
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Full capture.

Asia walked toward the edge of town to get to the old church where Vander and his small group were waiting. He did not have to worry about any danger of harming her as he had Ripper with her. If anything Ripper was more dangerous than anything she would face from an exorcist.

He looked up from his book as she arrived in the town.

"She is here. Now we just wait for her to arrive."

Kalawarna rose up from her seat planning to go get her.

"Would it not be better to tail her, or bring her here?"

"No, I have Ripper in her shadow. Once she gets to the church, just call the exorcists and I will catch the full lot. Now, we just wait for her to arrive. Should not take longer than half an hour at most."

He put closed his book and went on to the next one.

'Time Magic and Space Magic.'

Raynare leaned over his shoulder to get a look at the book as she was bored. Vander did not bother with her and let her watch him read. She was not able to read anything as Vander's brain worked like a super computer to process everything he was reading.

He turned page after page as the words flew into his mind. Raynare doubted he was reading anything, but suddenly someone pulled her away from his shoulder. She looked behind her and saw that Kalawarna had pulled on her leg.


"You are bothering him. Do something productive instead of bothering our master."

Raynare's eyes twitched as she heard that.

"I was not bothering him. I was just bored and wanted to see what he was up to."

Vander looked up at Raynare with a curious look on his face.

"Tell me Raynare, what did you do to get turned into a Fallen Angel?"

Raynare's face turned as she wanted to keep that a secret. However, whatever Vander ordered of her, she had to obey.

"I killed a priest who pissed me off. I fell as a result."

Vander looked at her with a raised eye brow.

"That is honestly better than what I thought you did."

Realizing what he thought made her mad.

"I am still a virgin you dick."

Vander laughed as he liked when they were a little willfully.

"Sure you are."

Her face turned red in anger.

"It's true. Humans are disgusting, and Fallen are not much better."

Dohanseek joined in the storytelling.

"I myself left Heaven for some mundane reason and stole this fedora and coat from a detective I killed. I joined Grigori after."

Kalawarna herself gave her own story.

"As for me, I left with Raynare as despite how much of a bitch she is, she was still my friend. Of course, I fell for the same reason."

La Folia thought they had some funny reasons for falling.

"So why did you betray Azazel then?"

Raynare frowned at the idea.

"Call it as you must, but our intention was not to betray him. We just thought we could bring glory to Grigori. Our plan was in service of Azazel and Shemhazai."

Vander put down his book as he looked at the three.

"You have the means to contact him?"

Hearing that made La Folia and Naerdeath look at him with interest.

"Why do you want to talk to him, Vander?"

He looked at La Folia and answered her question.

"Simple, I don't care about the Devil's grudge with Fallen at all. If anything I would like to get a deal with Grigori. They seem to be better friends than foes."

La Folia had never had any deep-seated grudge against Fallen Angels either.

"If you do, let's keep it a secret from my mother and father. They may be relaxed, but I feel they would not be very pleased with something to a betrayal like."

Naerdeath had to agree.

"That would be for the best."

Vander himself was not about to go and brag he was talking with Grigori either.

"I am no stupid fool. I know those old fuckers of the Great King Faction would do some stupid shit if they heard it. I rather not cause a war for the time being."

La Foloa's ears perked at the 'time being' but said nothing. Getting rid of the Great King faction would bring the Devils some good and Vander was just the kind of guy to do it. As for the answer to his question Raynare had bad news.

"I have never spoken to him directly much less have the means to contact him. However, I can go back to Grigori with a message of yours. He would most likely be interested enough to hear me out."

As Vander planned to contact Azazel, Asia walked straight from the train station toward the church with some trouble. Kuoh Town was not very big, but the distance was still decent.

She had to stop for directions a few times as she originated herself. All the while Vander had decided on a plan to get Azazel to talk to him. He would send Raynare with a magic message to Azazel that he wanted to talk with him.

If that was over a magic call or in person was up to Azazel. As long as Raynare was returned to him unharmed. Raynare did not feel great danger as she had not caused great damage or killed anyone in Grigori. She might have defected, but she had gotten caught by Vander before any large damage could be done.

After a full hour of walking around, Asia arrived at the church she took a deep breath and walked inside. She calmed her nerves as she had always known what her fate was. She gave a silent prayer before walking inside.

When she stepped into the dark church her gaze went to the 6 people who were sitting around a giant man reading a book. He had the greatest air around him as she thought he was the leader. His eyes were dark green which glowed in the dark like dark emralds.

She walked toward them but did not approach them too close. She gave a polite bow as she introduced herself to Vander.

"I am Asia Argento."

Vander looked up at her and could smell the fear coming off of her. She even trembled from time to time with barely contained tears.

"Welcome, come here."

La Folia chuckled a little as Vander totally seemed like a villainous boss right now. Naerdeath did not look up as she polished her ax. The sight made Asia feel as if she was in front of a butcher.

Asia set down her luggage and approached Vander. He dropped his book into his shadow as he looked into Asia's light green eyes.

"You can relax as I am actually here to save you. I don't plan to take your Sacred Gear, or kill you like those three over there."

He motioned with his head to Kalawarna, Dohnaseek, and Raynare. Hearing she was not going to die did make her feel a weight come off her shoulders, but why was he helping her?

"Thank you, but why? Why are you helping me?"

"To start with I felt it was a little cruel to leave you to such a dark fate. The way this came about was because I was attacked by the girl with blue hair and turned her into my servant.

I found out what their plan was and decide to stop it before it caused further trouble. I also felt the need to take care of the perpetrator so this kind of thing does not happen again. Saving you was part of it. For now, just sit around and wait for things to finish."

She barely held her tears back as she felt God answered her prayers.

"Thank you. Thank you."

She sat down on one of the stools and silently thanked God for answering her prayers. Vander glanced at Raynare as the trap was set.

"Raynare, you can call them now. Say the ritual is for later tonight."


She started a magic call in the open so that Vander could listen in. After a few seconds, a young crazy voice so annoying Vander wished to rip his throat out.

"I heard the blonde nun is here. You mind I have a go at her before killing her."

Raynare had long since planned to kill him when they were done, but not yet.

"No, she has to be pure. You can have the body though. Things are set for later tonight. I want you and your friends here tonight.

"Fine, she will still be warm for a time after. We will show. Later."

When he hung up, Vander huffed.

"So that is your contact?"

Raynare gave an annoyed nod.

"He is not the smartest, but he was still useful."

Vander had a use for him.

"I guess I found my first offering to the Demon I will summon."

Hearing the word Demon made Asia shiver. Demons were spoken with fear in the church as unlike Devils who were still people, Demons were not. They were malignant beings who sought to do nothing but to lead mortals to their ruin.

Vander gave her some comforting words.

"Don't worry. I am only offering evil people which will make my offering less tasty. If I truly wished to do evil I would sacrifice you. You are pure and kind as they come, perfect food for demons."

La Folia smacked the back of his head.

"Stop already you big bully. You just want to scare her."

He sighed as she ruined his fun.

"Fine, now we just wait."


As the day passed by Asia asked an occasional question, but that stopped when more and more rouge exorsists began to arrive. They were dark cloaks to cover their faces, but Raynare began to act her part.

As more arrived, she began to give some big speech about how they would take the Sacred Gear from Asia who was tied up in chains. They were fake of course as they were produced from Vander's Demonic Mana.

Asia had a small illusion placed over her as she was no longer scared. This way she still looked even a little scared which made things believable. They gathered around waiting for the beginning which they were told could only happen at midnight.

As they were just servants they did have the authority to go against what their Fallen Angel masters said. La Folia and Naerdeath were sitting next to Vander comminute telepathically as they watched the gathered stray exorcists gather.

Vander was happy he waited as already the number had risen to 60.

'The church sure loves to just kick them out without locking them up.'

La Folia was confused about that.

'I am not sure why there are so many stray exorcists. I would think the church would have a better way to manage their criminals.'

Naerdeath was no so sure.

'Maybe they think exile is the only way or something.'

They stopped talking as the front door was kicked open by a white-haired man who strolled in. He looked straight at Raynare and Kalawarna with a sick look in his eyes.

"Yo, I am here. When do we start?

Raynare recoiled at the sight of him but still answered.


Before anyone could even move or think, Vander struck the set trap. A massive pressure assaulted each exorcist coming from the church itself. The first time he came here he placed a quick magic formation on the church to do the job for him.

Vander released his full aura to tie up his new captives with chains made of Infernity.

"I welcome you to your end. This would have been annoying to root out so why not do it in one swoop? You have stepped into the trap just as planned. You will not die today but you will wish you had been."

Freed like the rest of the exorcists was being crushed by the power of gravity, but he still swore.


Raynare walked toward him and kicked him in the ribs breaking a few of them. He groaned at the pain, but that was all she did. Vander wanted him alive.

"You, on the other hand, I have plans for. The blood of the hero Siegfried flows through your veins. I plan to extract it and then offer you to a Demon. You have my deepest thanks."

Vander gave him an exaggerated bow which just made Freed curse.


Vander teleported his new captives, Asia, his three Fallen servants, La Folia, and Naerdearh home. Vander now had the material and sacrifice needed to begin his research into Demon summoning.

Not to worry, the creepy perv Diodora will suffer a even worse fate.

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