
Summoned to Save, Chosen to Rebel

In a world consumed by anime, Kealeboga has spent years immersing himself in the epic battles between good and evil. However, a startling realization dawns on him - in every single anime, the good guys always emerge victorious, leaving the villains defeated. This revelation ignites a burning hatred within Kealeboga, compelling him to embark on an audacious quest to become the ultimate villain. When fate summons him as a hero in another realm, Kealeboga defiantly rejects the role thrust upon him. Instead, he chooses the path of rebellion, promising to unleash destruction and chaos upon the world. His ultimate goal? To make the heroes feel the pain and suffering that comes with failure as he ascends as the ultimate embodiment of darkness. As Kealeboga's journey unfolds, he manipulates those around him, weaving a web of deceit and treachery. With an unyielding determination, he seeks to shatter the age-old trope of good conquering evil. The world trembles under his reign of terror, as heroes and their principles are pushed to the brink. In this riveting tale, Kealeboga's transformation from an anime enthusiast to a malevolent force challenges the very foundations of storytelling. Prepare to be captivated by his relentless pursuit to prove that evil can triumph over good and witness the catastrophic consequences that arise from his insidious rise.

Kealeboga · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Lord's Decree

Standing before his legion of demons, the newly proclaimed lord asserted his dominion with a chilling decree.

"As your lord, I demand unwavering fealty. Join me in the annihilation of the realms of mankind and their vaunted heroes."

The dark aura enveloping him bespoke a power beyond mortal comprehension, drawing the reverence of his infernal subjects who knelt in submission.

"This is just the beginning of our reign of terror, a symphony of chaos and devastation that shall be unleashed upon the kingdoms and their champions."

He proclaimed with a voice that resonated with ominous authority.

The demons, sensing an unparalleled potency emanating from their master, felt an overwhelming admiration well up within them, compelling them to offer their very essence in service.

Though he appeared human, the malevolent energy exuding from him was undeniably of a sinister origin, a darkness befitting a leader of their kind.


He permitted, prompting the demons to gaze upon the figure before them with newfound purpose. It was as if, at that moment, they had found a beacon to guide them out of the shadows and into a realm of ultimate destruction and pandemonium.

"At last, we have found a master worthy of our allegiance."

Remarked one of the demons, while another whispered in awe.

"His presence is truly otherworldly; I feel a shiver down my spine just standing in his gaze."

A high-ranking demon, quick to reprimand any hint of disrespect, admonished.

"Mind your manners, you impertinent weaklings. Show reverence to our superior."

In that instant, a pact was forged between master and minions, bound by a shared desire to sow chaos and usher in an era of darkness unlike any the realms had ever witnessed.

In a commanding tone, the demoness Katlego declared.

"Now, silence and listen up. Lord Kealeboga has a matter of great importance to address."

The demons fell silent, their gazes fixed upon their esteemed leader with a mixture of respect and awe.

"From now on, we shall no longer rely on taming feeble creatures to wage our battles on the kingdoms. It is time for us to take matters into our own hands. The first realm to taste our wrath shall be FIL Zaria. I shall lead a contingent to unleash destruction upon its lands."

Kealeboga announced, his words dripping with malevolence, sending shivers down the spines of his subjects. The demons, fueled by their lord's dark decree, exuded an aura of menace as they eagerly awaited the signal to commence their assault.

"Is the council chamber now prepared?"

Inquired the demoness Mimi, turning to one of their kind responsible for transforming the dungeon into a formidable stronghold.

"Yes, my lady. It stands ready," came the unified response from the demons.

"Excellent. Mimi, assemble all the high-ranking demons in the council chamber. There, we shall devise our strategies for the conquest ahead," interjected Katlego.

"I'll be waiting for the arrival of these esteemed demons."

Kealeboga declared before departing for the council chamber, leaving his minions to carry out their dark tasks.

"For those who got nothing to do, patrol the base vigilantly. From the lowest floor to the highest, eliminate any intruders without mercy."

Commanded Katlego as she and Mimi made their way to the council chamber, where the fate of kingdoms would soon be decided.

In the chamber of counsel, eight imposing figures were arranged upon ornate chairs flanking a grand ebony table.

At the forefront, amidst his vigilant guardians, sat Kealeboga, the esteemed lord of demons. The assembly comprised five esteemed demons of high rank, two formidable demonesses who stood as sentinels, and the formidable Kealeboga himself, exuding an aura of power and authority.

As the high-ranking demons took their seats, a solemn reverence filled the chamber. Each demon, with heads bowed in deference, presented themselves to their lord.

"I am Xender."

Spoke a youthful demon, his countenance stoic and his gaze shrouded in shadows.

"I go by Mctom, my lord"

intoned another demon, his crimson eyes ablaze with an intensity that bespoke his formidable nature, scars etched upon his visage.

"My lord, I am Lisa."

Declared a female demon, her short crimson locks framing a face that belied both innocence and darkness.

The final two demons, Bilz and Counter, introduced themselves with a mix of age and experience. Bilz, weathered and grizzled, bore the marks of a long existence, his eyes sharp and knowing.

Counter, with a mane of white hair and eyes as cold as ice, exuded a quiet strength that belied his middle age.

Each introduction, a display of loyalty and respect, echoed through the chamber, setting the stage for the weighty discussions to come.

"Perfect, you five are the chosen ones, my most trusted elite demons. Each of you will lead lesser demons and I want you to bring about ultimate destruction to the kingdoms upon my command, make heroes suffer, don't show any mercy to the humans, kill them like insects they are."

Kealeboga intoned with a malevolence that chilled the very air around him.

"Do not disappoint our lord; ensure that you execute what you have been tasked with, without fail. His words are absolute," added the demoness Katlego, her voice dripping with a sinister elegance.

'I aspire to stand by Lord Kealeboga's side, and I shall stop at nothing to secure that coveted position.'

Mused the demoness Lisa silently, her gaze fixed on the dark figure of Kealeboga as Katlego continued to speak, positioned beside their malevolent leader.

"Old man."

Kealeboga addressed the seasoned demon, Bilz and Counter.

"You shall be entrusted with the security of our stronghold. Ensure that no intruder breaches our defenses."

With a unified response of unwavering loyalty, the old demon and his comrades pledged.

"Yes, lord! We shall not falter in safeguarding this domain."

Satisfied, Kealeboga turned his attention to the imminent mission at hand.

"The three of you, come with me. We have much to lay waste to the kingdom of FIL Zaria; a total slaughter and massacre await. Show the heroes the depth of your wickedness as they futilely attempt to protect their realm."

He commanded, his tone laced with a malevolence that sent shivers down their demonic spines.

'Such wickedness, such malevolence'

Ruminated the demon Xender, in awe of their dark leader's commanding presence.

"It is time for retribution; those insufferable heroes have caused us great suffering, driving us into the shadows. I give you my word, Lord Kealeboga, we shall not fail you."

Vowed the demoness Lisa, her eyes gleaming with a fierce determination to carry out their lord's bidding.

Kealeboga, accompanied by five malevolent entities, departed from their stronghold with a singular purpose - to unleash havoc upon the kingdom of FIL Zaria. Before their departure, he entrusted the remaining two high-ranking demons with the task of overseeing security, directing them to deploy every lesser demon to scour the labyrinthine depths of the dungeon, now transformed into his sanctum, with his chamber nestled within its final confines.

"Hold nothing back, for we embody the very essence of darkness."

Kealeboga intoned, his voice carrying the weight of impending doom, as he led his infernal retinue towards their fateful destination.

"Lord Kealeboga, how shall we approach the assault this time?" inquired the demoness Mimi, her gaze unwavering.

"We will just show up at main gate and start laying waste to anything on sight until the heroes show up."

He replied, a sardonic grin playing upon his lips, as they pressed forward towards the realm of FIL Zaria. The remaining three demons, their anticipation reaching a crescendo, eagerly awaited the moment to unleash their malevolence and earn the favor of their formidable Lord.

With sinister glee etched upon their countenances, they stood poised to wreak havoc and unleash devastation upon all who dared to oppose them.

As the kingdom of FIL Zaria stood under the watchful gaze of vigilant sentinels, a palpable tension filled the air. Every adventurer remained on high alert, their senses finely attuned to detect even the faintest whisper of malevolent presence that dared to approach the sacred grounds.

The five valiant heroes of FIL Zaria stood poised and resolute, prepared to face the nefarious Kealeboga and his legion of demon companions.

Anticipating a repetition of his past deeds, the heroes braced themselves for the arrival of two demon maidens, unaware of the sinister possibility that more demonic entities could be lurking in the shadows.

Yet, their unwavering confidence was not unfounded, for these champions were not merely boastful in their prowess; their mettle had been tested and proven time and again.

As the dark figure of Kealeboga drew closer to the hallowed borders of FIL Zaria, a foreboding darkness descended upon the once serene skies, casting a somber veil over the impending clash between forces of light and darkness, heroes and villain.

Within the bustling streets of FIL Zaria, oblivious residents carried on with their daily routines, the hum of activity a stark contrast to the looming threat that crept ever closer.

Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting denizens, a sinister undercurrent began to weave its tendrils through the fabric of their tranquil existence, heralding an imminent descent into chaos and bloodshed.

The carefree laughter and chatter of the innocent populace reverberated through the kingdom, a poignant reminder of the fragile peace that stood on the brink of shattering beneath the weight of impending doom.

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