
Summoner of the Fairy Tail

There is a kind of magic, based on card magic, drawing inspiration from the summoning of astral magic, and imitating the creation of manifested arcs through imagination. Combined with various magical effects, it creates a variety of monsters with magical powers. This magic is called "Summoning Magic" by Calvin. Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/SummonerFairy Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Planning in Progress (1)

When Gray and the two cats went to rescue Natsu and Wendy, Calvin, and Erza ran in another direction.

"Calvin, what is your plan?" Erza asked seriously while running.

"The whole thing is very complicated. I don't have time to tell you in detail." Calvin said lightly.

Hearing this, Erza suddenly pulled Calvin over and pulled him onto the wall, grabbing his collar.

"You are very strong and smart, but this is not an excuse you can hide!"

Seeing Erza's stubborn expression, Calvin sighed helplessly.

"Alright, let's talk as we walk." Calvin moved away from Erza's hand and nodded.

"The reason why this kingdom extracted Dragon Slayer's magic power was not simply to store it. They wanted to use this magic power as a driving force to make everyone turn into a huge Lacrima and crash into Extalia. They wanted to fuse the two magic powers through the impact and turn them into endless magic power." Calvin quickly explained briefly. After he finished speaking, Erza's face was darker than an iron pot.

"These bastards dare to despise life like this!" This anger made Erza grit her teeth.

"Indeed, to them, the importance of magic power far exceeds the value of life." Calvin sneered.

"What about your plan?" Erza continued to ask. Her tone had already calmed down a lot. For an experienced S-Class Sorcerer like her, she would not be easily affected by anger.

"They are extracting Dragon Slayer Magic to charge a certain weapon. We need to seize that weapon!" Calvin said.

While the two of them were running, the soldiers of Edolas's Kingdom had already arrived and surrounded them.

However, even though there was a huge advantage in numbers, no one dared to attack. After all, the other identity of these two people was Edolas' strongest combat strength.

On the other side, the other Erza who was knocked unconscious by Calvin was finally awakened by the other soldiers.

"Captain Erza, the dragon slayers have been rescued. They are too strong and we can't stop them." The moment Erza woke up, soldiers immediately reported to him.

"Has Dragon Slayer's magic power been extracted?" Erza asked softly without any emotion in his tone.

"The extraction is already complete," Calvin stated.

"I understand. What about Calvin and Erza who pretended to be Earth Land?" Erza continued to ask.

"They ran in the direction of the king."

Erza heard the words, pulled out the Ten Commandments Spear, and chased Calvin and the others. Although she kept calm just now, being played by Calvin so arrogantly, how could she bear it, in Erza's heart, a torrent of fire had already been ignited.


After Gray, Carla, and Happy rescue Natsu and Wendy, they also learned the purpose of Edolas's Kingdom from the two people. Thus, they decided to stop them and split into three groups. Happy flew out to find Gajeel, while Wendy and Carla went to Extalia to inform the other Exceed. The remaining Gray and Natsu went directly to the king.

After Happy found Gajeel, he immediately brought him to fly to the giant Lacrima who was floating in the air. Just as he was about to use Dragon Slayers' method to restore his companion to his original state, a huge sword suddenly slashed over him.

Gajeel and Happy looked up. The cat, who had always been like a giant man, held a huge sword in his hand. He extended his wings behind his back and glared at them with eyes as sharp as swords.

"I am the captain of the Royal Army's No. 1 Magic War Troop, Panther Lily. This Lacrima is the most important stronghold of this battle, and I cannot let you destroy it." Pan Salili said in a calm voice, bringing Happy felt extremely oppressed.

"Is he also Exceed? He actually has such a huge figure?" Seeing the other party's wings and appearance similar to that of a leopard, how could Happy not know that the other party was of the same race as him.

"Cat, step back!" Gajeel shouted, and at the same time, his arm turned into a giant sword.

"Iron Dragon Sword!"

On the other side, Natsu, Gray, and the others also encountered enemies. The other side was the captain of the third and fourth mo battle forces, Hughes and Sugarboy.

"One for each of them. Hurry up and deal with them, Natsu." Seeing the enemy, Gray's eyes became cold as he said indifferently.

"That goes without saying!" In contrast to Gray, Natsu's eyes burned with flames. He roared with fighting spirit and rushed out, his hands burning with the flames of Dragon Slayer at the same time.


Calvin and Erza faced a large number of encirclement and pushed forward casually. A large number of soldiers could not stop them for even a second. Soon, they arrived in front of the kingdom.

"Are you the king of Edolas? I advise you, if you don't want to die, take out the key to open Dragon Chain Cannon." Three rays of light appeared behind Calvin. When the voice fell, the figures of King's Knight, Queen's Knight, and Jack's Knight appeared.

Erza also changed into Heaven's Wheel Armor, with dozens of sharp swords floating behind him. The meaning of the threat of the two no longer needed to be said.

"Earth Land's Calvin and Erza? This is troublesome..." The originally gloomy face of the king, Faust, became even more gloomy. As a king, he understood the strength of Calvin and Erza very well. With just the soldiers around him, they could not resist at all.

"We can only buy time and wait for our Calvin and Erza to arrive!" Faust thought quickly and decided in the blink of an eye.

"Byro!" He shouted and he immediately stood up.

Byro was an old man in his 90s. His appearance was synonymous with sinister. Although he looked old, his movements were not ambiguous at all.

He quickly took out the test tube from his bosom and opened it. In the next moment, a liquid-like flame was released from it.

"Scorching Liquid!"

This liquid flame seemed to have a life of its own as it swept towards Calvin and Erza. The three knights behind Calvin did not say a word. They quickly flashed in front of the two of them and raised the shields in their hands.

The three knights were able to work together when attacking, so naturally, they could defend as well. The three shields seemed to resonate with each other, forming an invisible wall in front of them. After the scorching liquid hit them, the liquid that blocked them dispersed.

"Insignificant skill," Calvin said contemptuously. Erza, who was beside him, naturally would not just look when the other side attacked. The dozens of swords behind him blew out like a violent wind, shooting toward the soldiers around them.

"Your Majesty, hurry up and open Dragon Chain Cannon!" After exchanging blows with Calvin for a short period, Byro was certain that he was not a match for him. He quickly threw the key he was keeping to the king, then took out a bottle of test tube and drank it himself.

In the next moment, his old and frail body of his began to swell up, quickly turning into an incomparably huge and disgusting octopus.

"It's really ugly, and can't withstand a single blow!" Calvin chuckled. He raised his hand, and countless magic runes gushed out.

"Amaterasu's Eighteen Rules - Might Blow!"

The magic runes gathered into the shape of lightning and ruthlessly struck the giant octopus. In an instant, Byro was defeated.

As for the king, after receiving the key, he had no time to insert it into Dragon Chain Cannon.

Looking at Erza who had already knocked down all the soldiers and Calvin slowly walking towards him, Faust could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

In a certain place in the royal palace, Calvin Lucifer, who was wearing a cloak, was busy with someone.

"I finally found the remnants of 'Anima'. This time, I can send Fairy Tail's Lacrima back." The person who spoke was hidden in his clothes, and he had several wands on his back. It was Mystogan.

"Next, I will have to trouble you, Calvin." Mystogan nodded at Calvin and said seriously.

"I understand. Let's begin, Your Highness." Calvin said with a smile.

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