
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

New Bloodlines and Meeting Tiamat.

Vander reigned in his aura as he got control of himself. Even he was surprised by his outburst which was just an instinctive reaction now that both of them had grown stronger. While he could not sense it, it seemed his very being had begun to notice.

Vander noticed how Raynare had fallen to her knees while Nerezza had raised her arms to brace because of him. La Folia and Naerdeath were fine, but they were just a little surprised by his outburst. He was rather in control of himself usually so this was different.

Serafall realized that Vander had once again grown stronger than last time. Now she had to think about what he said.

"You said one of your species was in America? What are you anyway?"

Vander thought of how to answer that. He could not just say High Human as that was not something they would know.

"A very highly adaptive genetic assimilator. I can take in other races' bloodlines for my own. However, I have to think about synergy which is why I chose dragon and devil to add to my own. Both races have a certain synergy to them and one can not go wrong with dragons. They are at the apex for a reason."

That explained so many things to La Folia and Naerdeath on why he evolved so quickly. La Folia felt it made so many things more clear.

"No wonder you are so mind-numbingly crazy. How about my blood? You never asked?"

He scratched the back of his head a little.

"I forgot."

She sighed as Vander could still be forgetful from time to time. She looked at Nerezza with a request.

"Remind me to have Vander assimilate all of our bloodlines when we have time."

She nodded.

"I shall not forget."

La Folia turned back to Vander.

"You are telling me that another of your species is running loose in America. What kind of damage could they cause if left to be free?"

Vander pointed to himself.

"Imagine if I went wild and there is your answer."

Serafall imagined what would happen if Vander just snapped and with his full power attacked the world. It was not pretty and many countries would simply cease to be. Naerdeath also pictured it and it was not pretty.

"So what happens when you run into him?"

Vander merely grinned which was enough of an answer for her. Now Serafall was curious about something.

"Why did you say there can only be one? Isn't he a member of your species?"

Vander took a deep breath to control the irritation he felt rise up.

"That is just how we operate. I can tell you if I and him see each other we will without a doubt decent into a brutal fight to the death without a care for the world around us. I need to speak to Zeus so he can help me find him so I can kill him before he gets stronger."

Serafall did not want to see Zeus again, but she would for the sake of Vander and the world. Just one Vander was already tough, imagining two with a blood feud was not pretty.

"Fine, I will do it. How powerful do you think he will become by the time we find him?"

Vander shook his head as even he did not know.

"I have no clue. You have seen how rapidly I get stronger, that applies to him too."

Vander got up from his chair as he planned to have Krumdrum begin to craft La Folia and Naerdeath's god-level gear. Before he did that Serafall asked Vander something.

"Would my bloodline help you?"

Vander nodded.

"It would strengthen my ice abilities a step further. However-"

He turned to La Folia which made Serafall sigh.

"Yeah, a Super Devil with ice magic will help you more than a regular devil like me. I think a descendent of the original Leviathan would do you better than me. They had the ability to masterfully manipulate water and they had the ability to turn into serpent-like dragons."

Vander had an idea.

"Tell me, what happened to the original Satans bodies? Even just their descendants are enough."

If he could consume even just their bones he would be able to take their abilities for himself. Serafall had bad news for him though.

"Lucifer was killed in a one-on-one fight with God. He was obliterated body and soul so no luck there. Leviathan on the other hand was killed by Albion during the fight between both Heavenly Dragons. She was melted into sludge by his poison. Beelzebub was killed in an ambush by Grigori and Asmodeus was eaten by Ddraig."

He sighed as of course it would not be that easy. He would have to take them from their descendants, but he had no idea where to look.

"Thanks for the heads up. Any idea where I can find the descendants?"

Serafall nodded.

"Out in the borders of the Underworld. Where I have no idea."

He sighed as he opened a teleport circle under his feet. He planned to drop off La Folia and Naerdeath with Krumdrum so he could start making their gear. He would ask Nerezza if she wanted something as well, but Raynare was currently not worthy of such a thing.

"Thanks a lot, Sera. I owe you one."

In a flash of dark flames, he and his peerage vanished from her office. Serafall sat in her chair as she thought of the nickname he made for her.

"Sera? I like it."


With a flash, he appeared in Krumdrum's forge where the dwarf was looking at his forge. He did not realize how much he missed having his daughter around as he had become uninspired recently. She could be annoying at times, but she kept the place lively.

Naerdeath quietly walked up to her father who was drinking like always.


He jumped like a cat falling to the ground.


When he noticed it was just his daughter he got mad.

"YOU DAMN BRAT! What if I have a heart attack?"

She rolled her eyes as she helped him up.

"We dwarves don't suffer from heart attacks."


Vander chuckled at his humor.

"Can you delay it? I still need you to make Naerdeath and La Folia some gear like my Dawnbreaker and Duskborne gauntlets, Nerezza you interested?"

"You would offer me such a weapon?"

Vander nodded.

"It is material harvested from my body after all. It is all over there."

Vander pointed to the giant pile of black ingots that had already been prepared. Krumdrum got up as he was ready to begin. He had been waiting to begin crafting as this was what he lived for.

"So, La Folia, my daughter, and the vampire? What about that one?"

He pointed at Raynare who had hoped to be chosen, but Vander shook his head.

"No, she has not earned it yet."

She looked at Vander with a disappointed look in her eyes, but he just flicked her on the nose.


Krumdrum nodded.

"Alright, when can we start? It's your stuff after all."

"You can start now. I have some things to do so just call me if anything goes wrong."

Before he left La Folia bit her tongue hard causing her to bleed. Before she could heal she used some magic to cause some of her blood to float in front of her.

"Here, I said what I said."

Vander's body locked in on that one drop of blood as he would gain a lot from this.


He dragged the blood drop into his mouth and his body began to break apart. Not only did he feel his Energy of Destruction which he gained from the Bael clan servant grow in power, but he also gained the unique Gremory bloodline ability and Lucifuge abilities;

It was not as flashy as Energy of Destruction, but what it did was give enhanced Demonic Power which his body converted. The Lucifuge clan members all had powerful Demonic Power and amount which synced well with the Energy of Destruction.

Not to mention her Super Devil genes were used to purify his own Devil genes which were already super pure.

"Thanks a lot."

She shook her head as she felt she owed him more. He had awakened her Super Devil genes and gave her access to his Infernity. That alone was enough for her to feel that one day she could become a god which was her end goal.

"I owe you more."

Nerezza simply cut her palm and with her unique blood magic did the same as La Folia to give Vander access to her blood.

"I am not sure how useful my bloodline shall be, but I still wish to give it to you."

Naerdeath nodded as well.

"She is right, use it to get as strong as possible."

Vander smiled as he swallowed both drops of blood feeling his body rip them apart to take anything even remotely useful. From Naerdeath he gained her resilient dwarven toughness, immunity to fire, and strangely awareness of different metals.

Sucubusses were not only known for their lust but also for their skill as mages. That was a welcomed trait and for Nerezza his body also found her bloodline extremely compatible. He was a blood mage courtesy of Daisy so that was welcomed.

Intaking two new species' bloodlines and a superior one like La Folia had his body going through an evolution. His aura surged as the Gremory and Lucifuge family abilities were all about boosting Demonic Power which was converted to Demonic Mana in his case.

He exhaled as he opened his draconic dark green eyes which gained a tiny bit of red where the white should be.

"Now, I am more than ready."

La Folia sighed when she saw he did not get any taller.

"I was worried you would grow to eight feet."

Naerdeath nodded.

"Not all of us are that tall Vander."

Nerezza also had some things to say.

"They are right, master. If you grow any taller you will be confused as a giant."

Vander simply smiled as he prepared to leave. However, there was one more bloodline he had to take. He aimed his hand at Raynare and a small drop of her blood teleported out of her body.

"Thanks, Raynare."

She turned around to see the drop of blood in his hands. She did not even feel anything when he got it so she was confused.

"How did you do that?"


He popped it into his mouth and teleported away as he had a dragon to fight. Fallen Angel blood was an outlier compared to what he had, but his body took it anyway. He found that his own Dark Light was better so he just took it as a simple boost to the rest of his powers.

In a flash of his unique flames he appeared in the middle of the dark forest of Familliars. The moment he arrived the noisy forest went dead silent as if a dangerous predator had just begun to walk around.

Ripper appeared at his side as he reached out to pet him.

"Let's go see this dragon shall we?"

Ripper licked his lips as he remembered the taste of that one drop of blood he drank.

"When we win if she is bleeding we both will get to enjoy some."

That made Ripper excited as he and his master walked through the forest. Vander stoped as he looked to the right.

"I know you are there."

When caught the Familiar Master lept into a tree looking at Vander and Ripper with curiosity.

"Now that is a familiar I have not had the honor to see. Why would you need a familiar when you have that one?"

"I am not here for a familiar. I am here to challenge Tiamat to a fight. Excuse us."

Vander got on Ripper's back as the raptor ran at full speed into the depths of the forest. The Familiar Master shook his head as he fully excepted Vander to lose like everyone else. He smiled as Tiamat had hidden that she had been training and had gotten much stronger than her old self.

Vander did not care as Ripper blitzed through the entire forest to reach the lair of Tiamat. She made her home in a cave she had made where she stored the treasure that she had hoarded. She was currently sleeping on top of one of the many piles of precious jewels, gold, weapons, and even artifacts that had been given to her as payment.

However, her sleep was interrupted when she felt Ripper and Vander's aura. Both of them were staggering which woke her right up.

'What the hell?"

When Ripper arrived at the cave entrance he stopped as Vander jumped off. He did not have to wait long as a giant blue western dragon walked out of the cave. She was 20 meters tall and most of her scales were dark blue while her underbelly had light blue.

Two large scaled wings, a powerful tail, two curved horns, and a mouth full of teeth. When she got a look at Vander she was surprised as she could feel some dragon from him.

"Who are you?"

Vander gave his usual introduction.

"Vander Abbadon, no relation to the Abbadon clan. I came here to challenge you to a fight. I want you to join my peerage as my Rook."

She squinted her blue eyes as this fight would not be as easy as the rest. Still, if he did manage to beat her she would honor her word. Dragons even Evil Dragons never lied.

"You know the rules right?"

Vander nodded as he summoned his Duskborne gauntlets and Dawnbreaker.

"If I lose I shall offer up Dawnbreaker."

He raised his divine soul-bound weapon which made Tiamat's greed rise.

"That is a soul-bounded weapon. You would rip a piece of your soul to part with it and I will take it if I win."

Vander without batting an eye looked her in the eye.

"I don't intend to lose."

Her aura began to surge as her Dragon Heart began to churn with power. Her large wings spread wide as she slammed her tail into the ground.

"Arrogant aren't we? Like a dragon. If I win I just might keep you for myself. You are my type and you are a part dragon."

Vander grinned.

"Maybe I will keep you to myself instead. If you can impress me that is."

Black scales began to erupt over his whole body as he began to grow larger and more draconic. Before long he stood 5 meters(16 feet) and he looked like a humanoid dragon. His massive wings grew from his back while he summoned Daisy to his side.

Seeing the giant creature made Tiamat curious about why he summoned her.

"Are you planning to fight me three-on-one? You aren't the first to use his familiars to help, but they all lost."

Vander, Daisy, and Ripper began to glow brightly as Vander spoke.

"Dual Resonance."

Daisy became a Blood Red beam of light while Ripper turned into a flood of shadows that struck his form. An explosion of power erupted from his body which made Tiamat squint her eyes.

'He became even stronger.'

Once the smoke cleared he had gained back his strongest resonance armor at his disposal. His clawed hands held his halberd as he looked at Tiamat with his Infernity, Demonic Mana and Dragon Aura all surging.

This caused the forest and the areas for over a thousand miles to quake and tremble.

"Are you ready?"

Tiamat released her full aura which matched Vander's in intensity and caused anyone who was in that range to feel as if two monsters were about to fight.

"Before she lost herself to the excitement of the fight Tiamat reminded him of something.

"I think we should not fight here. It would be better if we did it out in the borders of the Underworld."

Vander calmed himself as it would be better than having Grayfia yell at him. He rested his Halberd on his shoulder as his helmet dispelled his helmet showing his dragon-like face.


This time she teleported then in a flash of dark blue flames which made Vander feel that his method was not as unique as he thought it was. They both appeared far away from any civilization as the Underworld had many unexplored regions.

Tiamat looked at Vander with barely any restrained aggression as every dragon loved to fight. The only exceptions might be Great Red and Ophis, but they did not count. Vander grabbed Dawnbreaker as his muscled were surging with power.

Tiamat's Dragon heart was beating powerfully as magic surged to her whole body. No words were needed as they charged at the other at staggering speeds. They moved faster than the speed of light which caused the light around them to distort.

It did not matter who won as the real loser would be the area around them.