
Summoner of the Fairy Tail

There is a kind of magic, based on card magic, drawing inspiration from the summoning of astral magic, and imitating the creation of manifested arcs through imagination. Combined with various magical effects, it creates a variety of monsters with magical powers. This magic is called "Summoning Magic" by Calvin. Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/SummonerFairy Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs


Lucy happily smiled as she looked at the stylish guild in front of her. She momentarily forgot about what "Calvin" had done earlier and hurriedly ran towards them, opening the gate.

What greeted her were several familiar faces: the gentle Miss Mira, who looked a bit like a younger sister herself, the dignified Lady Cana, the mature and enchanting Wendy, and the equally foolish Natsu and Happy. There was also a child who looked just like Wendy...

"Huh? Two Wendys?"

"Lucy!! Are you Lucy?" Natsu, seeing the person before him dressed exactly like Lucy from Fairy Tail, and with Lucy from Edolas standing next to him, quickly realized her identity. "You... are you Natsu? Are you okay? You've also come to this world!" Lucy could easily guess his identity from Natsu's excited reaction.

"How is that possible? Besides the Dragon Slayers, Happy and me, no one should have escaped the 'Anima'!" Carla was extremely shocked and asked in disbelief.

"I hid inside the clock. There's a different space inside it, so I guess that's why I'm fine. Not only me, but Calvin and Gajeel also came to this world. However, we got separated," Lucy said cheerfully, wearing a proud expression in her eyes.

"Calvin?! You mentioned Calvin just now!" Suddenly, the Lucy from Edolas panicked upon hearing the name "Calvin," and the others from Fairy Tail also showed subtle expressions.

"Lucy was referring to our Calvin from our world, not this world's Calvin," Natsu waved his hand and explained, then curiously asked, "By the way, I wonder what this world's Calvin is like. Lucy, you should know, right?"

"Calvin and all of you are actually comrades? That's hard to imagine..." Lucy from Edolas showed a hateful expression and looked discontented.

"Um... well, actually, it was this world's Calvin who brought me here. He's outside the door," Lucy couldn't help but speak as she saw the expression on the other Lucy's face, silently speculating on what the other Calvin might have done to make her former lover despise him so much.

"What did you say? Calvin is outside?!" However, Lucy's words shocked everyone, including Lucy herself and the others from Fairy Tail. Their expressions turned to fear, especially the more mature version of Wendy.

"Lucy, Cana, everyone, it's been a while." Before everyone could react, the Calvin who had been waiting outside had already entered and greeted them with a smile.

However, Lucy from Edolas had no intention of exchanging pleasantries. She suddenly rushed forward, wielding her magical whip, and swung it fiercely at Calvin. The others quickly took out their weapons, looking alert but not impulsively attacking.

Calvin watched as Lucy from Edolas approached, a touch of sadness crossing his face. He gently sighed, casually dodged the whip, and swiftly moved to Lucy from Edolas' side. He reached out, gently pulling her into his arms and holding her hands, rendering her unable to resist.

"After all this time apart, do you really want to kill me the moment we meet? Have you forgotten the happy times we had together?" Calvin spoke softly and tenderly in Lucy from Edolas' ear. However, his actions only intensified her struggles.

"You bastard! You liar! I and Cana will never forgive you!" Lucy from Edolas roared loudly, tears streaming down her face, filled with regret and anger. The others threatened Calvin to let go of Lucy, but he ignored their words.

"Listen to me, Fairy Tail won't last much longer. You're in danger here. Come with me, at least save yourself and Cana. With my position, I can make it happen."

"You bastard! Who would go with you! Ugh!" Lucy from Edolas continued to shout.

But Calvin clearly had little patience. He lowered his head and kissed Lucy from Edolas' lips, silencing the venomous words that were about to come out of her mouth.

This sudden change stunned Lucy from Edolas, and the others were shocked by Calvin's audacity. Everyone stared blankly as the two deeply kissed, forgetting to rescue Lucy. Only the dignified Cana showed a hint of grievance, turning her head away, unable to bear watching any longer. 

Calvin was tightly bound to a chair, facing Erza who held a weapon. Calvin's expression showed no panic but rather a keen interest as he examined Erza's weapon, appearing intrigued.

"So, you're interested in my Ten Commandments Spear?" Erza asked calmly, hiding the spear behind her back, her tone resolute.

"Yes, this spear contains formidable magical power that not everyone can wield," Calvin nodded, casually flattering her.

"This is another one of your creations, a magical device. Enough small talk, when we found you, you immediately called out my name! So, tell me, how did you know I am Erza?" Erza placed the Ten Commandments Spear aside, sat down in front of Calvin, and asked softly. Her demeanor seemed ordinary, but Calvin knew that if his answer didn't satisfy her, his life could be in danger.

"I mistook you for someone else. Honestly, in our world, Erza is also a highly renowned mage, one of the strongest female mages in the Kingdom of Fiore and a member of Fairy Tail," Calvin pondered for a moment before truthfully answering.

"I can tentatively believe you, but your identity is still a mystery," Erza nodded, her tone still skeptical.

"It seems that unless I reveal everything, I won't be able to leave this place. The truth is, I am one of the Oración Seis of the Dark Guild. I came to Magnolia specifically to investigate the intelligence of Fairy Tail, the number one guild in the Kingdom of Fiore. However, it's unfortunate that I was sucked in shortly after arriving. As for why I impersonated another version of myself, it was simply because I wanted to find a way back to my original world through all of you," Calvin shook his head, feigning a defeated look, and sincerely explained.

"Do you have any evidence to prove what you're saying?" Erza remained unaffected, calmly questioning.

"In Fiore, members of each guild have their guild emblem tattooed on their bodies. The emblem of the Dark Guild, a 'Six,' is on my right arm, which should serve as proof," Calvin shrugged, displaying an indifferent attitude.

Erza remained silent and proceeded to tear Calvin's clothes, revealing the tattoo of an ancient character '六' (six) on his right arm. She nodded in satisfaction.

"If you're searching for a way back home, I advise you to give up. Although we can use 'Anima' to transform human beings into magic, we currently don't have the technology to allow someone to pass through," Erza said with a touch of pity.

"I wonder how she would feel if she knew I'm acquainted with Mystogan," Calvin chuckled inwardly, but on his face, he maintained an uncertain expression.

"However, considering that you were able to easily restrain me without any weapons, I can recommend you to join the Kingdom's military." Seeing the disappointed expression hidden by Calvin, Erza added.

"My thoughts are a bit scattered. Can I have some time to consider?" Calvin lowered his head in resignation and said in a low tone. Erza made a sound of agreement and walked out. However, she didn't notice the triumphant look that flashed in Calvin's eyes as he kept his head down.

"Erza, how did the interrogation go?" After Erza left, a black-purple cat, even more majestic than a black panther, approached her and asked. The cat walked on two legs and wore a formidable suit of armor, resembling the same species as Happy and Carla.

"He doesn't seem to be an enemy. He appears to possess some combat capabilities. I intend to have him join under my command so that even if he tries anything, he won't escape my gaze!"

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