
Nathan's Letter

Frexia Academy.

It took Nathan several minutes to find Noelle and write down the letter to Flora. It was a pretty long letter, so it took him a bit more time.

Finally, thirty minutes after the discussion of the design, Noelle had reached the student council office, finding Flora was still writing down several things. Her head almost dropped a few times as if she almost fell asleep.

However, she became completely awake the moment the door was opened, thinking it was Nathan.

"Noelle?" Flora raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah. I've come back. Not for long, though. Nathan has asked me to give this letter to you."

"What? Give it to me." Flora became excited and hurriedly snatched the letter.

'Thanks to Professor Melissa, my master's acquaintance, I managed to think of a certain concept for the cloud-repelling device. It was not complex, and Professor Melissa helped with the design that allowed for quick completion and mass production.