
Call From Joker

-3 days later-

Church of St. Lozoren.

St. Lorenzo Church is the largest church in New York, located next to the fifth largest block in Manhattan.

"The bait is ready, but I just don't know when the people from the New York Police Department will arrive?"

On the roof of St. Lozoren Church, Joker swaggered and sat next to the roof cross, holding a desert eagle in his hand.

"Hey, how about we make a bet on when the people from the New York Police Department will arrive?"

Joker shifted his gaze to the middle-aged man tied to the cross.

"Woo woo woo..."

"Almost forgot, you still have a rag on your mouth!"

Joker stood up and roughly tore off the rag from the middle-aged man's mouth.

"How? When do you think they'll be here?"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong! I'm the bastard, please let me go!"

The middle-aged man's body was filled with stench, and he couldn't stop begging Joker for mercy, tears came nonstop from his eye sockets.

It is hard to imagine what kind of torture he suffered.

Joker sneered, hit the middle-aged man with a rag a few times, and then stuffed the rag back into the middle-aged man's mouth.

"I remember you were very stubborn a few days ago. Didn't Jesus tell you? You can't beg for mercy before the game starts! For the sake of the great Jesus, you must persevere."

Then, Joker took out the middle-aged man's mobile phone and called the police.


"Hey, I want to call the police, there is a man kidnapped by the Joker in the Church of St. Lozoren."


Clooney happened to be passing by and immediately snatched the phone after hearing Joker's name.

"Are you talking about the Joker who robbed the Manhattan bank the other day?"

"Definitely yes." Joker chuckled.

"Who are you? Why should we trust you?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't you believe me? It's okay, you will believe it soon."

Joker shook his head helplessly and then pulled the rag out of the man's mouth.

Joker patted the man's face and said, "Come on, have a few words with the Sheriff."

"Help me, I'm on the roof of St. Lozoren's Church! This guy is crazy! Come and save me!"

"You are too loud!"

Joker stepped on the man's face and rubbed it hard twice.

Joker put the phone near his mouth, and then said with a smile "How is it? Sheriff, do you believe what I said?"

"Son of a btch!" Clooney gritted his teeth, "What do you want?"

"I want to play a game with you. The game rule is very simple. It takes half an hour to go from the New York Police Station to the church. I installed a total of five bombs inside the church, and the interval between each bomb explosion is ten minutes. I will send the exact location to your phone."

"The game starts in half an hour, I will dismantle a part of this fat man's body for every bomb that blows up, how about it? Isn't this game interesting?"

Hearing this, Clooney quickly said, "Don't be impulsive, what do you want? As long as you ask, we can satisfy you."

Joker didn't answer Clooney's words, and pressed his watch on his own "You still have half an hour."

After speaking, Joker hung up the phone.

"Damn Freak!" Clooney was furious and threw the alarm phone to the ground.

"What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear the destination?"

Police cars left the NYPD.

Clooney called the director who had gone home again: "Director, it's not good!"

"What happen again? Didn't I say that the taxpayers only pay my wages for eight hours, don't bother me after I get off from work."

On the other end of the phone, Clooney also heard the teasing laughter of the director and a young girl.

Clooney cursed secretly in his heart, but did not express any dissatisfaction in his tone: "Director, Joker kidnapped a person in St. Lozoren Church, and planted five bombs."

"What did you say?"

The director on the opposite side raised several pitches: "Go away, don't disturb my business!"

There was a loud noise from the phone on the other side.

"St. Lozoren's Church, right? I'll go there right away!"

After speaking, the director hastily hung up the phone.

"Damn guy, you will die there sooner or later!"

Clooney looked at the hung-up phone and cursed fiercely.

Clooney still felt that the director of his family was a little unreliable, so he weighed it in his heart and then called another number.

"The Joker showed up, in the church of St. Lozoren, where five bombs were planted and one hostage."

After finishing the phone call, Clooney relaxed and collapsed on the seat.

"Chief, who did you call just now?"

The police officer who was driving the car couldn't help but ask curiously

"Their names are not accessible to you now. You just need to know that there should be nothing for us tonight."

Clooney smiled and then explained something to the police officer who was driving.

The policeman nodded half-understanding, and then quickly turned his attention back to the road.