
Summoner of the Fairy Tail

There is a kind of magic, based on card magic, drawing inspiration from the summoning of astral magic, and imitating the creation of manifested arcs through imagination. Combined with various magical effects, it creates a variety of monsters with magical powers. This magic is called "Summoning Magic" by Calvin. Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/SummonerFairy Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Calvin VS Gildart

As Calvin and Gildarts spoke, their respective magic powers had already started to form, and even the entire Magnolia could feel the collision between their magic powers.

Gildarts' magic power was still incomparably powerful, and an unparalleled magic power rushed straight at Calvin. At this moment, Gildarts was the strongest sorcerer of Fairy Tail.

However, what was shocking was that the magic power that Calvin released was not inferior to Gildarts' the two magic powers were contending against each other, and the invisible confrontation in the air was equally matched!

Even Calvin himself was quite surprised. Before, there was no comparison, and he did not know how terrifying his increase was. Now, after a competition, he realized that he had already caught up with Gildarts in terms of magic power.

"It really surprised me. This magic power is too terrifying." Gildarts felt both emotional and gratified. Three years had passed, and the high-spirited S-Class Sorcerer from back then had already grown to an existence that could be called a 'monster'.

At the same time, he also felt depressed in his heart. He was afraid that it would be very difficult for him to get information about his daughter from Calvin.

"Come on, Gildarts!" Calvin shouted. Once again, summoning the Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Just now, he had not been able to properly test his strength. Now that he had Gildarts as his opponent, even if he used his full strength, he did not have to worry.

"I don't have time to think about it now. If I am not careful, I might fall into a fight. When the time comes, I will lose face." The corners of Gildarts' mouth rose. Unconsciously, the battle intent in his heart had already surged. He had not fought with an evenly matched opponent like this for a long time.

Calvin took the initiative to attack. He did not probe. He directly let Red-Eyes Black Dragon spit out an Inferno Fire Blast. An incomparably huge and terrifying black-red energy fireball surged out from the dragon's mouth and rushed straight at Gildarts.

Although Inferno Fire Blast was very large, in fact, he had already concentrated his magic power to attack. In the face of such power, Gildarts was not without concentration.

He stretched out his right hand and used the crushing magic on Inferno Fire Blast. Inferno Fire Blast was immediately split into countless cubes and exploded with a bang.

The power of the explosion was extraordinary. Gildarts quickly retreated and left the range of the explosion. Before he could stand still, Calvin had already rushed over to the real Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

Gildarts did not want to test the power of the monster in front of him. He narrowly avoided the claws of the real red eye, but Calvin attacked wave after wave. After the claws, the real red eye turned around and swung its tail.

At this time, Gildarts had no way to dodge. He could only use the crushing magic to clash head-on. However, how hard was the body of the red-eyed man? How could the attack that Gildarts used in a split second shatter the red-eyed man's tail? It was ruthlessly whipped out.

However, the whip of this tail could not injure Gildarts. When he was hit, he had already used magic to defend himself. In addition, his hand-to-hand combat ability was also first-class. After spinning a few times in the air, he landed safely.

The moment he landed, he suddenly rolled out eighteen runic magic arrays from the ground and tightly bound Gildarts. This was naturally Calvin's magic.

Amaterasu's Formula 34 - 18 Divine Pillar!

In the next moment, the attack of the true red eye came again. This time, it was not Inferno Fire Blast that had a fixed shape, but an endless black flame wave.

The black flame wave that came out of the mouth of the true red eye was like a magic power beam. Its attack speed was extremely fast and its penetrating power was extremely strong. The biggest difference was that its attack area could completely cover a person.

If hit by this move, there would be no bones left.

However, Gildarts only smiled lightly. The magic power instantly erupted and easily broke free from 18 Divine Pillar. This magic array that had bound many opponents for Calvin was like noodles for Gildarts.

In response, Gildart unleashed the "Crush" magic against the incoming onslaught of the Inferno Fire Blast, severing it at its fundamental structure. As the Inferno Fire Blast's attack reached Gildarts,

There were only a few sparks left.

"Just like before, as terrifying as a monster." Calvin couldn't help but smile bitterly. Red-Eyes Black Dragon's two strongest moves had been easily neutralized by Gildarts. How was he supposed to fight?

Gildarts continued to charge at the Red Eyes. Facing such a huge opponent, he was not afraid at all. He gathered his magic power on his fist, jumped up, and threw a punch at the head of the Red Eyes.

The advantage of having a large body was that it could make the Red Eyes move with incomparable power, but its flexibility was never comparable to that of a small opponent. Facing Gildarts' fist, the Red Eyes was like a motionless target.

However, Calvin was not only this Summoned Beast. His Soul Splitting Technique could easily control three Summoned Beasts.

With a wave of his hand, a card was thrown at Gildarts by Calvin. In the next moment, a warrior in purple and blue armor jumped out from the light of the card and slashed at Gildarts.

Buster Blader had the strongest close-range attack ability.

Before he could finish, Calvin used Gaia, the Fierce Knight, and Magic Card - Black Luster Ritual to fuse himself and Gaia, the Fierce Knight.

With a machete in hand and a light shield on his arm, Black Luster Soldier appeared again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Card of Summoning can still do this? It's an eye-opener!" Facing the attacks of Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Buster Blader, Gildarts still had spare time to pay attention to Calvin. When he saw Black Luster Soldier, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Black Luster Soldier was not only good looking, but had real talent.

"What a fiery attitude!" Calvin tsked and joined the battle.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, each using a strange move, the rumbling sound endless, full of power.

At the same time as the two of them fought, Magnolia was also not calm. After all, the battle between the two of them made such a big noise, how could it not be noticed by others?

Inside Guild, the people who did not go out to work were sitting in silence. Facing the collision of magic power that enveloped the entire Magnolia, everyone was sweating cold sweat.

After a while, a blue kitten grabbed Natsu and flew in. Happy's face was full of panic, and his eyes were wide open. He was trembling with excitement. Natsu, on the other hand, was trembling with excitement.

"Natsu, how is it? Who is fighting?" Seeing the human and cat return, Makarov asked indifferently.

"There... Master, there are... two monsters fighting. It's too scary!" Happy stuttered.

"Speak clearly, what do two monsters mean?" Makarov frowned and asked again.

"It's Calvin and Gildarts. Both of them are too powerful! I'm fired up!" Natsu said, and then he started to spit fire.

The others were not outdone. Mira had a shocked expression. Lucy's beautiful eyes were about to pop out. The wine barrel in Cana's hand fell to the ground. The corners of Gajeel's mouth twitched, and he looked incredulous.

"It's Calvin and Gildarts. No wonder I can feel it here!"

"Aren't these two people a bit too exaggerated?"

"Why don't we hurry up and run? Maybe even Magnolia will be destroyed."

"Forget about Gildarts. Is Calvin that strong?"

"Is it possible that Calvin is going to snatch Fairy Tail's strongest throne today?"

The others of Fairy Tail could not help but start discussing. Guild, who was quiet before, suddenly became noisy.

"Sure enough, it's these two guys." Makarov touched the wine glass that he had finished drinking on the counter, and with a bang, everyone quieted down.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and stop them! Do you really want to see Magnolia be destroyed?" Makarov shouted loudly and took the lead to walk out of Guild. The rest of the people looked at each other and hurriedly followed. A feeling of watching a show and attending a celebration spread through the crowd.

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