
The Brash

An entire day passed and the same familiar darkness fell upon the mossy forest. Although, it never really affected me, after living here for an entire year, the things that first scared me faded away.

I was deep now, and my eyes scanned the treasure map Takedo-DEV gave me, the contents actually simple. A small yellow dot represented were I was, and a small blinking purple x was my destined location. Or for the most part I hoped it was.


I stopped in my tracks, the low drum beat entering my mind. That meant an enemy was in my vision.

But where?

My feet stayed planted as I used my Peripheral vision, and low and behold, a small green goblin was crouched behind the gigantic tree roots. It blended in perfectly with the greenery around it. I unhinged my silver sword and brought the generic blade to my left hand. Even if my class said magic was my best option, the skill tree was dormant until I leveled up once.

Meaning just like most things, I was blocked from it. Months upon months of training myself to use swords correctly just to survive. Takedo said he never had to be taught, it was part of his skill tree, meaning that most classes became experts with little to no effort.

I bit my lip, Warri crossing my mind for a second.

"Come on you little shit, I don't have all day."

I glanced around, "All night."

The goblin noticed the glint of the silver sword in the moonlight, meaning he was aware I was ready. The little creature vaulted the root and planted three toed feet on the dirt. It had a long green nose with warts and was about half of my height, which was barley 165 centimeters.

I was short, and just the idea made me cringe. A little spurt of rage filled me.

"Hurry it up!"

The goblin raced forward, becoming a blur for a few seconds. The yards between us shrunk in haste.

I held my hand out, "-Fireball-"

I yelled the spell, and just as planned, the Goblin dodged out of the way.

Except, no fire came, no dazzling light lit up the night. No, instead a quick movement of my sword did, the silver finding its place in the Goblin's throat. The enemies of TWO were smart to the point it was basically AI. But, they did not know I was a glitch. Something that cannot even summon Magic.

I had a similar way of killing most things on Begin!. Bluff and stab, bluff and stab, and maybe the occasional just stab. Slimes were not as smart, meaning they just kind of bounced toward you.

I cleaned my blade on my pants, the body of the Goblin dissolving. A few copper pieces were left, only...

To pick up items from enemies, I had to be level two. I watched the copper shine in the moonlight, my mind wavering for a moment.


I clenched my fist and moved on, If I wanted to change anything, then I have to find this <Stone Leaf>. My revenge depended on it.

The forest groaned as my aura washed past the trees within it. I knew that aura too well, one filled with cold killer intent.

It wasn't like I was some super villain or anything. I had my reasons, and until they were fulfilled, I knew I couldn't stop.

I had to see Warri one more time, at least maybe he has changed, if he did, then just maybe...

I could make his death less painful.

The blade was put back in its place and the treasure map was back in my hand. I was closing in, most likely a few more hours.







I pocketed the parchment and surveyed my surroundings. The forest had cleared and the moss had also drawn away. A cobblestone stairway broke the familiar coarse dirt, a single square slab put directly in the circle clearing. The sun was rising and Passive animals started to move about. The first few steps were visible, cracks and weeds breaking the mold of a perfect dungeon.

I swallowed hard, my first ever dungeon was literally right in front of me, and for some odd reason, I could not move.

The anxiety and fear I had felt the first time I stepped into the forest rushed back to me. It always had bad timing.

I forced myself to remember Warri, and before I knew it, I was plunging down the hole. Not another second was wasted as step after step, I descended.


Nothing but pitch black took up my vision. Feeling my way down the steps, I finally placed my feet on solid stone. As I did, torches that were pinned to the wall exploded with fire.

After a few seconds, they died down and the dusty hallway was visible. It was just a straight shot to a door. Now that I think about it, the dungeons here were most likely not too complicated. It was for low levels after all...

For some odd reason, I checked the only menu I could see. My own title.

Class: Unknown

Seeing the status got my body riled up again, spry with energy. I pushed on, the cold stone having no affect on me.

As I reached the door, I brought my foot up and slammed it against it.

It didn't budge.

What? I kicked it again, and then again.


Then I face palmed, doors could only be opened like in any other game. I grabbed the steel handle and pulled. The wood half circle slowly swung forward.

More darkness, great. I peered into the next room. Yep, no way to see what was in it. It looks like it was made for a player to waltz in without a clue.


I took a single step in the circular room. The darkness still hiding any details from my eyes.

"You finally came."

It was Takedo's voice, then just like that, the half-giant stepped out into the limelight. I swallowed hard.

"Hey asshole, you just plan on lea-"

An axe flew past my face, my hair whipping backwards by the force. I turned, the metal double head axe stuck into the stone brick.

"Takedo?" I said drawing my sword.

"I'm sorry Enji, should of told you sooner but, I may or may not be the dungeon boss."

I gripped the handle, "How is that possible?! You are a player right?"

The red skinned giant shook his head, "Im AI, and I just got reprogrammed to protect this place."

Reprogrammed? Was that possible? Wait, Takedo was AI...

"Then what about DEV?"

Takedo sighed and held his hand out, "DEV can freely control NPC's to his will, for the last year he made me leave my dungeon to help guide you."

The darkness still hid everything else, it was just me and Takedo.

"But why?!"

Takedo shrugged, "I have no clue, I am just ones and zeroes after all. From the beginning, I have had two orders from DEV."

He looked at me, a low drum beat notifying me there was an enemy in my vision.

"Don't let you die until you step foot in this dungeon, once you do, I must revert back to Takedo The Brash. Dungeon boss."

I smiled, "Shit that was cool..."

Takedo smiled as the axe was yanked back by an unseen force, "I know"