
Summoner of the Fairy Tail

There is a kind of magic, based on card magic, drawing inspiration from the summoning of astral magic, and imitating the creation of manifested arcs through imagination. Combined with various magical effects, it creates a variety of monsters with magical powers. This magic is called "Summoning Magic" by Calvin. Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/SummonerFairy Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Erza Personal Guard

In the palace of the only kingdom in Edolas, Calvin is bound inside a dungeon. Standing in front of him is Erza, the person who imprisoned him. Erza silently watches him without speaking, as if waiting for something. She is awaiting Calvin's response.

Calvin grinned at Erza and said, "In reality, I didn't have a choice, did I?" He used his eyes to urge Erza to free him from his restraints quickly.

Erza's lips curled slightly as she replied, "It's a method that benefits both you and me, isn't it? From now on, you are my bodyguard." With that, Erza proceeded to free Calvin from his restraints. However, she never let go of her weapon, the Ten Commandments Spear, which remained firmly in her hand.

"Being the bodyguard of a beautiful woman isn't a bad job at all." Calvin regained his freedom and subtly adjusted his posture. The smile on his face was radiant, making it impossible to discern his true thoughts. 

"Well, what exactly will be my specific duties?" Calvin asked eagerly, unable to contain his excitement as if being confined for so long had made him crave some action.

"Come with me, let's go capture Earth Land's Dragon Slayer." Erza tossed a piece of clothing to Calvin. Upon closer inspection, there was the coat of arms of the royal army printed on it. It seemed that this was Calvin's uniform.

"Dragon Slayer? That's quite a challenge, considering they possess magic specifically designed to combat dragons!" Calvin paused for a moment, a bit taken aback. As far as he knew, there was only one Dragon Slayer in this world, and that was Gajeel.

"Don't worry, someone has already lured them into a trap. You won't need to personally engage in the fight," Erza remarked sarcastically upon hearing Calvin's hesitation.

"They? Isn't it just Gajeel?" Calvin keenly picked up on the discrepancy in the information provided. His mind raced as he suddenly recalled that Gajeel, unlike himself and Lucy, did not have the same protection when the Anima was activated. It was due to the unique magic of the Dragon Slayer that his soul wasn't absorbed. If that were the case, then Natsu and Wendy would naturally be unharmed as well. He wondered whether it was Mystogan sending them or if they had found another means of getting here.

"What are you talking about? I would love to personally join the battle, especially against Fairy Tail mage! Let me guess, is it Fire Dragon Natsu or Sky Dragon Wendy? When you mentioned 'them,' could it be that both of them are involved?" Calvin burst into laughter immediately, his tone becoming arrogant as if he couldn't bear Erza's sarcasm and was eager to prove himself. However, his true intention was to test whether Erza knew how many Dragon Slayers were present in Fairy Tail.

"You're quite knowledgeable. However, there are indeed two individuals infiltrating through the secret passage, one male and one female," Erza said with a gentle laugh, pleased with Calvin's attitude. She decided to casually reveal some information to him before turning around and walking away. Calvin quickly followed her.

"As per her words, it seems they are only aware of the existence of Dragon Slayer, but they don't seem to know who they are or how many there are. Moreover, their goal is clear—to capture the Dragon Slayers. What's the significance behind it?" Calvin lowered his head, deep in thought. A hint of satisfaction crept into his mind. Just a moment ago, he had manipulated the conversation to make Erza believe there were only two Dragon Slayers, concealing Gajeel in the shadows.

"Anima does not affect the Dragon Slayer. Mystogan wasted no time in seeking out Gajeel, that much is certain. The Dragon Slayer must hold a special significance or purpose for Edolas..." Calvin slowly drew his conclusion. Positioned behind Erza, his gaze gradually turned cold. He had a lingering feeling that once he uncovered the truth behind the Dragon Slayer, his undercover mission would soon come to an end.

Soon, Erza arrived in front of a group of soldiers, seemingly her subordinates. Then, following Erza's lead, they maneuvered through various twists and turns, finally entering a tunnel. Everyone moved in silence, and before long, they could hear faint murmurs of conversation from a distance.

It seems that it is Natsu and Wendy, but why do I only feel the magic power of Happy and Carla?

"Natsu and Wendy are empty?" Calvin heard the familiar voice, closed his eyes to perceive it quietly, and frowned slightly

"Here they come," Erza whispered suddenly. Immediately, she issued instructions to the people behind her. Each person's weapon shot out highly adhesive substances, tightly binding Natsu and Wendy, and restricting their movements.

Seeing this, Calvin quickly hid himself. He did not want to meet the two of them at this time. Natsu was too brainless. He would reveal everything the moment he saw him. Moreover, he also wanted to find out the real goal of the kingdom through Natsu and the others.


In Calvin's living room, Lucy, who had been bound overnight, blushed as she looked at the person in front of her. That person was staring at her with an inexplicable smile, sending a chill down her spine.

Lucy still vividly remembered what had happened last night. Although she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she could hear every detail of the events through the sounds that reached her ears.

Last night, when Calvin brought the three of them to his house, he took Lucy and Cana to his room while leaving her bound in the living room. Soon after, Lucy heard the sounds of another version of herself and Cana struggling in fear. However, after a while, those cries of distress gradually turned into sounds of pleasure and consent. The voices continued throughout the night until finally subsided. For Lucy, that time was nothing short of torment.

"Don't be so nervous~" Calvin walked into Lucy and gently lifted her chin, "I won't eat you until you fall in love with me."

Lucy blushed with embarrassment at this explicit declaration and quickly shook her head to shake off Calvin's hand.

"Unfortunately for you, I know someone who looks exactly like you but is a hundred times better than you in every way. With that comparison, how could I possibly develop any feelings for you? Don't be so arrogant!" Lucy glared fiercely at Calvin, her gaze unwavering.

"The person you are talking about is Earth Land's Calvin. Hearing you say this, I would like to meet him." Calvin did not care about Lucy's dislike for him. Instead, he sat next to Lucy and gently hugged her shoulder with his hand.

"Speaking of which, Lucy, the magic you used yesterday at Fairy Tail was Celestial Spirit Magic, right? I'm quite interested in it! Could you tell me more about it?" Just when Lucy thought Calvin would make a further intimate move, he suddenly approached her with a serious tone, asking about her magic.

"Do you think I will tell the enemy the information?"

"Haha! You're right! Besides, I'm not good at extracting information from women either! Well, it's not that important anyway." Calvin burst into laughter. Just then, there was a knocking sound at the door. Calvin furrowed his brow and waved his hand, causing Lucy's figure to vanish completely, shielded from view.

Calvin walked over to open the door and found that the person who came was a soldier of the royal army.

"What's wrong?"

"Master Calvin, Lady Erza has captured the two Dragon Slayers of Earth Land. Please proceed to the extraction chamber to drain their magic power." The soldier spoke respectfully, without wasting any words.

"I understand. I'll be right there." Calvin raised his eyebrows and directly closed the door.

When he revealed Lucy's figure again, the latter was already pale and very disturbed.

"You are here to save your companions, right? Unfortunately, it seems impossible."

"No, Calvin will rescue everyone!" Lucy shook her head vigorously, shaking her horrible thoughts away, and said firmly.

Seeing this, Calvin shook his head and laughed. He did not care about Lucy. He used some unknown method to make her faint. Then, he left home and went to the palace.

"Hmm... It seems that Earth Land's Calvin is also present in this world. Judging from Lucy's attitude, the other party must be a formidable opponent." The thought of Lucy's trust in Calvin brought a slight smirk to his lips. He laughed heartily, feeling quite pleased.

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