
Summoner's Path

KoonAgnes · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

Rhian is an ultimate shut-in. She chose to work in a library to fulfill her addiction on reading books. She doesn't like talking with other people and the library is the place where talking unnecessary is not allowed.

And when she heard the news of Summoner's Path, in which playing inside the game is like sleeping in real world, she chipped some of her savings to buy her capsules.

And without further ado, she went to a middle type city named White Castle famous on its big library, called Grand Isle Obelisk. It was called by the Lords due to its massive area intended for books and documents. It is huge that it was composed of 5 areas. Then an olive black Obelisk put in the center of the library. Grand Isle Obelisk is elegant, solemn and spacious library.

In this spacious library, excited whispers circulates among the library staff. Even the strict eyes of the librarian could not quench those whispers. Because, 2 months ago, a simple young lady applied for her library card.

'Whoah! Everything looks real!' Rhian exclaim as she observed her surroundings. Like any other new player, an amazing and exhilarating feelings always punch them in their face the first time they logged in.

'Soul Link!' She mutters and suddenly 3 words appeared.

1. Dragon

2. Water

3. Book

There would be a line of players hoping for a dragoon soul, but Rhian didn't even bat her eyelashes on her first choice. Being an ultimate nerd as she can be, she immediately choose Book as her spirit.

'With this spirit, I am positive I could create a skill which my Book would magically become different books. From romance, to mystery....'

Rhian felt she was in heaven. Her decision to buy a capsule and play this game is worthy.

However, when she choose her skill, she has a bit of headache. A list of stupid skills such as summoning different beast, creating different attack skill, etc did not inclined in her grand dream.

In the end, she choose, Word Duplicate, as her skill.

Word duplicate - Any language and words could be written in the book without using any pen or ink. A very handy skill for rewriting.

Yes! Just among different skills presented, Rhian chose this skill. Her reason?

'So that I could copy a different book while I am reading another book'. Rhian think proudly.

And her first journey in the Summoner Path is walking towards a library.

Three days passed, and because she just reads and copies different books inside the library, she suddenly heard a notification in which she faces it right now.

"Ting! You unlock a hidden quest! Because you just a nerdy player, in which you doesn't care doing adventure and stuff, the Lord of System would present you a joyfully but strict adventure of conquering different Library! The Magus of Library!'

A quest? I refuse!

"Ting! You can't refuse. Refusing or failing this quest would ban you on entering any Library here at the Summoner's Path! Please choose Yes!"

Then, like she was teased, suddenly a notification bar saying 'Would you accept the quest?' appears.

'You are ruining my time,' Rhian said but she still chose Yes. Banning her in the library is more than just killing her.

Then, a quest bar appears.

"As the first person to be entrusted by a title of Magus of Library, you must read 60 books here in the span of 5 days. It must have different genre to complete the quest"

"Reading books? Easy" Rhian said while happily closing her quest bar. Then, she suddenly look at the pile of her books and read like nothing happened.

At the same time, at the office of Ms. Airi, the one who monitors different players and look for promising one, is a little bit messy.

As they heard an alarm indicating a Titled Hidden Quest appears at the game.

'Are hidden quests are easy to obtain?' She exclaimed loudly. She personally know how stringent Titled Hidden Quests are. There are very specific route the player needs to do before getting this type of quests.

'Any reports from the team?' she suddenly ask.

About a minute or two, one of her  subordinate held a paper indicating the history of Rhian.

Her face looks weird.

'Um.... Ms. Airi, this person is totally nerd. She was extreme at most!'

'Okay, go ahead,' Airi's eyebrow twitches a little

'She has 3 spirit to choose like any other player. But she luckily has a dragon as her choices. But, she chose a book!'

'Okay' her eyebrow is a little higher now.

'Then she chose Word Duplicate as her first skill'

A few millimeters of her eyebrow went up.

'Then she went to a library to read. She never done anything until then but read, logged out, logged in, then read. For three days'.

'Ohhh...' an enlightenment flash on her face.

'She's stupidly nerdy. This title, even she could finish it, would never shine. I felt she is just playing to read different books.'

An enlightenment suddenly shines on her subordinate. Although, obtaining a grand title, with a powerful benefits, her personality would make it forgotten and never shine.