
Summoned to be a Weapon (moved to new link)

Author's Note: As mention some time ago this story got contracted by a publishing company. As part of the contract they have created a new link where the story will now be located. I have gotten the link to where the story will now be located and posted which is here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoned-to-be-a-weapon_26875111806834305 Thus while I am not going to get rid of this original page the majority of new chapters will be posted on the new link (https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoned-to-be-a-weapon_26875111806834305) instead of here anymore.

Kamon772 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Chapter 02

Both Kate and Lina did not like the things they were hearing coming from up front as they were already embarrassed by being here naked as it did not matter that everyone else was as well. No one really wanted to be seen in the nude by strangers.

"Should not that be heroes from another world or something along those lines?" a few of them asked

Having read and/or watch various stories again that summoning to another world like this was possible. It's just they never thought it would actually happen to them for real in their lives as that is supposed to just be a work of fiction only.

Although what they read in fiction turned out to be just that fiction and nothing else. Things did not turn out as well as they did in the summoned to another story.

The reality was countless lives were lost before it was realized that merely having the power to do something does not mean having the skill or the ability. Thus those that have them will be using you instead. Unable to properly use what you have been given but under the control of someone that can we have much better results was the answer they came up with.

So rather than summoning people to be the heroes they were required to save them in their time if needed. It was decided that they would serve them in another method rather than being heroes. Which they were a complete and utter failure. That being weapons as since it was already confirmed that they did not have the means nor the experience to fully control or even access the massive amount of magical power their bodies possessed. It was decided that their souls would be converted into a form that could allow natives to a world, that had the experience and ability they all lacked, yet did not have an insane level of innate magic power themselves. They would be the ones the channel and release that properly with them merely being the vessel. Since they were nothing more than a vessel than they would need a proper form that was not convenient and functional for them.

Being in human form all the time was not going to cut as they were not interested in anything other than their magical power so everything else was stripped away. Thus the idea of since they were merely going to be their weapons why do not they look the part literally as well was born.

Thus the process to convert them into such forms was made with the type of weapon they become after being sorted to even have the ability to be converted into one was made. Those that did not have enough innate magic within their bodies though were considered dulls thus they would just become statues their souls being unable to form into a weapon, thus two groups were created. The first group is the sentient weapon group and the second is the dulls.

After all, this was explained to them it caused Kate and Lina to huddle closer to together and attempt to make themselves not visible from the place in the back as much as possible. All the while never letting go of the other hand the entire time

"You can not do this to use we have…." one of them tried saying before getting cut off

"Rights!? You have none as this is not your world thus it does not have to follow your rules or weapon. We acquired you and assured you that no one would question your disappearance from your original world" they were told

"Then what about the plane we were on and everything else," someone else said.

"So it was one of those plane things again. Those seem to be a rather popular choice. Then again a sudden accident can happen at any time in any world after all. Though they will never find clues as to what exactly happened. The summoning had been altered to ensure that would be the case. You are considered dead in your world now even though you are still very much alive. Thus your only lives are here, weapons" the servant informs them.

"You think that you are going to help you after you have been treating us like this" one of them demand.

"You lot are weapons so of course, you are going to help us as that is a weapon's purpose after all. Something so simple yet your weapons from another world do not seem to understand even that much. Makes sense why you were never really about to become heroes of any worth in this world" the servant said with a deep sigh

"Wha….." one of them tries to say before they discover that they can no longer speak.

There was various reaction from those gathered here where they were located though the two twins just kept holding hands not letting go as they were each other's lifeline as this was going on. Unaware of what was going on they only had each other to hopefully get them through this.

Eventually, this cold feeling spread through everyone's bodies and cause them to seemingly freeze in place eventually. The fear, the rage, the anger all of it had seemed to be drained from them as they did not care about anything anymore. Just as if they were frozen in time though all expressions they had on their face eventually went blank and they all just stood there in their last moment before this all happened. They were just they are existing as everything just went dark for them and that was it.

As things then all of sudden seem to get extremely hot as the air around them seems to become blurry. However despite the temperature of this room obviously rising in degrees, no one was showing any signs of this in their bodies. No one was sweating at all which was weirding them all out though it was quickly discovered why that was the case as all of a sudden they all started feeling cold. It was a feeling that separated through all of their bodies rather fast and quickly as well.