
Summoning Army With Super Cheat Imagination System ( Dropped )

Join our MC as he travelled through many worlds as he change their characters respective destiny. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing as for the world's characters ( expect for my character ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- I'm from Vietnam so you can experience some grammar error, wrong words,... And also I don't have any writing experience :( .But I will try my best

Daoist799049 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 3 : The Arrival

" Oh right, Nova open the shop "

[ Ok, I'm on it ]

A panel appeared before him





IP{ Imagination Points }: 100000/100000

" Yosh, Nova any suggestions ? "

[ I suggest you should think where to go now. ]

After dismissed that message, he found out that in front of him there is an interface show a list of worlds to travel to. The interface show him a number of worlds he currently have accessed to, list from number 1 to number 4

1. Transformer

2. Battle: Los Angeles

3. Independence Day

4. Terminator

" Alright, Nova I choose number 1! "

[ May I ask why you choose that ? ]

"Yes and it's because we need to have a solid ground to visit the other worlds. "

[ That's a good choice. ]

" Ok, pack everything up, I'm ready to go"

[ Sure, teleporting begin in 3.. 2.. 1.. ]


Earth, in a middle of the god know where ....

" Nova, where are we and why I'm see only water surround me from 4 sides ? ", Will asked

[ You are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and you better be careful ], replied Nova.

" Why ? "

[ Sharks, jellyfish,.... ]

" Wait, WHAT !!!!! Nova create a yacht

for me hurry ! "

[ Ok, 250 points deducted ]

A bright glow of light manifest right in front of him, a huge yacht that measured 200 meters in length. Will swim to the huge yacht and cannot be help to whisper at the yacht.

" Nova, what year are we in ? "

[ 10 years before the story, Onil-chan ]

" Good job and what do you want me to do to repay the favour ? "

[ You must head pat me \(~o~)/ ]

" :>, okay "

( Will try to imagine a head pat )

" Are you done ? "

[ Nuh uh, a little more ]

5 minutes later ....

" Uhhh ... "

No response from her.

30 mins later....

Still no response.

After for nearly 3 hours( I guess ? ), finally" Nova, are you here ? ", Will think loudly. [ Y-Yes, I'm here ], replied Nova.

(;一_一) " Are you done now ? "

(::^ω^::) [ Yes ~~~ ]


Nova's POV

[ Nooooooo~~~, just let me enjoy the head pats moreeee ], that is what she thought.


Will's POV

" Right, now can you create an island? "

[ Yes, how large you want it to be ? ]

" Uhm, slightly larger than Madagascar 2.5% please."

[ Ding ! Island has been created, please take a look. 25000 points deducted ]

A massive island appeared before him and to his surprise, there are a big forest surrounded a large clear area that made up of 35% of the island. Surprisingly, the island has it own ecosystem. A little mix of desert and the majority of tropical forests and some beaches along the coastline. Truly a marvelous view !