
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

13 : Gremory's in Bad Mood

      As they were talking and I heard their talking, our food arrived. After the food was sat on the table, Gremory immediately made some weird expressions and said to me,

      "Are these foods?"

      "Of course..."

      "I just find that they aren't as delightful as at home..."

      "Because at home, the spirits who prepared it and the ingredients came out from nowhere...And here, the human who prepared it with limited ingredients... Just enjoy it!! Look Seir!!" I pointed at Seir...

      She was eating like there was no tomorrow, savouring every bite with pure joy on her face...Gremory couldn't help after Seir's face; she took a cautious bite...I looked as she took the bite...After the food went into her mouth, her expression showed dissatisfaction with her food...She put the chopsticks away immediately and didn't take a single bite anymore...Yet, she ordered some desserts, which made the table full...These would be a waste of food...

      I asked Gremory, "Are you sure you don't want to eat these foods? You have ordered it; it's just a waste if you don't eat it..."

      "I don't care about wasting the food...If you want these foods not to go to waste, how about you give them to these maidens behind us?"

      "Are you sure?" 


      I sighed. As one waitress passed us, I immediately called her and told her to give the desserts on the table to the people behind us...She nodded and quickly gathered the desserts, making her way towards the maidens...The maidens exchanged some words with the waitress, as they were surprised because they didn't order the desserts...

      The waitress told them they were from us and pointed at our table...The maidens looked over at us...Immediately one of them got up and went to us...In front of our table, she showed some gratitude gestures and a small bow towards me...

      "Thanks for your patronage..." the maiden said with a grateful smile to me "We were pleasantly surprised by your kind gesture...Is there anything we can do to show our appreciation?"

      I pointed at Gremory and said, "You can show your gratitude to her, not to me..."

      The maiden immediately did the gratitude gesture and small bow towards Gremory and said, "Is there anything we can do to show our appreciation?"

      She didn't take a look at the maiden, as if she were disgusted with her...I said towards the maiden, "Our companion is a little bit shy; I think there is nothing to be done to show her appreciation. She is just happy to have been able to help..." 

      The maiden nodded understandingly and smiled at Gremory, expressing her gratitude nonverbally as Gremory looked in the other direction and avoided her gaze...The maiden came back to her table, and we continued to enjoy our meal except Gremory; she just stared off into the distance, lost in her thoughts.

      While we were enjoying our food, suddenly, at the entrance of the restaurant, there was another commotion and crowd...I, like the others, just didn't care about it as I was eating my food... I could hear people murmuring and turning their heads to see what was happening, but I remained focused on my meal...

      As the crowd dispersed, a man and his entourage came into the restaurant...When he set foot into the restaurant, some people wanted to shake and kiss his hand...I felt this man was maybe someone important in the city with an entourage...I took a glance, and this man immediately went to the maidens' table...Quickly, he immediately flirted with them and bragged about himself, which I couldn't hear what he was bragging about...His flirt and brag weren't well received by the maidens, yet his eyes quickly went towards us...I looked at Gremory, who was still upset or not in the mood...

      Immediately in my mind, you better not go here, if you want to be alive... 

      And he went towards us with his entourage... As he approached, I could sense an air of arrogance surrounding him. His entourage followed closely behind, their expressions mirroring his overconfidence...He opened his mouth and started to flirt with Seir and Gremory and brag about himself,

      "What two beauties came from heaven! Stop by this restaurant...May I treat you to the finest delicacies and show you a night you'll never forget..." said he...

      As he tried to raise his hand to Seir's, she quickly pulled away, clearly uninterested in his advances...And he looked at Gremory. He walked around the table to get closer to Gremory...

      "Is this beauty in a bad mood? Because your man can't seem to satisfy you, leave this beauty without any food on the table..." he said with a smug grin...Gremory just didn't give a single shit to him...

      After he attempted to flirt with Gremory and Seir, he started to focus on me... His eyes narrowed as he approached me, a sinister smile playing on his lips...I thought he would start to slander me in front of Gremory and Seir in an attempt to humiliate me...

      He started to slander me in front of the people, he started to circle us, and he said, "Look at this man, who makes one beauty on the table don't eat, even don't provide it...he's just a selfish fool...What a fool wastes beauty, especially when it's right in front of him...When you see a man like this, it means only one thing: he must be an incompetent man in bed...That made these two beauties in bad moods..."

      As all the city folk and guests in the restaurant were laughing at me, I could take his insult or his words towards me, yet I could sense monstrous anger from Seir and Gremory... Their eyes were filled with fury...As for Seir, I could feel she would be ready to defend me, but for Gremory, I thought it was a different thing...I held Seir's hand on the table as a silent gesture to not go rampant and just held it...But I couldn't do it for Gremory; she wasn't a demon like Seir with good nature, so she wouldn't listen to me...I feared that Gremory's anger would escalate into something more destructive...I just hope she didn't destroy this city...

      The maiden, who showed some gratitude towards us before, got up from her seat and went to the man...She tried to tell him not to make a scene...

      "You better watch your mouth; he's still kind enough to give us some food..."

      "I can give you ten times more than him...

      "I don't care how many you give us, yet your purpose is just to flirt with us...Instead, this man gave us his kindness, not like you..."

      As the maiden tried to unsheathe her sword, his entourage immediately went to her. Suddenly, Gremory said in a high tone, "ANNOYING!!!" which caught everyone off guard in the restaurant...

      Here we go...I hope Seir doesn't join her...

      "YOU!! ARE THE MOST LOW LIFE, I HAVE ENCOUNTERED..." said Gremory while she was still sitting...

      "Low life, you said; you don't know who I am?" and he started to brag about himself, claiming he was a prodigy in a prestigious sect; his sect name was Brilliant River Sect or JiangJiao Sect...And his bragging went to his claim to be the prodigy who was born one in millions and possessed extraordinary cultivation talent..."I bet the man with you right now doesn't have cultivation talent!!" 

      "Sure, he doesn't have any talent for your nonsense power...But he possesses something far more valuable and more powerful..." Said Gremory, which made my heart as she said that...

      "No talent is no talent; it means he's weak and lacks the potential in this world...You better start to follow me, and I will treat you like the Queen of the world..." said he, as I noticed he tried to lay his finger into Gremory...That's a no thing towards Gremory...

      In a blink of an eye, the man and all of his entourage were being thrown fast towards the entrance doors, followed by the destruction of some tables along his trail...It shocked all of the people. What just happened? The maiden's expression was disbelief about what had just happened...

      "PRODIGY MY ASS... YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A PEST! YOU NEED A MILLION YEARS FOR YOU TO LAY A FINGER PARTS OF MY BODY." Gremory's voice echoed through the restaurant, causing a momentary silence...The maiden stood her ground, unfazed by her outburst..." WE GET OUT FROM HERE, YU LEI BEFORE MY MOOD BECOMES Deteriorated..." said Gremory with a scowl...

      Seir went to someone in the restaurant, whom I believed was the one who charged the restaurant...She used her power to influence or hypnotise him, "All the payment from the destruction and the food will be paid by this man who got knocked out in there..." The man just nodded under her command...As we just left the restaurant swiftly...


      On the trip towards the carriage, we had been called by someone from behind...I turned around, and it was the group of maidens before...They had followed us out of the restaurant. Looking at them as they came towards us, Gremory said, "I don't want any annoying things, so just ignore them...."

      We continued walking towards the carriage, ignoring the persistent maidens who were now approaching us...Their calling towards us, "SENIOR!!" became louder, but we continued to ignore them...As we reached the carriage, Gremory quickly opened the door....and we hurriedly got inside...As the carriage started moving, I looked out the window and saw the disappointed expressions on their faces... 

      Seir suddenly said, "You will see them soon..."

      "What do you mean??"

      "They said in the restaurant before about the gathering sect...Surely they will go there...So we have a bigger chance to meet with them in there..."


      Yet we have a new problem now, where we just offended another sect...I needed to find a way to make Gremory not go rampant...I asked her gently, "Gremory, may you control your emotions and don't go rampant easily."

      Gremory looked at me with a sort of disapproving look. She nodded slowly, "I'll try my best," she replied without looking at me...I looked at Seir beside me; it seemed she was trying to do the same thing as before...All of a sudden, Gremory was in front of me; she raised her right foot between me and Seir...

      "I am in a bad mood; don't ever do it in front of me..." Said Gremory...

      "You are the one in a bad mood...Yet, Yu Lei is not in a bad mood..."

      Immediately, I sensed a fierce stare from Gremory, as if she had told me not to do it...

I looked at Seir and said, "We just did it before; it seemed we needed to restrain ourselves about this..."

      Seir was frowning after hearing that and avoided my eyes...Now I had two demons in a bad mood...One was in a bad mood because an idiot struck his nerve towards her, and one was in a bad mood because her desire didn't get fulfilled...both of them looked out the window...We continued the trip as there were no single words inside the carriage...