
Summoner of the Fairy Tail

There is a kind of magic, based on card magic, drawing inspiration from the summoning of astral magic, and imitating the creation of manifested arcs through imagination. Combined with various magical effects, it creates a variety of monsters with magical powers. This magic is called "Summoning Magic" by Calvin. Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/SummonerFairy Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Planning in Progress (3)

"Laser cannon!"

A beam of light, shot from Scorpio's tail, hit the gate hard.

However, when the shockwave dissipated, the door was not damaged at all. This made Lucy depressed.

"It's useless. This room has an unparalleled defense. Your attack won't be able to break through it." Edo Lucy said. She couldn't help but persuade Lucy when she saw that Lucy had wasted her efforts.

"Even so, I still have to leave! My partner is still fighting!" Lucy clenched her teeth. Even though she had used a lot of magic power and was tired, she still didn't want to wait for her companion to save her.

"But right now, you're just wasting your energy. This place was personally constructed by the kingdom's foremost blacksmith, Calvin." The third woman inside the room also chimed in, her attire exuding an elegant aura befitting that of a young lady.

These three people were Lucy, Edo Lucy, and Cana, who were kidnapped by Calvin Lucifer.

Since Lucy was awakened by Edo Lucy and Cana, she had been trying to find a way to leave the room. Unfortunately, she had already exhausted all the celestial spirits she could use. Despite causing damage to the decorations, the main structure of the room remained completely intact.

"Instead of wasting magic power like this, it is better to find other ways to leave." Edo Lucy said.

"Other methods? Isn't Calvin the only one who can freely enter and exit this place?" Hearing this, Lucy asked in confusion.

"Indeed, but Calvin seems to have given the room's permission level to others. I think that if we can change the authority level, we should be able to leave as well," Calvin said. Edo Lucy said.

"Let's go together and look for clues. As a member of Fairy Tail, how can we be trapped in a mere room?" Cana also advised from the side.

When Lucy heard the words of the two, a feeling of being moved welled up in his heart. He could not help but say, "Thank you so much."


After getting rid of Calvin with great difficulty, King Faust ran directly to the position of Edolas' final weapon. When he arrived, he saw Calvin Lucifer.

"Calvin? Why are you here?" When Faust saw that Calvin had disappeared without a trace, he held back his anger and asked.

"Your Majesty, Dorma Anim is ready. He can attack at any time. Please drive it yourself." Calvin Lucifer did not answer the king's question. He just bowed and said.

When Faust heard this, he was overjoyed and quickly wanted to sit on the strongest weapon.

However, after he entered Dorma Anim, he did not forget his previous question. With the weapon in hand and safe, he once again said with a black face, "Calvin, answer my question just now! What have you been doing? Are you planning something"

Calvin Lucifer was still calm and answered with a smile, "Your Majesty, you misunderstood me. I was just going to stop the Prince, but unfortunately, I was a step too late. I let him send Lacrima back."

"It is that guy. Don't call him Prince anymore. I don't have a son like him!" Hearing Calvin's answer, Faust was even more furious.

"Since that's the case, Your Majesty, you shouldn't blame me, right? I noticed earlier that he intended to reverse the 'soul' and send the magic of this world to Earth Land. In my desperation, I had no choice but to take decisive action," Calvin Lucifer said.

"You have done well. Follow me to annihilate the enemy first. Although Lacrima has been sent back, as long as there is no Jellal, I can once again absorb Earth Land's magic!" Although it was a failure today, it was not to the point of despair. Faust once again ignited the desire in his heart and said fiercely.

"Your Majesty, according to my investigation, compared to you, Panther Lily is more loyal to the Prince. Therefore, I suggest that we directly turn Exceed into Lacrima. If we carry out the next plan, at least we don't have to worry that they will use their wings to escape."

"Then I will go and stop Calvin. As for the other enemies, I will leave them to you." Calvin bowed again and said respectfully.

"Alright! I will kill both Panther Lily and the others. I will leave Earth Land's Calvin to you. He must die!" After Faust finished speaking, he immediately urged his dragon steed under him and attacked with incomparable might.

Watching the king leave, Calvin Lucifer's gentle eyes became cold. He muttered, "Dear Your Majesty, I hope you still have your life to watch how I kill Calvin..."

On another battlefield, Gajeel and Panther Lily were in a fiery battle, but the sudden change in Lacrima made both of them listen to him.

"What's going on? Why did Lacrima suddenly disappear? Did you do this" Gajeel was very frightened and angry, shouting at Panther Lily.

"I don't know what happened either, but this change is not our plan." Panther Lily was also confused, but compared to Gajeel, he was much calmer. He just said calmly.

"Although I don't know, but I finally avoided Lacrima crashing into Extalia. Everyone is saved." At this time, Happy flew out of nowhere and said happily.

"What are you talking about?! The rest of the guild members might be in grave danger, and you can't relax at a time like this!" Gajeel turned his head towards Happy and shouted, then immediately shifted his gaze vigilantly towards Panther Lily.

"Stop. Now that things have come to this, you and I have no reason to fight." Pan Sali did not care about Gajeel's reaction. After throwing out a sentence, he turned and flew down.

"The reason for the battle? I still want you to be my cat(partner)! Cat! Hurry up and take me to chase him!" The corners of Gajeel's mouth rose, and his fighting spirit rose again. He did not care about Happy's reaction and directly jumped down.

Happy was very helpless, but he could not watch Gajeel fall to death. He could only fly over to catch him and chase after Panther Lily.

"What a difficult guy." Pan Sali sighed helplessly when he saw Gajeel's relentless pursuit. However, in the next moment, his eyes became stern, and his speed increased again, rushing towards the palace.

"What exactly happened? Could it be that Lacrima was sent back to Earth Land?"

It was not only these few people who discovered the change in Lacrima. The two Erza in the battle, Gray and Natsu, who had just finished the battle, also noticed this change.

"What happened to everyone in the guild...? Natsu, who is a bit slow on the uptake, couldn't comprehend what was going on at all.

"You ask me, who should I ask? I think it's better to find Calvin quickly. Maybe he knows something." Although Gray was surprised, he still maintained his calm.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Natsu said and took the lead to run to the place where the sound of battle was coming from, but after running a few steps, he saw something and ran back in panic.

"Ah! The two Erza are fighting? What is this? Is the world going to be finished?" Natsu shouted in horror.

"What are you panicking for?! This is scary, but the only one who can deal with Erza is Erza. Don't worry about them. Let's go another way! Can't you use your nose to find Calvin?" Gray directly pulled Natsu and ran to other places. He was sometimes helpless against Natsu's inconsistency.

When Natsu heard Gray's words, he immediately sniffed and soon revealed a strange expression.

"What's wrong? Did you smell it? Where are we going?" Gray asked.

"Strange, there are two places with Calvin's scent," Natsu said.

"One of them is this world's Calvin. Damn it, which side should we take?" Gray immediately understood and immediately felt a headache. Because he didn't know which side to go to. If he chose the wrong one, he might be defeated very soon.

"Why do you care so much? Why don't you just choose one? If you choose the wrong one, wouldn't it be good to beat down this world's Calvin?" Natsu did not think too much about it and directly rushed in one direction.

Looking at the momentum of Natsu, Gray could not help but be a little envious.

"Sometimes I envy Natsu's confidence, but he is right. If I meet Calvin in this world, I will beat him down!"Affected by Natsu, Gray, who had always wanted to avoid fighting with Calvin Lucifer, also became excited.

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