
Summon The Devil

It's a fantasy novel about a sorcerer who teams up with a devil to retrieve a lost soul. The story follows his journey filled with risks and challenges to reach his goal, but he pays a high price for his partnership with the devil.

Lord_b · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 18: The Sorcerer and the Enchanted Forest

The sorcerer traveled for many days and nights, his feet carrying him over rugged mountains and through winding valleys. He encountered many creatures on his journey, from giant eagles to mischievous fairies, but he never lost his sense of wonder.

As he traveled, the sorcerer heard rumors of an enchanted forest, said to be home to powerful beings and ancient magic. He knew that he had to see this forest for himself, and so he set his sights on finding it.

It took many weeks of travel, but finally, the sorcerer saw a dense forest in the distance. The trees were taller than any he had ever seen, and their leaves seemed to glow in the sunlight.

As he stepped into the forest, the sorcerer felt a strange energy pulsing through the air. He walked deeper into the forest, and soon he heard the sound of a rushing river.

Following the sound, the sorcerer came upon a clearing in the forest. In the center of the clearing was a large stone fountain, and standing beside it was a beautiful woman.

The woman was unlike any the sorcerer had ever seen before. She wore a flowing dress made of leaves, and her hair was long and golden. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds, and her smile was warm and welcoming.

"Welcome to the Enchanted Forest," she said. "I am the Guardian of the Fountain. What brings you here?"

The sorcerer explained his quest to learn all he could about magic, and the Guardian of the Fountain smiled.

"Magic is all around us," she said. "But to truly understand it, you must first understand nature. You must learn to listen to the trees, to the animals, and to the water."

And so the sorcerer stayed in the Enchanted Forest, learning all he could from the Guardian of the Fountain. He learned how to communicate with the trees, how to call forth the wind, and how to speak with the animals.

But as much as he loved the Enchanted Forest and the Guardian of the Fountain, he knew that he could not stay forever. There were other lands to explore, other people to meet, and other adventures to be had.

With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to the Guardian of the Fountain and set out once more, his heart full of wonder and his mind full of magic. And so the sorcerer continued his journey, always seeking to learn more about the world and the magic that surrounded him.