
Summoned Twice into the Same World

Life didn't treat me well. I slipped to my death and reincarnated to a new world. Tragedy happens, while I kept moving forward but then I got summoned toward my own world. What's happening right now?

Rouxk · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Birthday Party

"Let me greet father and mother first." I said releasing Arlette's hand from me. Elise already carrying Gabriel and play with her.

Both of them follow me from behind while I met with Leon and Edlyn. "How was your journey down there?" Leon said overtake my greeting when I'm close to them.

"It's bountiful, I would say." I said and summon Frostkeeper in my hand. "That sword... I see. You knew about us. I was about to tell you about it on my next visit but seems like you already knew the truth." Leon said a little bit tense after he saw Frostkeeper then relax more on his seat.

"Looked like this had some connection with both you and that old geezer pushing your daughters on me." I said joking at them. "Do you think we would do that?" Edlyn said covering her smile like usual.

"I don't know. You might do that." I said shrugging my shoulder while getting hit by Arlette's elbow. "Hahahaha... Don't underestimate my daughter, being a princess. She had seen all kinds of people." Leon started boasting about Arlette.

"By the way, did you bring it?" Leon said after calm down his laugh. "Of course I bring it. Where do you think I've been from?" I said after thinking for a while what he meant by that.

"Then, we should move on to the gift session. Everyone seems already arrived at the room and prepare their gift." Leon said and start getting up. He gave a cue to his soldier to notice the noble.

One by one could be seen walked out through the door going outside. The room became calmer, people already used to this. Everyone expected to see the gift that will be thrown toward the Royal Family but not all families brought gifts since some scared to disrespect the Royal Family with their gifts.

The gift started from Baron all the way up to the Duke family. Some only gave presents as a courtesy. From Baron family up to Count family usually gave us the popular handcrafted art from their territory.

Big part of the people that gave presents to Arlette is the head of the family. Only those who dare to appeal themselves or thought highly of themselves decide to ignore my presence as her fianceé.

They still tried to take a chance knowing the news about me being Arlette's fianceé which invited her cold face without any expression.

Overall, people just accepted me as Arlette fianceé. Looked like this kingdom hasn't invited that much trouble for me. I didn't really mind these people offending me. The area around the capital, I rule the underground world right now.

If they tried to use underhanded meant to harm my family. I will deal with them personally. Not talking about this arrogant guy in front of me.

He got a nice figure also handsome face but looked arrogant. "Oh, sensei." He said when arrived in front of me and Arlette.

"Hmm? Who?" I said because I never saw his face and he disturbed my time with Gabriel. "Oya, I forgot to introduce myself. Where is my manner? I'm from Duke family, Duke Esax from the east. My name is Ogman Esax. I only heard about you sensei, I had never attended your class but the rumor said your teaching is troublesome." He said full of sarcasm. He said that while trying to look polite.

"Oh, then? You're not my student. If you're here to talk, how about you move away? You're blocking the way." I said while rushing him away. "You can't do that, sensei. I just want to confirm the rumor. I as the representative from the Duke family needed to assist the Royalty to lead this kingdom. How can I let someone with no ability to lead the kingdom?".

Arlette already looked agitated by him. I stop her from acting rashly by stopping her from her track. "Just get to the point, I don't have much time." I said stepping forward while picking my ears.

"I ask for some sparring. Just to prove people here how good you're, sensei. I tried to help here." He said while lowering his head but I could see a smirk on his face.

Just then I could hear a chuckle me. Leon couldn't hold his laughter anymore, too many people trying to offend me but so far, Ogman Esax was the first one to ask for direct confrontation.

"Oh, it seems like the King is confident on you sensei. Then if it's just normal sparring, It would be boring isn't that right everyone!!??" He shouted about to start a fire in the room. Only his backer that shout, some even got scolded by their parents to keep quiet.

"Just tell me what is your aim?" I said while playing with Gabriel's plump cheek. She already slapped my hand numerous times. "I want you to break off your engagement with one of your fianceé." He said with a bigger smile.

"No, can't do that. I won't bet something that I didn't own. The engagement is from two side agreements." I said without batting an eye.

"Hmm, what a shame? Your last fianceé didn't even come to stand by your side but you still protecting her." He said with a saddened face. I quickly look on my left and right, toward Arlette and Elise but both of them also confuse.

"Wait, hold up. Who are you talking about?" I said after looking at Arlette and Elise confuse faces. "Are you hiding another onee-chan? Onii-chan." Gabriel quickly looked up to my face.

"Oh, I heard the news that you're courting Lisais." He said. "Who?" I quickly ask him. Arlette then walked beside me and whisper to my ear "It's Lisais Crezac. The girl that asked our home address. I already reject her when you're away. Looked like she tried to make things difficult for you.".

"Hahaha... Sorry, I can't contain my laugh there. It seems like we had a misunderstanding, Lisais isn't my fianceé." I said after understanding the situation. He now looked like a fool in front of me. "What? Impossible, all the noble heard the news that you had three fianceé." He said for sure but no one is laughing. I sense something is off.

"No, I don't have a third one." I said questioning myself, did I or did I not. That's happening for a while before the door burst open. "You know that you had another one!!" A girl standing there with her green hair and eyes.

Everyone turned their gaze toward the door. A man and his daughter stood there. I instantly recognize her. "Leon, never would have I thought we would meet again this quickly." The man said in a cheerful manner while his daughter looked angry and glaring at me.

My sight quickly turned toward my fianceé. Arlette quickly said, after all, she stood beside me "I told you, sometimes you can't reject all of them. She's the one you can't turn down.".

"Ugh... Since when?" I ask Arlette when they met. "More than a week ago, I think. She looked angry at you even now. She said you tricked her." Arlette said with an amusing smile. She looked like enjoying my misery.

The man and the girl already walk approaching us, all. Even Ogman already step aside not dare to offend her.

The man already nodded at me as a greeting and walk toward Leon. While the girl already staring at me "You dare tricked me and go on your own. Do you know how worried are we!!?? Waiting for you to get out from the dungeon.".

"I'm sorry, Aerith but since when are you my fianceé?" I said. "She asked about it when she met me." Arlette quickly added.

"Onee-chan. You are also looked beautiful." Gabriel said with stars in her eyes. "Aaaww~. You are also beautiful, little girl. Come here." Aerith already picked Gabriel up from my hug.

"Oi, that's my sister." I tried to resist. "Shut up! Let go or I won't forgive you." Aerith quickly bite. "Seriously, Arlette. Why did you accept her that easily?" I whisper to Arlette?

"Hmm? Because we still won from her." Arlette said with confidence with Elise also looked happy. 'Win in what??' I thought thinking. "It's the size. Tch.." Aerith quickly said in her annoyance.

"All of you, really are something." I said with a tiring manner. I then quickly went back to Ogman "Then, what you want to do now?" I ask him.

"Then, I ask for forgiveness for this misunderstanding. Sensei." He said about to step down. Everyone in the room had the same thought "Shameless.".

I gather a lot of mana and confine him in it "Who said you can step down? You still insult me, remember. You want to test my power. How about, you try to walk down these small stairs." I said to him.

He can't even open his own mouth to speak a word. Everyone looked confuse since they didn't feel any mana leaking or used but Ogman still hasn't moved at all. "Next time you try to humiliate me in public like this, will be the last time you could stand." I whisper while patting his shoulder like we're a friend after the misunderstanding while lifting the pressure from him.

"Now, give me back my sister!!" I yell to Aerith which now also playing with her cheeks. I put Gabriel down after I grab her "Everyone had given you a present, now it's my time." I said that loud enough for people to hear.

I first when to Elise and bring out my necklace. The yellow butterfly necklace that I keep from my pocket. I place the necklace on Elise which then started to shine bright. From the necklace, a swarm of a butterfly came out and fly across the room. except for one that descended on her head. The butterfly became a hair clip for her.

The people around the room became speechless because no one ever witnesses such an event. People start to wonder what would happen next.

Because next, I bring out another necklace. blue necklace with fish on it. Arlette already slipped her hair to one side while I put it on her.

Soon, people around the room felt like a gush of water wipe them all out while from her necklace created a Hagoromo which the scarf that wore by Tennin. The scarf looked like moving water which could be seen as a koi fish sometimes swimming around.

"Onii-chan!! Gabriel also wanted one!!" Gabriel pulling my pants down. "Eh, you want one too?" I ask her. She nodded with pleading eyes "Because Onee-chan looked beautiful.".

I then create a snow pattern ice necklace with magic while putting light blue mana stone on it. The ice quickly broke and become a real necklace. "Woaahh~ put it on me, Onii-chan." Gabriel said while looking at the necklace floating in the air.

Arlette slowly picked Gabriel up "Come here, let onee-chan help you." She said. I then put it on her and her dress quickly got an icy pattern on and ice hair clip also being formed on her hair.

"Woah... Now, Aerith onee-chan turn." Gabriel said while gazing at Aerith. "Eh!? Me? but, I just..." Aerith felt out of place after watching them.

"Just come quickly, my sister asked me to. Give me your bracelet." I quickly said. She reluctantly removed her bracelet and gave it to me. I put green mana stone on it and from the bracelet came root encircle the original bracelet.

I put it on her wrist and the bracelet latched onto her while green light spread through the room. Plants root came from the wall while flowers bloom one by one from it. Decorating the whole room. "Now, do you like it, Gabriel?" Aerith said to Gabriel.

"Hahaha... You really made a bizarre thing." Leon said already walking with the Elf King. "Now, Let the feast!! Begin!!" He said while people start to bring out the food to the table and the party continue.