
Summoner of the Fairy Tail

There is a kind of magic, based on card magic, drawing inspiration from the summoning of astral magic, and imitating the creation of manifested arcs through imagination. Combined with various magical effects, it creates a variety of monsters with magical powers. This magic is called "Summoning Magic" by Calvin. Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/SummonerFairy Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Red-Eyed Black Dragon

"What a shame. He recklessly released the seal, but he was easily defeated..." Calvin, who was lying on the ground, was already on the verge of fainting. However, the unwillingness in his heart forced him to maintain his consciousness. Especially when he heard Kirinji's leisurely words, it made him even more angry at himself.

How can I face my grandfather who taught me magic? How can I face my Master's teachings to me? How can I be worthy of S-Level's title? Calvin supported himself with both hands on the ground. Although he was trembling violently, his body was still firm and steady.

"Moreover, for those companions who have been chasing me, I have to keep winning!"

Hearing the muttering behind his back, Kirinji turned around and raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.

"Can you still stand up? But how do you plan to fight with me like this?" Kirinji had a smile in his eyes. The teasing tone was thick, but he did not dare to relax. The hands behind his back had already quietly prepared magic. As long as Calvin wanted to continue fighting, the terrible hurricane would immediately drown Calvin.

"How do I fight you? I don't know either, but I always feel that if I lie down here, all my efforts in the past will be in vain." Calvin breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes were unfocused, but they were firm.

This was the first time he had fought a life-and-death battle with someone whose strength far surpassed his own. It was also the first time that he had forced his beliefs to be so firm.

"You are a powerful sorcerer. I will end your life with the highest standard of treatment." Kirinji's expression was no longer calm and became serious. In his eyes, Calvin was a worthy opponent in terms of results.

"The highest standard? I also intend to completely burn my magic power!" Calvin smiled bitterly. Before coming here, he had never thought that he would fail so thoroughly. He did not expect that more than a year ago when Kirinji was fighting with the two of them, he had not used his full strength.

Kirinji no longer engaged in a verbal argument. He conjured a small tornado in his hand, which gradually grew larger. Once it reached its maximum size, it began to shrink slowly. Soon, a miniature tornado floated in his hand. Although the tornado was small in size, Calvin dared not underestimate it, as it contained enough magical power to destroy the entire Ross.

"Have you concentrated the power? If I were to take this blow, there's a chance I would be annihilated," Calvin remarked.

While Kirinji was preparing, he did not just wait. Layers of magic arrays floated in front of him, armed him like a fortress. Even so, Calvin was not sure that he could defend himself completely.

"This guy is truly formidable. He didn't show any openings even during his preparation..." Calvin had considered launching a surprise attack, but every time he tried to act, Kirinji's gaze immediately turned towards him, thwarting his every move.

Soon, the power of the two rose to the highest point, but Kirinji did not attack immediately. Instead, he looked at Calvin deeply, his eyes full of regret.

Kirinji's strange gaze made Calvin even more vigilant. He subconsciously understood that his magic arrays might not be able to protect him.

"Forced to do so, I'll have to bet everything on that card. But this card has never successfully summoned anything since its creation, and its size seems a bit too small," Calvin said with a bitter smile. He produced another card depicting a majestic black dragon, and with it, he poured all of his remaining magical power into it. As for the consequences, he no longer had the luxury to ponder.

"Farewell, Calvin," Kirinji suddenly spoke, his tone reminiscent of bidding farewell to an old friend. Without hesitation, he released the tornado from his hand. In the next moment, the deafening roar of the winds filled the air, and hurricanes raged everywhere. The crumbling church could no longer withstand the onslaught and collapsed.

After throwing out the tornado, Kirinji did not intend to watch the result.

Because he knew very well that Calvin would die under his attack.

"What a pity. I originally planned to let you be an important person in my plan." Listening to the sound of the buildings shattering behind him, Kirinji sighed regretfully.


Amidst the cacophony, the roar of a dragon emerged discordantly. Kirinji quickly turned around and beheld a mighty, black dragon standing amidst the ruins of the church. Its fierce gaze locked onto Kirinji, its unmatched power overwhelming him, causing him to tremble uncontrollably.

"Oh my god... there is such a thing!" Kirinji forced a smile, but the cold sweat on his face betrayed him.

The dragon let out a resounding roar, shaking the surroundings with its powerful voice.

The black dragon roared again. It's bright red eyes seemed to have a kind of magic power, making people not dare to look straight at it. It folded its wings and then spread them. The church, which was already on the verge of shattering, was suddenly completely flattened. At the foot of the black dragon, a figure was panting and squatting. His face was very pale, and he looked like he was going to die at any time.

"Ga... ga... Kirinji, have you thought of your last words?"

Kirinji ignored Calvin. He only focused his attention on the black dragon. The current situation did not allow him to relax at all.

With a swift motion of his hand, a gust of wind erupted, carrying his razor-sharp wind blades. The wind blades clashed against the scales of the black dragon, creating a rattling sound, but they couldn't harm it in the slightest. However, Kirinji's intention was not to harm the dragon; he was merely using the gentle breeze to buy himself some time.

In the next moment, he raised both hands high, arched his back, and then swung forward with great force. A massive column of blood surged out from the ground, no longer belonging to the realm of wind magic. It was a fusion of soul and raging winds, surpassing any of his previous attacks in terms of sheer power alone.

This was also Kirinji's strongest move.

"Breath for eternity!"

Kirinji roared and shouted the name of this move. The enormous blood pillar completely enveloped the black dragon, unleashing countless attacks within. He was confident that whoever took this move would suffer no damage whatsoever.

Indeed, Kirinji's full-powered attack did manage to harm the black dragon. After the blood pillar dissipated, the folded wings of the black dragon were covered in wounds. However, when it spread its wings again, a completely unscathed Calvin was revealed.

"Hah... Is that the best you can do?" Kirinji's usually calm expression finally turned anxious. If he didn't want to die, it seemed that his only choice was to escape.

However, he knew that this was impossible.

Looking at the magic array beneath his feet, Kirinji smiled bitterly. In the end, he was still tricked.

"Tenfold Bindings Magic Array, when did you set it up?"

"Just when I was helping you break the seal. It's always good to be prepared!" Calvin said with a proud smile. On the other hand, Kirinji's face turned pale as the black dragon before him spewed out flames. However, at this moment, he had nowhere to escape.

"It was a splendid fight, and I don't feel unjust in my defeat. However, the plan can still proceed," Kirinji thought to himself. Unseen by Calvin, his right hand was shimmering with seven radiant lights.

"Inferno Fire Blast!" In the end, the Black Dragon unleashed its breath, completely obliterating Kirinji's existence. The Black Dragon then dissipated, and Calvin, unable to hold on any longer, collapsed on his back, unconscious.

After he fell into unconsciousness, the seven rays of light that were previously emanating from Kirinji's location quietly surged into Calvin's body, infiltrating his soul and hiding within the seven-sealed personalities.


Not far from Ross, a man wearing a black cloak and sporting a red-haired pompadour glanced at him with a puzzled expression.

"It seems that there are people fighting in this damn place..."

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