
Summoner of Strawhats

Earthling crashes dimensions and gets thrown onto the deck of the straw hats. As he is weak he bets on his future knowledge to survive. He will have a special power, that he will find out later. He will not be totally selfless and a bit manipulative, but no human is perfect in the face of their desires. It started with me sick and bored in bed with only my phone to write on. (I don't own the art. Artist:Amanomoon)

Natsujan · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Someone needs a spanking! And it ain't Annie!

"Gum-gum fishing!" Luffy shoots his hand into the river and retracts it with Sanji.

Chopper is immediately besides him, trying to stop his nose bleed and bring back his consciousness.

"Shitty cook." Zoro sighs as he facepalms.

"Your perversion has no bounds, huh? At least keep your shit together like Lynx." Lola gives him a small kick to test his reaction.

"You ain't no doc, so you should not be poking around, Lola." Buggs

"Yes, let the poor man rest. Even when beauties tried to help him they must have unconsciously rejected him." Braum pats Lola and looks at Sanji as the poor bastard he is.

"Well anyway, sorry for bringing you so randomly and all at once! I wanted to obtain some more dear friends to join us on our adventure." Lynx

"Oh, that's why you summoned us! Hurray for adventure! The academy library and classes were getting too boring lately." Lux smiles happily while skipping around observing the crew and mostly me, since I seem to be a powerful summoner.

"This world is fascinating… The wind actually is feisty towards me. Interesting." Janna flies up and feels up the wind.

"Ugh I don't like the heat here, it's drying me out… Do you mind if I go into the water?" Nami

"You can, but we will soon arrive at the sea. Be sure to stick close to the ship because the sea is very difficult." Lynx

"Heh, you want us to join in your adventure? Then I hope you can last through my songs~" Sona smiles mischievously.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm a musician too~ We can play together~" I smile at her.

"Really?! Can I join too?" Lux seemed to be very energetic.

"Sure? Can you play or sing?" Lynx

"Ah I can sing a bit! But nevermind that, what are those cute furry creatures?!" Lux points at Chopper, Buggs, Lola and Igor the mustached poro.

"Those guys are our crewmates, come let me introduce you all first."

"Hey guys! Let me introduce our newest crewmates. This here is Nami, the mermaid tide caller. But be careful, she has a bewitching voice. She can do combat healing, fight and control the water in a small area." I point at the colorful Nami.

"Hello companions of my summoner! Pleased to meet you!" Nami greets while controlling some more water onboard to coll herself.

"This here is Janna. She is the spirit of the winds and storms. She can shield, help with wind, fight and also heal." I show at the skimpy Janna.

[AN: I said storms because of the skin]

"There is an air of adventures around you. Well met!" She smiles but her and orange Nami keep staring at each other in a mysterious way.

"This here is the young mage Lux! She is exceptional and fun! She can fight well, shield and fire a laser canon" I hug lux over the shoulder.

"Yea! Thanks for calling me here!" She bows to everyone cheerfully.

"And this here is Sona. The best zither player ever. She can party buff, heal and attack by just pulling a string on her zither." I make a showbiz bow pointing at her.

"Heh, you will be fun~" Sona licks her lips while my current girls all give her a warning glance.

"Now as for everyone here and not here…" I went to introduce the already known crew by us, even Smoker, Tashigi, Vivi and Heph that I didn't currently summon.

"Why did you go and summon four more people? We just left Vivi, Tashigi and Smoker behind in Alabasta because of your plans and to conserve space. AND WHY ARE THEY ALL WOMEN?!" Nami screams at me.

"You think I would summon guys? Unless they are good natured or have great power, no" I shrug my shoulders, like it was logical to summon hot girls.

"... I can't believe I share my name with her... As a siren I can't accept that because of her shrill screaming voice!" Nami

"Not to mention how confusing it will be with two Nami's." Usopp

"Like one screeching Nami wasn't enough wasn't." Zoro rolls his eyes.

"... Aqua prison." Nami just throws a bubble trapping Zoro inside in the air, until the ship passes under him.

"You bitch!" Zoro screams as he falls into the canal.

"Shut it algae head! I don't screech! My voice is beautiful!" Nami yells at Zoro as he swims after the ship.

"But anyway, usopp does have a point. So which Nami are we renaming?" I smile teasingly.


"Give me another name. I don't want to share my name with a banshee." LoL Nami


"You! Can't you hear yourself?!" LoL Nami

The two Nami's seem to be ready to brawl.

"For now, do we call you Siren?" Lynx

"Sure, much better." Nami, I mean Siren nods.

"Hahaha you all are very funny! Is there any adventure waiting for us soon?" Lux

"We will see~" I smile as we are reaching the end of the canal, entering the Sandora river.

"Lady Hina! Two ships are making their way out of the canal toward the river! They look like Alabastan ships!" A marine comes reporting to Hina.

"Hina knows better. There was no ship going upwards the river the last few days. So where did they come from?" Hina asks the marine.

"We don't know, maybe they were up river?" Marine

"No, Hina believes that it's the pirates. Prepare the ships for interception!" Hina commands.

A group of ships that still hid behind a cliff near the shore started to mobilize towards the sandora.

"Remember what Hina said! Check first for the pirates before acting!" Hina

The Going Merry and Bon Clays ships are making their way towards the sea from the river when a bunch of marine ships have started to block the route.

"Seems like the marines are going to block our way~" I see the ships and smile.

"Whaaat?! Didn't the marines leave after you lied to them?!" Usopp

"Yea! How are we supposed to escape so many ships?!" Nami

"... Are you two serious? There are always some stubborn fools. But we just defeated Crocodile and now you are afraid of what? Five ships?" I look stupidly at them.

'How do I mess with Hina~ She is the only one who would persevere so long… Hm, I still need to get seastone for Heph…' Lynx

"We can battle them just fine, but there is one strong marine probably there. So what will it be?" Lynx

"WE FIGHT!!!" Luffy yells while laughing.

Zoro grins, Buggs and Lola are hyped on finally getting to fight. Nami, Usopp and Chopper are a bit scared.

Braum just laughs for getting to move a bit again. Annie and Marianne just get bored and start to have a picnic on the deck, joined by Mikita, Zala and Robin as they don't feel like fighting.

Sanji is still in coma from blood loss while Durin went to sleep.

"Hey, girls. Do you want some action after being summoned?" I grin at the new four.

"A fight?! OF COURSE!!!" Lux is already hyped up jumping around me.

"Hm~ I don't feel like fighting minions. Call if you need help." Janna flies over to the picnic area.

"They are just minions? Boriiing… Call me if you plan to do anything more fun~" Sona smiles before she sits on the railing and starts to play a bit.

"What do you have in mind?" Siren looks like she wants to stay near my side to help me.

"Well first clearing the minions without killing them. They are easily knocked out. Then I go make a deal with their leader~" I grin maleficently.

".... Ow come ON!!! I want to fight!" Luffy screams at me.

"Alright, the first one who clears a ship gets to fight that person, deal?" Lynx

"Yea!" Luffy grins.

"Alright then you better start moving! Let's go!!!" I grab Lux and Siren by their hips and jump over the ship.

The close ones look over the railing but only see me running on top of the water.

Using Siren's ability Surging tides, I combine it with soru for a faster way to the ship.

"HEY THAT'S DIRTY!!! GUM-GUM ROCKET!!!" Luffy launches himself behind us.

"Wha?! You really can use our abilities?!" Siren looks at me surprised.

"Does that mean we can do two Final sparks together?!" Lux looks at me with shining eyes.

[Final sparks is her laser ultimate.]

"Of course! But what's the fun in that? I wanna capture the ships!" I smile as I run us towards the ship and jump up.

"Monsoon!!" When I fall to the deck, I immediately use Janna's ult to clear the deck by throwing all the marines into the sea.

"Aw~ She is not here… You can have fun clearing the ship, just don't damage it too much, okay?" Lynx

"Yeees!" Lux smiles and runs towards the inside of the ship.

Nami pouts with her lips but then follows after Lux.

"I WIN LUFFY!!!" I scream as he is approaching from the air.

"GODDAMMIT!!! You cheated!!!" Luffy looks annoyed.

"A deal is a deal! Bye~" I wave as I jump towards another ship.

"At least leave the other to me!" Luffy jumps after me.

"Sure the minions are yours. If it's a woman with pink hair, stay away." I smile at him.

"Another woman?! There are already more women than us guys!!!" Luffy exclaims.

"She will stay in Alabasta, so don't worry." Lynx

"Ah okay!" Luffy nods.


"So you pirates were still here in Alabasta. Hina, guesses that the royal family lied for you since you helped." Hina walks forward.

"Not any of your business really. But that doesn't mean we can't have any~ You up for a deal?" I smile and walk towards her.

"Get away from lad Hina!!!" Random marine instigates everyone else as they shoot their guns towards me.

"Pesky minions! Eye of the storm! Howling gale! Aqua prison!" A shield appears around me blocking the bullets.

Spawning a small tornado it clears the deck of one side of the ship while the aqua prison floats them up on the other side.

"So you up for a deal, Hina?" I again ask her.

"Hina wants to know what the deal is?" Hina asks while trying to guess my powers.

"Simple, I give you one minute of not resisting. If I am still imprisoned 10 seconds later, then you win~ I am yours to do whatever with. If I can escape, you aren't allowed to resist one of my attacks." I smile at her.

"And how can Hina be sure, you will keep your end of the bargain?" Hina

"Well until no, I haven't broken one deal yet~ And I don't want to start anytime soon, since it's too fun to make deals! I actually want my bounty nickname to be Devil's deal Clawed Lynx~" I smile at her while giving her my hand.

"Hina thinks you are a strange one. But you must think that Hina can't trap you in the minute. Very confident too. Hina doesn't accept this one!" Hina doesn't fall for it.

"Then how do you want to change the deal? You want to fight my little kid?" I pull the air and summon Annie.

"Huh, daddy? What is it? And I was just getting along with auntie Janna and Sona!" Annie

"Just a minute Annie~ So how about it Hina? Would you bet if you can capture my little girl?" I smirk at Hina.

"You underestimate Hina too much! And how can you bring your daughter into this fight?!" Hina looks pissed.

"Well she is fast. You just have to capture her~ Is that alright with you Annie?" Lynx

'Say yes Annie. This will also be a mommy if you want. Just don't let her get close to you after the deal. Just summon Tibbers at that point.' I sent her a thought.

"Yes yes yes! I wanna play with auntie~" Annie smiles at her innocently.

"Hina thinks you are a bastard. But if Hina captures you, the entire crew is to surrender." Hina stares at me.

"Great! Deal!" I shake her hand.

"Now come here little girl~ Hina won't do anything painful~" Hina tries approaching Annie.

"Would you like to play with Annie and Tibbers?" Annie looks playfully at her.

"Yea, Hina wants to play~" Hina tries to reassure her.

"YAAAY!!! Come Tibbers! She said she will play!" Annie throws Tibbers in the air, an opportunity Hina decided to strike.


Tibbers lands on the ship transformed in his giant size but he looks confused since his 'playmate' isn't anywhere visible.

"You know, half a minute has passed, Hina." I look at the watch I am holding.

"... Hina says… Fuck you!" Hina barely squeezes the words out as she is on the floor with Tibbers standing on her.

"Well who said that you should cushion Tibbers spawning? Look how confused he is~" I giggle while watching the bear just looking around confused.

"Tibbers~ The auntie is under you! Don't be so rude! Play nicely!" Annie scolds Tibbers even when I can see that she is barely holding back her laughter.

Tibbers steps off and picks up Hina, raising her to look at her face to face. He even smiles at her nicely.

But nicely doesn't mean anything when you are a giant flaming bear with sharp teeth and fire burning in his throat and eyes.

"Ah! Let Hina go!" She swipes her hand over his paw, caging it inside.

Hina drops to the floor and runs towards Annie, not wasting time with Tibbers.

But then she has to dodge a firebolt Annie throws at her playfully.

"Come on auntie~ Or do you want to become my mommy too?" Annie teases her.

"Who says Hina will be a mommy?" Hina lunges forward while being careful of the firebolt.

She dodges it but as she is about to cage Annie, a fireshield appears around her, making her ability make a giant ring around the shield.

"You have to try harder than that mommy~ Incinerate!" She makes a flamethrower at Hina who has to fall back.

"How can you control fire?! The firefist is still alive!" Hina is confused.

"AAAAAnd the minute is over! You lose!" I grin at Hina.

"Hina calls bullshit! You said she was fast!" Hina is pissed.

"Well she is fast. I only didn't mention her power. So no misinformation and everything was within the rules. The non resistance was also only mentioned for me. Now, pay up! One attack without you resisting." I smile at her as I come closer.

Hina stays still while she waits for me, though she looks at me hatefully.

Conjuring the lasso, I slowly put it over her head.

"You plan to kill Hina by hanging? You are really despicable!" Hina stares at me.

"What? If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't go through all this trouble! I would just shoot a laser and sink your boats!" I tighten it until she is captured.

She now feels a connection to me and her angry look turned into a shocked one.

"You are now my summon and follower. Welcome to my crew~" I hug her over her shoulders grinning.

"Y-you?! Did you capture Smoker and Tashigi like that as well?!" Hina looks at me shocked.

"No, we made a deal to save Alabasta together. Too bad that the News made the higher ups pissed at Smoker and put a bounty on him. He joined since I was his only viable option. You can hear all about it after I drop you off with him." I smile at her.

"Good girl Annie, go have fun with Janna and Sona. I will be joining you shortly! Anything you want for a reward?" I ruffle her hair.

Tibbers grumbles at not being able to play and returns to a teddy bear, while Annie smiles happily.

"I want a kiss from daddy~" Annie smiles.

"Alright, here-" I try to kiss her but I am stopped by her.

"No! Not the childish kiss on the cheeks! Kiss on the lips! With tongue! Mommy's said it feels good!" Annie smiles mischievously.

"... Tell me which one said that in your presence." I look at her with a serious air.

"Everyone of them~ Including Nami, Robin, Marianne and Lola." Annie

"... Finne, but it will be a kiss on the lips but without tongue!" I know that Annie will hold a grudge if I don't do it.

"Yaaay! Deal!" Annie smiles brightly and stands on her tiptoes.

'Damn, she started to pick up my habit of making deals! It's cute but now I am on the receiving end! The bitches on our ship will get a good ass spanking after this…' I am already planning the punishment for giving ideas to Annie.

"Um, can you turn around a bit? This feels weird doing it by itself, even more when a former lawbringer is watching…" I can literally hear a police siren in my head and the 'FBI open up!' meme.

"No, Hina will watch, to make sure you don't do more than that." Hina decided to watch.

"... FINE! Suit yourself." I kneel down to face Annie and hesitate one more time before giving in to her demand.

"..... OK! That's enough!" After five seconds I sent her back to our ship.

"Argh! I didn't want to, but I had to keep my promise! Now I feel guilty as hell!" I grab my head in frustration.

"... Hina doesn't know why, but even as Hina got captured by you just now, Hina feels really refreshed seeing you suffer~" Hina smiles seeing my guilt suffer me.

I just grab her, pick her up and run towards the shore. I drop her off there and run off back to the Merry. Pulling the air she falls with her ass on the deck, confused as hell.

"Stay here and don't cause trouble." I jump onto the marines ships and find Lux and Siren playing around by slapping a mook out of boredom.

"Oh! You are back! These guys were weak as hell! Aren't there any better ones?!" Lux looks at me hopefully.

"Not right now. We will sail away, but I have something to do. Siren can you help me?" Lynx

"Yup! What is it, master?" Siren looks spirited again to help me, but for some reason she changed to call me master.

"Yea, the bottom of these ships are covered in seastone. I need to harvest it for a friend." Lynx

"Ah… Okay, I will help!" She is first disappointed but still hypes herself for me.

After ripping off the seastone from the hull, we dropped it on the ships. With a pull i Summoned Heph.

"Hey, Heph! Here is your promised seastone!" I point at the small hills on the ships decks.

"Oh! Finally, I get some! Durin was annoying, bragging about the seastone cage." She starts to pack everything in her small bag.

I summon and unsummon her until she moved everything, then we left the boats with the poor unconscious marine mooks and sailed away.

Here is the chapter.

I decided to screw over Hina and have her join Smoker and Tashigi in Alabasta.


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