
Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead

OC that has seen the anime and is thrown into the highschool of the dead world. Romance will be late in the story, no lemons.

Naier_Serpfire · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Movie night

"I don't see the reason for us to go in a location that's already visibly overrun. Sticking our necks out won't give us anything…" Saya folds her arms as she speaks, looking out the glass wall with a slight frown.

"Well, both the hospital and the gas station were in bad shape." I respond as I tilt my head, glancing at the new textbook we had on the nightstand, which was now between me Saeko and Saya. Three paragraphs written on an otherwise empty page. One titled hospital, the other cinema, and the third gas station.

"The hospital is out of the question." Saya responds as she turns to me.

"It's a damn hospital. Everybody would have rushed there when this thing started, just because the top floors 'looked' fine does not mean that they are. And who knows what else might be there." She adds as she narrows her eyes at the textbook.

"Then it's the cinema, or the gas station." Saeko speaks up.

"The gas station honestly nudges me the wrong way for some reason, the only thing it had going for it was the open space, which would make it easier to spot corpses from a distance and make a quick escape, but with the car pile-up it had, even that is null. And unlike a house, any noise made there won't be blocked by a wall. Having a horde staring at me over a bunch of cars that might not even have their hand brakes pulled, sounds like a no go for me…" I respond as I lean on my chair.

"That leaves the cinema then." Saeko tilts her head slightly as she also folds her arms.

"Yea. Best bet to be the safest choice too. Noise insulation would have kept any corpses from going inside while electricity still ran, everything else around it would have been louder. The only problem is, that it's as likely to have survivors, as it is to be overrun. And well, if somebody turned in the cinema and infected the rest while inside, noise insulation works both ways." I add with a nod.

"Hmm, the main doors that led inside, do you remember if they were open?" Saya asks.

"Nope." I respond flatly. Saya purses her lips and turns to look towards the window, seemingly annoyed by my answer.

"I was too busy trying to explain to you 'why' it was a good spot to note down, to pay attention to that." I respond with a slight smirk, causing Saya to turn towards me with a frown, before sticking her tongue out for half a second, then turning to look back out the window again…

(...Huh, since when Saya started sticking her tongue out so much? She never did that in the anime. Maybe she feels more open towards me? So she's being extra childish?…)

I hold myself from chuckling at the thought, then take a deep breath before getting up.

"Well, cinema it is then." I add as I stretch my arms.

"Let's go inform your dad Saya. If we're lucky, we might be able to get there by air. As the building itself is pretty far away." I respond as I turn to the pinkette.

"Ha, doubt they'd even let us take a bicycle along if it's up to them." Saya snorts as she also gets up.

With that, I 'arm' myself with my sword and Scar-H, then move to leave the room, Saeko and Saya following behind me after they gathered their own stuff.

Once out, we headed to the stairs. And before we started going down, I made one last quick check, making sure that all the extra mags were on the vest, and that they were not empty. Then, we started going down the stairs…

"Your dad is waiting downstairs or you will inform him via radio?" I ask as I turn to Saya.

"I doubt that he'd wait for a whole hour. But let's go down first, if papa is not there, I'll radio him then." Saya responds as she glances at me, then turns to look down the stairs again.

And a few minutes later, we were on the bottom floor. Among the people here, I could spot a few of Souichiro's men, none of them paying any attention towards us. In other words, they were not here for us.

"Don't see your mother, or father." I fold my arms as I look around.

"Papa, we're ready." Turning to Saya's voice, I find her already holding the radio next to her mouth.

"Come by the bridge that connects to the airport, the boats are here." A stern voice responds.

"Well, so much about using a helicopter…" I say as I tilt my head slightly.

"Hmm, come on Naier. This might be, fun." Saeko responds as she walks up next to me, a slight smirk on her face…

"As long as we don't get lost on the way…" I chuckle as I turn to her.

"You won't get lost if you'll listen to me." Saya retorts with a frown as she also turns to me.

"True that. I just hope they have earplug type radios we can use. Holding a slipper-sized radio while trying to shoot is bound to end bad." I answer as I nod, then shrug.

"We can ask Papa, now let's go." Saya turns to walk towards the exit without waiting for a response.

"Wonder if I should take a camera attachment for the helmet too…" I say in a low tone as I also start to walk.

"Hmm? Why would you need that?" Saeko asks as she keeps her pace next to me.

"Because your dad wants proof of, something? I honestly don't know what he expects of me to be honest..." I answer as I turn towards our purple-haired samurai. Saeko blinks at me a few times, then starts giggling.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" She asks as she leans towards me.

"After all. It will be, just the two of us~." She whispers as we exit the building.


"And a battalion of corpses." I respond as I glance at her. Saeko just giggles again.

"Are you going to protect me from them?" She 'asks' with a smile.

"W, will you two stop whispering like a bunch of schoolgirls? Walk faster." Saya groans as she turns around to look at the two of us with a pouty frown. Saeko just leans back away from me without saying anything.

(...Me protecting you during a fight? What, we roleplaying now?)

And with a steady pace, we then made it to the bridge…

Upon getting to the front part of the building and seeing the bridge, we found Saya's parents waiting there, along with what seemed to be two more teams of four. Rika was also there, among a bunch of soldiers that made up one of the two teams, the left one. The only difference between the two teams being that the right one had three men in lab coats, and was missing one cigar-smoking sniper woman.

(Huh, Rika is here as well. Don't think I can make out any of the other people though. Then again, I didn't really 'know' anybody else…)

And once we got closer to them…

"So we'll go by boat now, but the extraction will be via a helicopter from the top of the hospital? Why can't we just go and leave by helicopter?" I hear one of the soldiers in the right team ask.

"Because if we go there via helicopter, then the infected will start swarming the building before we can even have the chance to start looking into it. It'll be hard enough as it is. We don't need an added time limit. The materials we're looking for need careful handling." One of the lab coats answers. The soldier that asked, just scoffs.

"This is going to be 'amazing'." The same soldier adds with a sarcastic tone as he walks to the edge of the sidewalk, then starts climbing down a ladder, disappearing from my field of view. Followed shortly after by the rest of his team.

By that time, I and the two girls were next to the only remaining team. Souichiro had also taken notice of us and was waiting for us to get closer.

"Only three people? You know you might have to clear the whole building if it's infested." He asks as he folds his arms.

"I didn't know anybody else. And, Saya will be staying behind, I want her at communications if possible." I respond flatly.

"Ahh? You didn't know anybody else? Naier you're breaking my heart. Thinking that you didn't tell me to come along." I hear Rika speak up with a slight chuckle.

"Uhh, because I like 'not' getting stabbed in my sleep." I respond as I glance at Rika, who responds by chuckling again.

"Minami come on. We have to move." One of the other soldiers shakes her shoulder as he points at the ladder the lab coats used some time ago.

"Ai, ai. Good luck out there commando." Rika throws a lax salute at me before turning to follow the soldier who shook her.

"Are you sure you want just two people to go on this? We could ask some of our men to come with you." Saya's mother speaks up as she looks at us. Saya blinking a few times before opening her mouth.

"Thank you for your concern. But I believe we can do this as is." Saeko then responds before Saya could speak, causing the pinkette to turn towards Saeko with a pout.

"If you believe this is enough, then I won't press the matter more. If you're ready then head down the ladder. A boat will take you to the closest point the river can get you. Then you'll go on foot." Shouichiro folds his arms as he looks at me.

"Any questions?" He adds.

"Uhh, actually yes. Not a question though. Do we have any sort of 'earplug' radios? I intend to do this silently, a normal radio will be too loud. And too cumbersome." I respond.

"I'll see what they can bring you with the boat. Anything else?" He asks again.

(...He asked, so…)

"A riot shield and a helmet flashlight?" I ask back. To my surprise, Shouchiro just nods…

(Huh, I was half-joking, but. Why not, could be helpful.)

"Uhh, that's all I can think of." I add as I narrow my eyes and look towards the ground, trying to think of anything else I could use.

(Shotgun, too loud. And I can't use it if Saeko is in front of me. Too late for a handgun silencer, as I need one compatible with my handgun. I already have a sword, and a knife. Asked for a flashlight and radio. And well, I got to think of the total weight too, I ain't no Dragonborn to carry an actual armory in my magical subspace storage.)

"Yea, that'd be all." I add as I turn to look back towards Saya's dad.

"Head down the ladder then. Saya, you know where the coms are at." Shouchiro responds. Saya just nods and starts heading towards the airport tower without saying anything.

(Well, here we go…)

I walk up to the edge of the road and look down.

A ladder went down the wall, about twenty to thirty meters in height, until it reached a small, sea-level platform…

With that, I and Saeko started going down the ladder...

(Can somebody play me some metal gear solid music? Or, uhh, actually this ladder is too short. It doesn't deserve such fame. Scratch the music.)

After reaching the bottom, I walk to the side to let Saeko get down. And yea, she was wearing a skirt and was coming down after me, and no, I did not look up…

"Well, now we wait…" I say as I look down towards the sea's depths. Though I could only see a deep blue color…

(Pretty deep considering it's next to the shore.)

"The air down here is pretty strong, I keep getting sea droplets on my face." Saeko adds as she closes her eyes, then pulls her waving hair back, tying them in a ponytail.

"Sorry, but the mask is one thing I ain't giving." I respond as I raise my finger, Saeko just chuckles lightly.

"You don't need to, I don't mind the feeling." She responds as she keeps her eyes closed.

"Though, that could spell trouble for the gun…" I take my glove off to feel where the wind was blowing from, then cover the Scar-H under my jacket, tucking it from the opposite side of where the wind was blowing from.

"Is it that bad if seawater touches the gun?" Saeko asks as she opens her eyes, then turns to me.

"As bad as it would be leaving the sword with sea droplets on the blade. While the scar 'can' shoot if it gets water or sand in it, you don't want to just leave it as is, especially saltwater. While most new guns are made of aluminum, which does not rust. It can still get corroded. The polymer parts might handle the seawater better, but the barrel is obviously not made out of polymer. " I respond as I turn to her.

"I see, should I do something about this then?" She asks as she turns her hip to show me the beretta handgun that was strapped on it.

"It's in the holster, it should be fine." I respond, Saeko just nods back at me before turning to look towards the open sea again…

And, a few seconds passed with Saeko staring at the sea in silence.

(...I don't know if it's the wind blowing her hair, or that other than her, the only other thing I can see from this angle is the sea. But this, is quite the sight…)

I didn't get to stare at the scene for too long though. As soon after, a rigid inflatable boat drove up to us from the airport, a soldier I have never seen before in it.

"Cinema?" The driver asks, I nod back.

"Get in, your equipment is on the back of the boat, next to the seats." He responds as he points his thumb behind him.

And with that, both I and Saeko get on the boat. The driver then started, driving.

"He actually brought everything I asked, marked me impressed." I whistle as I pick up the riot shield that was laid against the back seat to my right.

"I would have asked for a power armor and a jetpack if I knew he'd actually bring them." I add nonchalantly as I pick two earbuds, two small wireless mics and a helmet flashlight that were on the seat. Then hand one earbud and mic to Saeko.

"Thank you." She smiles at me and takes the items before seating herself.

(Hmm, the earbud has a small button on the top, you press this to speak? Gonna be a pain to press it under the balaclava and helmet. O well...)

And as I took a seat myself, I passed the earbud under the balaclava, before attaching it to my ear. Then attached the mic on the collar of my shirt. After that I pass my hand under the helmet and press on where the button should be at.

"Does this thing work?" I ask.

"I can hear you from my own earplug." Saeko responds.

"Why wouldn't it work? Did you manage to break it already?" I hear another voice respond…

(Moody chundere has joined the chat.)

"Just had to make sure, no need to bite." I respond, only getting a 'Hum' as an answer…

(And the flashlight, as my helmet does not have any rails, the flashlight itself has an elastic band I can use to strap it on the helm.)

"Once you're out of the boat, find a sign with an address so I can pinpoint your location. I'll tell you the path you need to take then." Saya speaks up as I put the riot shield on my legs.

"Ai." I respond…

And then, silence. With not much to do, I turned to look towards the open sea to my left…

(I feel like I'm going to the dentist. A dead, brain munching dentist…)

After a couple of minutes of driving on the open water, the driver drove the boat into the river that separated the central and rightmost landmass. The scenery changing too, two giant concrete walls...

I reflexively looked up as we started going down the canal.

"Uhh, I see corpses leaning against the railings over our heads." I say as I keep looking up…

"Probably attracted by the noise of the boats that passed before us." The driver responds with a shrug. I nod and pass the shield over my right arm as I keep looking up.

(Last thing I need is a flying corpse landing on my head…)

"Hmm? Another boat is coming our way." Saeko then speaks up as she points ahead.

And sure enough, a boat with no passengers passed by us shortly after, going in the opposite direction compared to us…

"How many teams did they send out?..." I ask as I turn to look behind me, towards the boat that was now picking distance from us.

"Uhh, six? Seven? Not sure." The driver answers.

(Huh, wait. If we count the power station, that'd be four teams. One for the power station, one for the cinema, one for the hospital, and one for the gas station. What about the other two, or three teams?)

"You know what they were sent out for?" I ask again. The driver just shrugs.

"Nope, don't really care to know either. My job is to drive people and return. Don't need to fill my head with information I don't need." He adds as he tilts his head, his eyes locked on the river ahead...

"Still, since we're speaking. If I can ask. How come you took such a younger person with you for this mission?" The driver asks as he turns to me.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you look like a high school student." He adds as he turns to Saeko.

(...Younger? Whut? And didn't you just say you don't need 'useless' information a few seconds ago?...)

"Uhh, I was with her since day one of the outbreak, we'll have better coordination compared to teaming up with somebody I don't know. Also, she is not 'younger' than me, we're the same age…" I respond as I look up again.

"Huh, really? You seem a bit, large for your age then. Because with all that armor you're wearing, it's all I can honestly make out." The driver arcs an eyebrow as he turns to look back ahead.

"I'm a foreigner. Probably why I look bigger than your average Japanese person of the same age." I say with a shrug…

"Ehh? Could be because your voice is a bit muffled, but you don't sound like one." The driver responds with a chuckle.

(Well, Japanese are supposed to be what, the average height of Saya's? One sixty or so. Saeko is really the black sheep in that aspect. And Saya's parents. I mean, scary dad himself is taller than me…)

Another couple of minutes then passed in silence, until...

"And here we are. See the ladder to the right? That's my stop." The driver raises his hand and points ahead, a single ladder a couple of meters away to our right. I nod and get up, Saeko doing the same.

"I see some corpses around the railing next to the ladder's top end. This, is going to be a pain…" I groan as I keep looking at the ladder. I could see three corpses, arms stretched towards the river, upper bodies bent over the railing 'aiming' towards the river.

"You have a gun, use it." The driver turns to me as he stops the boat by the ladder.

"Too loud, I have another idea." I shook my head as I passed the shield handle over my arm, until it was to my elbow.

"Once we get on the ladder, leave." I add as I grab on the ladder.

"You don't have to tell me twice." The driver responds with a nod.

And with that, I start climbing up as, silently as I can.

(Ok, we have one to the right, two to the left. I can knife them, or pull them. They're already half over the railing, won't be too hard to make them topple over…)

After I reached near the top of the ladder, close enough for the corpses to almost reach me, I stopped, and turned to look down, Saeko looking at me with a serious expression, the boat already moving back the way it came.

I nod, and look back up. The three corpses still not paying any real attention to me, just flailing their arms around lazily. I let out a silent breath and turned to the right one, then waited…

After a few seconds passed, and I got the feel of how it kept swaying its arms around, I waited for the moment its right arm was the closest to me, before grabbing it by the forearm. To my surprise, the corpse did not seem to pay too much attention to the fact that I just grabbed it, too much blood in its dead brain I guess? And before it could turn to 'stare' towards me, I tightened my grip on the ladder and pulled myself down and back, dragging the corpse along, to the point that its whole body went over the railing. And, with what I can only call a lazy groan, the corpse plummeted towards the river, seeming ever oblivious…

I then quickly turn to look at the other two corpses to the left, who were now both looking towards the railing where the other corpse was on a few seconds ago. With a groan, and their bodies still half over the railing. They started to slowly grind themselves towards the now empty railing, and towards the small opening between the railings and the ladder.

(Shit, they'll fall on us like this.)

I quickly climbed up the ladder, grabbing the right railing to give myself a boost up, and the moment I touched solid ground, I slammed my left side, which had the riot shield on, at the corpses. And instead of falling back, I then pushed forward a few steps. And judging how they got off the railing, and the closest one grabbed on the riot shield as it started to groan loudly, I also got their attention as well.

"Saeko." I glanced behind me to see that Saeko had already climbed up, sword in hand...

Without speaking, she walks up to my right. Brings the sword's hilt next to her face, and stabs the first corpse in the side of its skull. As she pulls the sword back, she takes another step to her right, taking a vertical slash at the second corpse. Separating its neck, and part of its shoulder…

She then takes a step back, and with a single sword twirl, she sheaths her blade with a smirk.

"I am not going to lie, I was looking forward to this." She adds as she turns to me, the smirk still on her face.

"Just, don't let 'too' lose ah. Don't want to have to search for you in an infected town." I respond with a chuckle. Saeko just lets out a small giggle as well.

"Hmm, I thought I already told you. I find it much more pleasurable when I can fight in coordination with you." She chimes as she walks up next me, slightly running her fingers on my arm, before turning to stop right behind me.

"Let's, find a street sign…" I clear my throat as I turn to look around me. Saeko, just chuckled.

Right now we were in a small, square opening. A narrow walkway next to the railing that extended to the left and right, both sides seemingly clear of corpses. Along with a single walkway right ahead of us, which was blocked by a closed metal door, a couple of corpses pushing up again said door. Other than that, concrete fence walls, along with a house both to the left, and to the right.

(Another residential area?)

"Any idea where we should head off to?" Saeko asks as she walks up next to me.

"Uhh, an address sign should be in front of the houses right?" I respond with a question as I turn to her. She nods.

"You want me to clear the way?" She asks again as she points at the closed metal door...

(Uhh. One corpse on the floor, two standing upright, pushing the door. I think there are more behind them as well…)

"That, or we can just climb up a wall and walk to the front. Check how bad the streets are first." I respond as I point at the walls. Saeko nods as she takes her hand off the blade's hilt.

With that, I walk up to the right wall, and with a short jump, I climb up…

(And the shield is being annoying…)

I pushed the shield further up my arm to free my movement, while in the meantime Saeko climbed up behind me.

"This house is probably as safe as the streets. Better we stay on the wall if you don't want to fight." She whispers as she looks to her right, patches of blood on the grassy floor that surrounded the house, along with a crashed window that led inside the house.

"Use the microphone from now on. Better than trying to loudly whisper." I respond as I press the button on the earbud.

"Oh, right." Saeko's voice responds through the earbud.

"Huh, did you reach your stop?" I heard another voice ask.

"Uhh. Yea, looking for a street sight now." I respond with a slight groan.

"W, what? What are you groaning for? Got a problem that I asked?" Saya asks with an annoyed tone right after.

"What? No, it's just a pain to press the mic button every time I want to speak." I respond, as I press the button again…

"Uhh, why don't you just keep it pressed for a few seconds? It locks the mic to always open." Saya asks with a 'Are you stupid?' tone. I stayed silent, and did as she said…

"Can you two hear me?" I ask a few seconds later as I let go of the earbud button.

"Yea." Saya responds.

"Yes." Saeko adds right after.

"Hmm, weird…" I say as I tilt my head.

"What is it this time?" Saya asks with a slight groan.

"Your voices sound, clearer for some reason…" I add…

(Why do I have the sudden urge to call somebody a lazy ass?...)

"Well whatever, let's move." I glance behind me to see Saeko nod. Then turn to walk ahead, past the door, past the corpses behind the door, and to the front of the house, next to the actual street. And...

"Uhh, well, we're not going this way…" I whisper as I keep looking at the road. Or what used to be a road...

Let's just say, when you can see house appliances like kitchens and fridges tossed around the middle of the road, you know things are bad…

"The road looks like a children's playground, in a bad way. It'd be a miracle if we don't trip over something after every two steps, let alone bump into a corpse…" I add as I keep looking around.

"Just look at one of the street signs, I can tell you how you can get to the cinema, but I first need to find where exactly you're at." Saya responds.

"Ai." I nod as I keep looking around...

And, after some scanning. I spotted a street sign on the opposite street, on a wall next to a door that led inside a house…

(Hmm. The thing is too small to see from here…)

I take the rifle, and look through the scope…

(Much better.)

"Uhh, Shingi Whinetaro. 4-1-5 riverside. Tutu? Chutu? Mewtwo? Can't make the rest, there's blood splatter on it…" I say as I narrow my eyes…

"Wait a sec." Saya responds. And, a few minutes later...

"Ok, got it." She speaks up.

"You are, hmm. Five intersections away. Not too far considering." She adds.

"Yea, I just hope the rest of the streets are not as bad as this one…" I say as I tilt my head.

"Right, uhh, what way 'can' you go right now?" Saya asks.

"We have a clear walkway that can take us further up the riverside." I respond.

"Ok, take that, if you can reach the next intersection tell me." Saya responds.

"Ai." I say I turn around, motioning Saeko to fall back. She nods and turns around.

"Oh and, don't even think of turning the microphone off." Saya adds as we start to move.

"Uhh, because?" I ask.

"B, because you'll probably do something weird to Saeko if I don't have my eye on you." Saya retorts.

"Humm, weird? Like, what?" Saeko asks, a slight smirk on her face.

"Uhh, y, you know. Weird, stuff…" Saya stutters as her voice drops a few decibels. Saeko, just keeps giggling silently as she drops down to the square opening we started at…

After I also jumped down, we started going up the narrow alleyway…

A couple of meters later, we came up another square opening, this one completely clear of corpses.

"Want to check this door?" Saeko asks as she turns to look at another metal door to our right.

"No point, it leads to the same fucked up road. Let's keep going straight." I respond as I shake my head. Saeko just nods, and keeps moving ahead of me…

Yet, we only managed to take a few steps ahead this time, before we saw a corpse popping up from the wall to our right, or, what probably is the next small opening between the houses.

"Wait, let me go first. I have the riot shield, easier to block if more of them charge from a blind spot." I say as I put my hand on Saeko's shoulder.

"Hmm, my very own knight in shining armor." She responds with a giggle.

"Please, knights and rainbows are a Takashi thing. I'm closer to the hooded nut job that's silently stabbing everybody to death with an oversized sharp stick." I reply with a chuckle…

"Pffrt! *Cough* *cough*. Akch. Warn me when you're about to say stupid things you idiot. I nearly drenched the keyboard with water because of you." I hear a whiny voice retort.

"Humm, actually, now that I think about it, I think I like that more than a knight." Saeko whispers as she leans towards me.

"H, hey! Don't feed his stupidity! Saying stuff like that…" Saya added with the same whiny voice, though the whine, ended with a whisper.

I shake my head, and pull the shield from my arm to my hand, then take the knife on the other hand for good measure, before silently walking towards the corpse, shield on the ready…

The moment I got close to the corpse, and the next opening, I glanced to my right.

(One more corpse standing there.)

I nod, and I turn to look at the corpse next to me. Its back still turned to me.

(Well, here goes nothing.)

I take a deep breath, and with a strong slam. I bash the shield on the nearby corpse's back, sending it a few steps ahead, towards the railing that overlooked the river below. And with a quick step back, I then take another step forward, and stomp it right on the lower section of its back. Sending it tumbling over the railing.

With a quick glance behind me, I find the second corpse now shambling with a quick pace towards me, arms stretched. Not losing momentum I quickly turned around, using the force of the turn to take a full swing on the corpse's side with the shield, sending it tumbling to my right, and right next to Saeko's feet, who then proceeded to casually stab the thing in the head…

With no other corpses around, I turn to look towards the river. The corpse I sent flying, now nowhere to be seen...

"Uhh, I think this shield is invoking a 'police brutality' spirit in me." I say as I turn towards Saeko. Who just chuckled in response.

"Did you do something stupid again?" I hear Saya ask.

"Define stupid." I 'ask' as I motion Saeko with my head to move, getting a groan from Saya as a response…

(Huh, so that's how 'item skills' work, who knew…)

With that, we kept moving ahead. Until we reached the end of the alleyway. A bridge to our left, a short road that led to an intersection to our right.

"Doesn't look like the bridge we used with the car. This one's completely blocked off…" I whisper as I look at the roadblocked bridge. Several cement barricades set up along its width, along with two firefighter trucks, and three 'swat' trucks behind the barricade. The occupants of said vehicles wandering around in various states of 'dead'.

"As much as I'd like to pick these corpses clean of their equipment. I'm already carrying enough. And I don't think their guns use my type of ammo. Except for maybe the handgun..." I add as I keep looking past the barricade.

"Saya, we're by the intersection." I add as I walk up to the middle of the road to get a better look at the intersection.

"Can you pass it?" She asks.

"Yea." I respond with a slight nod.

"Ok, then go past that, and keep going straight, if you find no obstacles, you'll then go left after three intersections. The cinema should be two intersections straight after that, to your right." Saya then continues.

"Alright, so. Let's go see a movie then?" I 'ask' as I turn to Saeko and motion her with my hand.

"Hmm, I wonder what you will take me to see." Saeko responds with a slight chuckle as she walks up right next to me with a smile…

(The Nervous lost puppy and the Swagging machine obviously)