heat signatures are present" Cheers from the soldiers, bullet casings laid everywhere with small hills of wyvern meat stacked atop one another, these glorious beasts that struck terror within armies had been dealt with.

The flock of wyverns, now numbering in the 50s or 60s, it was a far cry from their terrifying number of what looked like a million or so, the sheer brutality of the weapons painted the Ausmerzer Zweis flight deck in bright red blood, the symbol of their empire desecrated with the guts of a Wyvern Lord and its minions, some of the wyverns foolishly rammed themselves into the thrusters of the airship but was disintegrated by the fire it spewed out in order to fly.

The Ausmerzer Zwei kept flying forward maintaining its top speed of 925 kmph (575 mph) or 500 knots.



Elven men, women and children, young and old looked towards the skies, some were covering their ears from the unpleasant sounds these mysterious things were emitting, deafening them.

Elven soldiers raised their bows and rifles, hoping to take down this mysterious floating fortress, there were even some who had fired but their shots only fell to the ground, this huge gap between the land and the clouds, it was as if the Gods resting at the Sky had sent their mightiest angels, but for what purpose?

"Has anyone made contact with the fortresses?" An older man spoke as he watched the Ausmerzer Zweis through his telescope with fear and curiosity in his eyes, he could even feel his sweat dripping from his forehead onto the Mythril chestplate fit for someone of high status.

"We haven't received any call from our manacomms..." A young elf spoke beside him, his body shaking from the sight of such magnificent fortresses.

"Have you checked if it's broken?" The young elf with glasses nods

"Send a group of wyvern riders over then" This order has to be one of the few he has done that has held significance over everything else, this was not something they should be carried away with.

'I hope Her Majesty has received the news already, although it has been awhile since she has ever moved from the Palace, the damned Elders have plunged this nation to an endless war with the barbarians in the East' this elf, whose age has truly shown on his physical form, a saggy body built on the traditions passed down from his ancestors to him, could only watch with bathed breath as he plunges his eyes on this scene that would've made for a perfect portrait.


Men in light armor scramble to and fro in this wide open space with buildings placed sporadically at the sides of the beaten dirt runway.

"Come here now Kit! WOAH!" The flying lizards who were being led to the runway keep freaking out, the noise of the fortresses sent these wyverns, who have been disciplined from a small reptile to the ferocious yet elegant workhorse of a proper country's airforce, a tool of air power projection.

"KEEP THEM IN LINE! WE NEED ATLEAST A SQUADRON!" Another wyvern rider yelled as he tried to calm his wyvern down, these complications would just delay the talks.

"GET ME THE EARPLUGS! WE CAN'T TAKE OFF BECAUSE OF THE NOISE!" The Wyverns were squirming around, they weren't only disturbed by the sound but were for some reason drawn to it aswell. Like a siren in the deep aquamarine seas that would entrance sailors and feast on their bodies.

"HERE!" A maintenance worker tossed a pair of black plugs, the rider catches it and just like the story of cinderella, t'was a perfect fit, the wyvern seemed to calm down a few seconds later, in contrast to earlier where they could see the smoke and ash, the ground pummelled from the pressure of the wyverns tails.

"Once you're on take off immediately! The floating fortresses are still waiting for us!" The base commander ordered to the riders, whom they followed with a strict attitude fit for a military man.

Wyverns took off with their riders on the reigns, directing them towards the floating fortresses hovering atop the clouds with sounds that could erupt eardrums, what kind of floating fortress was this? one of the wyvern riders asked but was ultimately ignored, they had to focus on getting the diplomatic agent inside of the fortress.

"Woah" The grand spectacle, befitting of the title of Fortress as they emerged from the ground, from the clouds and so on to meet the masters of this terrifying place.

"What kind of flag is that?" A wyvern rider pointed to the flag that flew erratically from the left, the winds were too strong yet the flag still held on tightly on the metal flag pole, whomever these people were, they would use their technology to decorate this fortress with the flag.

"Must be a nation part of the new continent that had shown up recently." The Diplomat took a keen interest on the flag and its design, simple yet diverse.

"I heard that the new continent has no magic, so what the hell is all of this?!?!" Flying through the skies was another wyvern rider that showed visible concern, there must be something going on in that continent if they were able to construct such a thing.

"That hasn't been proven yet!" The diplomat shouted in what looked like frustration. "for now exercise caution and make yourself seem harmless, the future of our nation rests on our shoulders and how we behave ourselves" The group nods and continues flying towards the fortress.


Ausmerzer Zwei Control Room.

Everyone inside of the Control Room watched the display as a large group of 10 Wyverns landed on the dirty runway, the robots haven't finished cleaning everything yet and because of the massive size of the Ausmerzer Zweis it would take a while.

"Hey look!" An Operator points at one part of the display showing a robot spraying cleaning agents on a pile of red meat.

"Hehehe" Everyone was giggling and holding in their laughter as the people who rode thr Wyverns slowly inched their way towards the cleaning robot.

"He-Hello! We have come to see the Lord of this Floating Fortress!" In an instant the whole room erupted in laughter, the sight of a humanoid talking with a dumb robot amused everyone, especially the engineers who munched on popcorn.

"Excuse me?" The rider just taps the robot but continues to be ignored by it.

"Uhm, hello?" *Spraying noises*

"Leave it alone, this thing is most likely a golem of some sorts! You can't converse with living metal" BAHAHAHAHAHA another round of laughs echoed once more inside of the control room, the commander was sobbing at how funny this was, if this was their reaction to a cleaning robot then what would they think of Das Faust or robots that have a speech function.

"Alright, that's enough!" With clapping to gain everyone's attention the Commander orders them to actually let them in, they had a mission to do.

"Let them in already, do not let them know about this alright" waving his hand away.

"Naturally" the Assistant bows and motions his fingers on a pad with interactive buttons.

"I've sent a team to intercept the group, I have also told Herr von Schultz to get ready"

"Good, let's finally get to business shall we?"

This was the official prologue of how the Old World meets the New World.