
Summoning Army With Super Cheat Imagination System ( Dropped )

Join our MC as he travelled through many worlds as he change their characters respective destiny. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing as for the world's characters ( expect for my character ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- I'm from Vietnam so you can experience some grammar error, wrong words,... And also I don't have any writing experience :( .But I will try my best

Daoist799049 · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

The Four Horseman of Apocalypse or The Four Most Dangerous Doctors of The Foundation

" Do you feel well now ? If not then I will give you some special treatment. "

" No thanks, we are totally fine for the time being. "

" Then what about the other time ? "

" Can you please go straight to the point ? We are going nowhere here.

(#`Д´)ノ "

" Ah, sorry (^_^) "

As you didn't know why are you here, remember what I said in the previous meeting " Gather everyone here. "

" Right, I remember. You did say something like that. So who did you want ? ", said Tilda.

" Well to said I don't know you knew about anything like this but I'm going to summon the Four Horse Man of Apocalypse. "

" YOU said WHAT ? Think about what they are going to do with this world ? Are you insane ? ", horrified the three.

" No no. What I say is it equivalent to the Four Most Dangerous Doctor in the Foundation. I will give you a couple of minutes to think about that. "

As if he almost grasped the idea, Dr Glass gasp: No way, not them.

The other two asked: What it is, Glass ?

" Be prepare to tell the security to ready and on alert. We have a major problem here. "

" You still don't tell us what it really is so what did he mention ? "

" Well it's our famous Clef, Bright, Kondraki and Crow. "

" Bingo, Doc. Now I'm sure why you are Head of Psychology. "

" You flatter me. Now let's get to work. "

" Yes ! I need 3 of you to stand in each corner of this room, I will stand in the last corner. "

5 minutes of arrangements passed

Glass and Tilda stood in the top left and right corner of the room while I and Edison stood in the lower corner of the room respectively.

" Okay, this is the tips:

- Cover your eyes if thing got to bright

- If unexpected things happen, don't panic

- If there are things I struggle to control, run to the nearest security and told them to send a team to my office.

Got it ? "

" Got it. "

" Okay, prepare for the summoning. "

" Nova, summon me Clef's suicide note now. Make it appear on my table. "

[ It's done, Will. ]

" Okay, thanks "

A very very dazzling light shone at the center of the room and there stood four gentlemen clueless about what had happened.

" Dr Clef, Dr Bright, Dr Crow welcome back to the world of living and congratulation on your sanity recovery Dr Kondraki. "

But then someone scream

" CLEEEFFF ! You f##&#&*! bastard ! You try to kill her ! " screamed Kondraki.

" Eh what ? Konny ? Aren't you in a psych ward ? " a shock Clef said.

" Psych ward my a**. Let solve this sh*t once and for all ! " scream Konny as he swung a fist at Clef.

Meanwhile a delusional Bright can be heard screeching: WHY I'M ALIVE AGAIN ! I CURSED THAT STUPID AMULET OF MINE !!!!!

" Uh guys can you please hear me out ? "

No response.

" Dr Crow, you seem calm. "

" This is pretty normal for what we face with everyday but most importantly WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE WE HERE ? "

" Dr Glass ,Dr Tilda and Dr Edison over there will fill you in. "

While Dr Crow slowly understand the problem, we watch as the two rivals are still punching each other and a delusional man screeching.

" Okay stop this is too much " as I pressured them down. Konny become grounded and Bright stop screeching. Clef is not affected ( note on the end of the chapter ).

Okay the four doctor over there will fill you in so be obedience as the three nod.

* Explanation in progress *

" Do you understand what happened earlier ? "

" Yeah, we do now. "

" Okay, Dr Clef come to my place I got something to show you. " as I show him a piece of paper.

His pupils began to shrink, eyes wider. His breathing went off the chart, sweat began to pour down. " Clef what is happening ? Are you fine ? " nervously asked everyone. " No, I don't feel so good " as he show the symptoms of cardiac arrest.

" Really of all the time " as I walk toward him and fed him a -500 pills. Right after that he become normal and began to talk but with a trembled voice.

" I don't know I should thanks or not "

" Save that for later. Please share the content of that piece of people to everyone here so they can understand your situation. "

" What, Clef you suicide ? You shot Crow ? "

" Bright is finally died ? "

" Kondraki was in the psych ward ? "








" Ahem, I have something to say. " they look back at me.

" You see as I have the power to summon you here that mean I can remove your " anomaly " somehow. Just say the word and I will do it. " I said with a cheerful smile. Not letting them to reply, I start with my first tes * cough * cough * person: Dr Crow.

Dr Crow: A man with human body and a head of a dog. Due to a particular anomaly his head has been transformed to what you have read earlier. Specializing mainly in biochemistry and robotics, had some ' miracles ' that help him escape from termination.

" Dr Crow please step forward and stand in front of me. The other stand behind me to avoid accident. "

He stood in front of me firmly on the ground as I extended my hand toward his forehead. He screamed as his head began to change; his dog nose start take shape of human's, hair began to shed and to put it simply, his head changed to that of normal human being

( which was a painful experience for him ) and after 2 more minutes I retracted my hand back and worryingly asked him: Doc, you okay ?

" It hurts like hell, why don't you say about that first ? "

" Sorry Doc, I will be more carefully in the future. "

Okay that is the thing you get to experience if you go through this process. By the way Doc, you will retain dog senses but by no mean that you will completely independent on that, now you can use human sense as well. Think of it like a switch, turn it on you got human senses and vice versa.

As for the remaining three of you, I have removed your anomaly.

Bright, look at your neck there is no amulet there. You are no longer an immortal so this is your second chance to live well.

Clef, you are no longer a reality anchor so now you can cross to another dimension, your ability to make women fear you has been sealed.

Kondraki, as I see you as a anti-social person so I have change your personality. We don't need madmen greet for the time being.

Now with your problem solve, I want you to go out side and be familiar with everyone 'cause I have summoned all of the site-19 staff here. Clef, you stay back I would like to have a few words with you.


