
Chapter 3

as I said whole body start to heat up and I run to the bathroom talking of cloth and pouring water onto me as a lot of black material comes out of my body after washing and cleaning the bathroom I saw my body got a lot of muscles and energy in the body.

Lin: I need to buy new clothes, old clothes will not work now as body structure is changed

[ host can buy it from the shop ]

Lin: show me normal wearing clothes

as I said I saw clothes of diffrent types which I can wear and after thinking I buy use 1 gold coin and buy clothes which have some protection for me as I wear it and come back to kitchen

Lin: use random weapom token

[ random weapon token reward: D-level runed dager ]

[ runed dagger

quality: D-level

attributes: +30 damage ]

as I see the dagger is right now on blades some design is draw in which system reply

[ that design is basic runes which runes work on sharpness which make damage of blade increase ]

Lin: If I copy them and use them on others it will work

[ yes it can work but runes need intent of writter also and energy when writting ]

Lin: in memories there is not a place where you can buy them

[ runes shape need perfection, more perfection you are better the effect of runes and you did not see is because this world nobles have them and it is very tuff to draw a good runes and those who draw good are hire or comes from nobles of this world ]

Lin: indirect way they control this knowledge

[ advanced academy in capital city have basic runes study ]

Lin: basic runes mean all the basic you tell

[ not they have subject what runes are and advantages if you want to study you need to find teacher which are ired by nobles ]

Lin: advanced academy is this is not seen based and not controled by nobles

[ that true but they cannot teach it as there is not teacher is for it ]

Lin: they cannot hire for it

[ they cannot it is rule is only teacher can apply then to any school and school can accept they nobles already make preucation about this ]

Lin: I see nobles want to control academy so who is opposing them

[ Academy is made by three gods ranks which want fairness to students there but they cannot Oppose nobles and royals did want academy exitant but not knowledge spreading like nobles so academy exit ]

Lin: I see inderect making them upper class, I hope they will not come in my way