<p>A terrible storm had swept through the land, bringing with it a powerful tornado. George Anderson was minding his own business when the tornado suddenly sucked him up, spinning him around like a ragdoll and tossing him into the clouds.<br/><br/>He awoke to find himself in a place that seemed to be above the clouds, with tiny little people staring up at him, their mouths agape. One of the tiny people poked him with a stick and said, "Look at the fat human! He probably wants a free lollipop, right, fatty?"<br/><br/>George shook his head and quickly tried to get out of there. But as he did so, another of the little people came up and spit in his face, causing him to reel back in shock. "No one says no to a free lollipop," the little person said, sounding utterly appalled. "What's wrong with you? You must be insane to turn down a candy that was so kindly offered to you! Kill him!"<br/><br/>A dozen little people then chased George out of the village with their spears and tiny swords, threatening to kill him if he didn't accept the free lollipop.<br/>George hurried out of the village, the little people following after him with their sharp weapons. They poked and prodded at him with their little sticks, and even threw a few pebbles at him. He was terrified and confused as they continued to yell things like, "Fatty!" and "Free lollipop!"<br/><br/>Eventually, George found himself on the edge of a large cloud. He quickly stepped off of the cloud and began to fall back to earth. But before he did, he heard the little people yelling out, "Goodbye! Come back for more free lollipops and get a complimentary kick in the ASS!"<br/><br/>George lands with a jolt in between the Amazon's massive breasts, his face right in front of her face. He gasps for air and blinks as the world comes back into focus.<br/><br/>"Welcome back sweetie," the Amazon says with a smile, gently caressing his head. "I was wondering where you went. Did you get my sausages?"<br/><br/>George looks up at her, stunned and panting for breath. "Umm, what?" he asks, staring up at her in confusion.<br/><br/>She chuckles and gently pulls him up, her breasts jiggling with the movement. "Nothing, sweetie. I'm just happy you're back." She gives George a kiss on his forehead and pats his head. "You're such a cute little bear," she chuckles, her warm breath making George flush.<br/><br/>George looks up at her and blushes, not quite sure how to respond to it. <br/><br/>"Well, since I'm back I should probably see if I can sign up at the Adventurer's Guild."<br/><br/>The Amazon looked worried but then sighed and nodded her head.<br/><br/>"Sure thing sweetie. It's right there conveniently placed behind you."<br/><br/>As George was walking into the Adventurers' Guild, he saw a very attractive receptionist waiting for him. She was tall, had blonde hair, and sharp purple eyes that looked at him with pure disinterest. She looked bored out of her mind.<br/><br/>"Uh, hello," George said nervously. "I'm here to register for the Adventurers' Guild."<br/><br/>The woman barely looked up and pointed at a large hole in the wall. "Yeah, this is where you stick your finger in to measure your magic power," she said, already looking away and returning to her paperwork.<br/>George was a bit confused, but he stuck his finger in the hole anyway. After a few minutes, the machine beeped and a display lit up. "OP" was the only thing it said.<br/><br/>George looked up with a nervous smile, suddenly realizing the receptionist was right there in front of him. "So... am I... um... OP?"<br/><br/>The woman sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you're OP. And let me guess. You're gonna claim fame and glory, then use it to secretly take over the world. Just like all the others."<br/>Feeling embarrassed, George took a deep breath and nodded. "Um... yeah, you're right. I guess I am OP. I want to gain power, so I can rule the world."<br/><br/>The receptionist nodded back, completely deadpan. "I figured as much." She paused for a moment and then added, "Well, good luck, I guess."<br/><br/>She shrugged and went back to her paperwork, acting like nothing happened. George just stood there for a moment, stunned by the whole interaction. He couldn't believe how uncaring the receptionist was! But also how hot she was with her perfect perky breasts, creamy skin, and ass kissing boots.<br/><br/>George decides to accept the first available quest, since it seemed simple enough. "Grab a healing flower," it said. Well, what was so hard about that?<br/>The scroll says "Beginning Quest for an Adventurer! This quest is simple: Grab a fucking healing flower. P.S You will totally not be murdered by Killer Ducks."<br/><br/>He goes off to look for a healing flower, feeling sure that nothing would go wrong on such a simple task. However, once he was out in the fields looking for the flower, he suddenly heard a loud quacking sound behind him. He spun around, his ears pricked from the weird noise. And there, staring at him with their sharp black eyes, were several ducks, all looking up at him with murderous intent.<br/><br/>"Oh…..shit!"<br/><br/>George quickly backed away from the ducks, who seemed to be getting closer by the moment. He looked around desperately for somewhere to run and hide, but the field was empty and there was nowhere to take cover.<br/><br/>Suddenly, one of the ducks let out a sharp quack and charged right at George! He instinctively dodged to the side and the duck buzzed right past him. As the duck swooped down to the ground, the rest of the ducks suddenly flew into action as well.<br/><br/>George was quickly surrounded by the ducks, who were now hissing and quacking aggressively at him.<br/>George was terrified, and tried to back away even further. But the ducks were closing in on him, quacking loudly and hissing. He didn't know what to do and felt like he was doomed to be killed.<br/><br/>Then he noticed a flower sticking out of the ground, its petals gleaming bright red in the sun. Could this be the healing flower the quest mentioned? And if he grabs it, would the quest be complete and the ducks leave him alone?<br/><br/>He hesitated for a moment, but then reached out and grabbed the flower, pulling it out of the ground.<br/>George froze as the ducks turned into demonic deformed versions of themselves, and began to speak in strange tongues. He tried to move away but the ducks were still all around him, quacking and hissing at him. He looked at the flower he had pulled out of the ground with horror, seeing that it was no longer a simple healing flower.<br/><br/>The ducks continued to surround him, slowly inching closer and closer. Suddenly, one of the ducks let out a bloodcurdling quack and launched itself at George. He quickly stepped aside, avoiding the duck's sharpened beak as it zoomed by.<br/><br/>"You will be devoured by the demon's of Quackzerous! *Quack*"<br/><br/>"What the hell?" He asked in absolute confusion.<br/><br/>"I said *Quack* mother fucker!"<br/><br/>"Oh…"<br/><br/>George screamed as he ran through the fields holding the healing herbs. The ducks ran after them with their razor sharp teeth and claws bared and ready to eat.<br/>George rounded the corner of the closest street and tripped over a shoe someone left and slid across the mud.<br/><br/>"Now you are mine!" The closest Demonic duck declared.<br/><br/>George curled up into the fetal position ready to be devoured.<br/><br/>"Boom baby!"<br/><br/>Next thing he knew he heard an explosion and felt himself roll across the street. Upside down he saw a small girl aiming her wand at the ducks and they had all exploded all over the walls. Their entrails smeared across the image of the local butcher shop. The words "Always Fresh" were covered in blood and guts. <br/><br/>When George sat back up he saw a small girl with blonde pigtails and puffy pink dress heavily breathing as she reveled in her explosive outburst. <br/><br/>"Um…thank you?"<br/><br/>"Of course you thank me human, for I, Amy Mastabate, have saves you!" Amy proclaimed with a confident look plastered on her face.<br/><br/>"Ooooookay. Well then, I'm a…I'm gonna go now." George said, turning around.<br/><br/>"Who said you could leave? You owe me your life!" Amy asked with an annoyed look on her face.<br/><br/>"Not exactly, I could have handled those…eh…demon ducks." George replied, making a brave face.<br/><br/>"Bah! Like you could have defended yourself from a crippled little puppy. You need my help so now I own your ass." She giggled, tilting her head way too far to be cute.<br/><br/>"Aaaaaand she's a stalker and crazy bitch, time to go." He thought.<br/><br/>"I have a pressing engagement to attend. Raincheck?" George lied, turning around and walking fast back to the Inn.<br/><br/>"Hey wait! I haven't dismissed you. Hey! Heyyyy!" She shouted.<br/><br/>George walked with determination, his sights set on returning to the Inn and getting some time to breath. Though the Amazon was a bit much at least she loved him and wouldn't go all crazy on him. Well, he hoped she wouldn't.<br/><br/>George returned the Inn to find their door wide open and an angry little girl tapping her shoulder while she waited for him to appear.<br/><br/>"There you are, took you long enough!" Amy shouted, her face red with anger.<br/><br/>"Do you know her?" The Amazon asked, a bit scared of the feisty blonde.<br/><br/>"Not exactly…" George replied.<br/><br/>"I saved him so he owes me his life in servitude. To be used for whatever I want." She spouted, her cheeks flushed from an obvious perverted thought.<br/><br/>"What do you want from me?" George asked, his temper flaring."<br/><br/>"I….uh…I want..uhhh…I want you to be my slave." She finally whispered her cheeks bright red from embarrassment."<br/><br/>"I'm not going to be your slave." George countered, crossing his arms over his chest. <br/><br/>"You learn to love it, I know your kind. Pervert!" She teased, sticking our her tongue.<br/><br/>"What do you mean by that?"<br/><br/>"Well, you know…I would…I would get you off, and drain your little balls so I can have my morning milk like a good kitty." She somehow said, her eyes now turning excited and mischievous.<br/><br/>"uh...….." George became speechless, his mind not ready to accept the statement she just made.<br/><br/>The Amazon also was slack Jared and couldn't believe what that little girl just said out loud. Feeling the change in the room she coughed and composed herself.<br/><br/>"Now come along slave. We have much to do." She ordered.<br/><br/>"No. No go with George. He mine! He mine baby daddy." The Amazon warned, putting herself between them. <br/><br/>"So that's his name. Come Georgie, come here and be a good little pet!" Amy demanded, stomping her cute little shoe on the hard wood floor.<br/><br/>"No thanks. I'm a gonna go." George replied, sneaking out of the door.<br/><br/>Next thing he knew he was being chased through the city streets by Amy as she endlessly teased him with showing her cute little tips, meanwhile the Amazon chased after the girl and demanded she stop.<br/><br/>"Kitty wants her warm milk, please come back and feed me meoooow!"<br/><br/>***So....You read this did you? Did you like it? Are you afraid yet? You better be, it only gets crazier from here folks! 😋****</p>