
Zeoticus's Shock.


La Folia teleported the both of them back in front of the mansion. Vander was drained of both Demonic Mana and vitality as he had used huge amounts of his blood. His body needed something to replenish it with so she was going to take him to have the chefs make him a huge meal.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat."

Just hearing food made his stomach growl. She had her arm wrapped around his waist as his left arm rested on her shoulder.

"I am starving. They will need to make a lot of it."

La Folia helped him walk as they both went toward the kitchen.

"They work full time so it is fine. They will make you so much that even you will not be able to finish it all."

"Are you hungry as well kitty?"

"Whatever do you mean you git?"

They both chuckled at the dumb nicknames they came up for each other. As they were walking, La Folia glanced behind one of the suits of armor.

"Millicas? What are you doing behind that?"

The small boy peaked around with a shy look on his face.

"Sorry, sis. I noticed you came back and was curious why you were gone for two days. Dad already left while mom was waiting for your return. Vander, what were you two doing?"

Vander looked down at the small boy and answered the question.

"Having a blacksmith make me some gear? It took a while and I am exhausted."

Millicas ran up to him as he wanted to help.

"I can help you walk too."

Vander patted his head as the boy was really nice to offer to help.

"Sure. I need to eat to replenish my energy."

Millicas was quite strong for his size so he was actually helping. La Folia saw his surprise and laughed.

"Remember what I said?"

"Yup, lion analogy."

As such Vander made it to the dining table where he sat down. La Folia sat Milicas down next to Vander.

"Wait here. I will tell the chefs to make you a feast. Millicas, you can keep Vander company until then."

"Leave it to me."

She went off to talk to them while Vander rested his head on the table. He was pale and tired as his body was stressed out. Millicas patted him on the back because he looked sick.

"Do you need a doctor uncle?"

Vander shook his head.

"No, just food."

Millicas sighed in relief as he did not want Vander to get sick as his mom would worry.

"What kind of gear did you get made?"

"A pair of gauntlets and a halberd. Millicas, can I ask you something?"

The boy smiled.


"What do you think of your aunt?"

Millicas smiled as he liked her a lot.

"She is great as she is really nice to me."

"Are you two close?"

Millicas nodded.

"She is like my second sister."

Vander had an idea.

"Alright then, next time you see her tell her this. If she wants to be happy, she better give it her all. I will appreciate it if you tell her."

Millicas nodded.

"I will make sure to tell her."

While he and Vander talked La Folia came back and sat next to Vander.

"They will bring out a huge meal for you in a few minutes. Millicas, want to eat with us?"

"No, sis. We already had supper?"

"I see."

Vander rested his forehead on the table as he was sleepy. After he ate he was going to go into a deep slumber to let his body recover. That meant, no training tomorrow. Just as he hoped the chefs began to bring out some dishes.

With magic, they could cook faster and better. When they placed the massive steak in front of him he dug in the moment it was in front of him. It was delicious and full of energy speeding up his recovery.

La Folia also began to eat her own steak with him and that was just the start. Soups, roasts, bread, different Devil vegetables, and fruits were devoured by them both of them. Even a large roasted monster fish and birds were eaten by Vander.

With every bite, he felt his body regain its vigor while La Folia still managed to keep up with him. While they ate, Grayfia, Venelana, and Zeoticus went down to talk to the both of them now that they were back.

They were quite shocked when they saw the massive pile of empty dishes. They knew that La Folia ate a lot, but Vander was a surprise.


He looked up while he ate part of a goat leg. Grayfia had called out to him while he was eating.


"Did you get what you needed from the blacksmith.?"

La Folia began to cough as thinking of the bill made her gasp. She began to choke on her food so Vander slapped her back causing her to spit out the piece of food that got stuck in her throat.

"Yes. he also left me the bill."

Grayfia did not think it would be that extreme.

"You are allowed to use it for free so pass it on."

Zeoticus sat down but didn't eat. He just wanted to talk to Vander and La Folia.

"She is right. I can cover the bill this time."

La Folia did not think he say that with a smiling face when she saw the bill.

"Do not freak out when you see it, grandpa?"

"Why would I freak out?"

She reached into her pocket and handed him the bill. He glanced at the paper as he was confident he could pay. However, when he saw the bill his eyes went wide open in shock. He even shook his head to make sure he was seeing this properly.

He felt like his soul left his body as he read every reason for the bill. Just the Muspelhime core would bankrupt a noble house, but the Adamantium made it even worse. He could pay, but it would be over 45% of his wealth.

"Vander. What did you do to convince him to use his Muspelhime core and Adamantium willingly? Even when I asked him to make me my magic pedant he did not use his core and only a tiny bit of Adamantium. Did he use several ingots worth for you? How?"

Vander raised his right arm and covered his right arm in one of his Gilgamesh gauntlets. The powerful Divinity in it was both Demonic and Divine in nature. Just one of the gauntlets caused Grayfia, Zeoticus, and Venelana to recoil from their power.

"These contain both Divine power and Demonic power. Guess I will call it Infernity."

However, Zeoticus now understood the price.

"I see. He made a true masterpiece, but it is sad it is only one gauntlet."

"No, I got both."

He kept his weapon secret for now as he was not going to go brag about it. He returned the gauntlet to his soul and started eating again. Grayfia noticed he was keeping something else from them, but she did not call him out of him. As long as he did not betray them, he could keep his secrets. She promised him free reign of himself so what he did was up to him.

Venelana gave him a small smile.

"Vander, I wanted to do something nice for you two so I bought your entire apartment complex and renovated it to give you a nice home. It is not as big as this mansion, but still rather large. You two can move in together if you feel like it."

Vander felt that was good as he would not have to sleep in a small apartment anymore.

"Sounds great. Is there going to be a staff to look after it?"

She nodded.

"Of course. Otherwise, it would be hard to look after even with magic. Just be ready."

Vander took a final bite as he was fully full now. He stood up and bowed politely to the three of them.

"I will take my leave. See you La Folia. Millicas."

He began to walk toward his room while La Folia and Milliacas waved him goodbye. Zeoticus sighed as soon as Vander was gone.

"He has more than the gauntlets, but he is keeping it hidden. La Folia what else did Krumdrum make for him?"

"These lips are sealed."

She chuckled as she read that in a comic before.

"I will see you tomorrow.

When she was gone Zeoticus sighed even harder.

"This bill will drain me and they won't even tell me what I am paying for? How cruel?"

Grayfia felt bad so she decided to pitch him.

"I will pay half. I get paid a lot and barely have a use for it."

Venelana had her own savings apart from her husband as well.

"I will do the same. If we split the bill three ways it won't hurt as much as if you pay it all. As for La Folia and Vander, don't take it to heart. Everyone has their secrets. Right Grayfia."

"I don't know what you mean?"

Zeoticus stood up as the chefs took the dishes away to clean them.

"We will see what he got later. As long as he does not harm the family it won't matter. I am just glad that he is getting along with my granddaughter as he was not interested in Rias."

Venelana found that disappointing.

"She is such a beautiful girl too? I wonder why he liked La Folia, but not Rias."

Grayfia got up, but she understood Vander a little better now.

"Her looks do not matter? He is not superficial like that or after her status. if he was, he would have gone for her since he met her. Instead, he kept his distance so her looks don't interest him. As such, Rias would never interest someone like Vander, but that is fine.

He has his preference and there is nothing wrong with that."

Venelana sighed as he would have been a good son-in-law. Instead, she would be happy to be a grandmother-in-law instead.

"I know Grayfia. Have a good night you two?"

After she said that Grayfia and Milicas left leaving both Zeoticsu and Venelana to talk. As for Vander he entered his room and summoned Ripper at his side.

"Keep guard."

Ripper laid down on the large bed that still had more than enough room for even Maximus to lay down.

"Don't claw it up. Please."

Ripper agreed as this one was soft. Vander laid down and placed his head on the pillows. He closed his eyes and began to drift into a deep sleep. He needed rest and sleep was the best way to speed up his recovery.

During his sleep, his body broke down the food he ate to speed up his recovery. Just as he promised he stayed in bed for the entire following day. After he fully recovered he open his eyes and yawned as he had truly had a nice nap.

He glanced at the large head laying down on his chest as Ripper had cuddled up with him. Eve asleep, Ripper was not cute, but at least he was warm.

"Wake up."

When Ripper opened his large yellow eyes he yawned on Vander as he enjoyed sleeping on him. Vander reached out and patted his big head as he got up. Ripper got off the bed to start stretching to truly wake up.

Vander shook his head as he reached into his shadow and pulled out the vial with dragon blood. Ripper looked at the blood with curiosity while Vander analyzed the dark red fluid. Just this small amount of blood was overflowing with vitality and power.

His body was hungering for blood and he was confident in his body. It had a use for this and he knew that the end result was something that he had high expectations for.

Has anyone read The Harvestor by AhraManyu? He is where i got the idea of Infernity which is Divinity but of Devils. I recommend you give his books a read. Got to give credit.

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