
Chapter 3 Past and Tragedy

{Eight years ago, Driza's tenth birthday party.}

[Everyone thank you for coming here today.

I am Duke Durlux Elzor Valentia...]

[And I am Duchess Ellen Ulla Valentia.]

[Hey do you see it's Duke and Duchess of Valentia family. They are finally here.]

[They look so great, but I guess It's no wonder since they are most noble vampire family.]

[Does that mean that their daughter will finally make her first appearance in public.]

[Today we gather here to celebrate my daughter's tenth birthday.]

[Everyone please greet our daughter lady Driza Ellen Valentia.]

That was night when everything comes to it's end, at my tenth birthday.

{Four more years ago, somewhere near Zurda forest.}

[Lady Driza wait I am not as young as you, I can't keep up with you]

[Oh nanny I am sure you can if You just try harder.]

[Lady Driza It's not safe to go alone.]

[You worry way too much Zorl.]

I used to be a hyperactive child sometime, but most of time I acted as proper young lady of my status, and nanny was maid hired by my father, her name was Lizy, she was cat demihuman and she always was so kind to me she was like a real parent to me because my real parents didn't have much time for me. Zorl was my bodyguard personally choosen by my father.

I am often told that I am genius, but truth is that I lack confidence, and because of that i didn't speak much. I was often considered pretty cold no matter who I was talking to.

Because of that I was very lonely and sad.

Then one day on the way to my favorite place to look stars I've met a young boy who lost everything to humans or at least that was what rumor said, but I am a Duke's daughter and even if I am only six year old I can find a thing or two. He was going to kill himself.

He took a dagger and point at his throat.

I've rushed towards him.

[My lady please come back it's not safe there.]

One of guard said it to me while I've rushed towards that boy.

[Hey You stop that, don't kill yourself.]

[Lady Driza is right, You can't do that.]

[Hahahaha. Why not, I mean there is nothing worth living for me.]

[That isn't reason for you to kill yourself.]


[If You keep living You will find something worth living for. Sooner or later.]

[A-Are you sure.]

[Of course I am.]

[And who are you.]

[Watch your mouth, brat.]

[I am a Duke's Valentia daughter, my name is Driza Ellen Valentia, but you can call me Driza.]

[D-Duke's daughter...]

He prostrate himself.

[Lady Driza please forgive my disrespectful attitude. I didn't know It is you my lady.]

[I-It is nothing. you don't have to do that.]

[My lady I know I don't have right to ask you, but even so may I ask a favor of You.]

[How dare you, you stupid brat do you know who are you talking to?!]

[Calm down Zorl.]

The guard that came to escort me said that as if He was offended and not me.

[That is enough out of You Zorl.]

[Yes my lady.]

[Now then what is that favor Yiu wanted to ask me.]

[My lady Please allow me to devote myself to You my lady.]

[W-What. Why]

[My lady It was a whole week since I lost everything. I am still alive because It took me a week to gather courage to kill myself, and in that week You were only one who tried to help me, and because I've lost everything worth living, It would be my honor to serve You and protect You with my life if needed.]

[Alright if that is how You truly feeling, I will allow it. Serve me well.]

[Yes my lady.]

[B-But My lady.]

[What is your Name boy.]

I started to act colder because if He became my servant I will need to keep my dignity as his master. Not just that, but if He is mentally broken to pledge his loyalty and his life so easily, then that means I'll need to be strong and strict master to be able to control him properly, but honestly It's okey with me because that mean I don't need to pretend to be some sort of kind and warmth person. I don't know why did I save him, was so to make him serve me, no that's not It, then why.

I really don't know.

[It is Zelio, Zelio Delz Sorzantus my lady.]

[Wait just a second Sorzantus as if in The Sorzantus. The greatest swordsman family that survived in high society only because of their pure skills.]

Zorl was surprised. I guess He didn't know that because rumors said only that some noble family was destroyed by humans.

[Yes. That is correct.]

[Oho. So that mean you must be very skilled swordsman, right?]

[Unfortunately my lady that is not the case I was supposed to start training swordsmanship with my father next year.]

[How old are you?]

[I recently reach age of six my lady.]

[Alright then.]


[Zorl arrange swordsmanship training for him.]

[As You wish my lady]

[I am most grateful my lady.]

[There is no need for that.]


[If You get stronger, then that only means you can serve me even better.]

[O-Of course my lady.]

{Eight years ago. Driza's tenth birthday party.}

[My lady pardon me, but You aren't very happy even if it is your birthday today.]

[hm. Oh. Greetings great hero of Nuragomi battle. ]

[Lady Driza there's no need for that, I'm still you loyal servant after all.]

[(chuckle) Well that is certainly true.]

[Congratulations on your becoming a hero of Nuragomi battle, for someone who is only ten years old surely is material for historical books, don't You think.]

[It was just a small battle, not worth mentioning.]

[You are too modest.]

[Maybe I am. Now then what is bugging You my lady.]

[It is nothing, I just have a bad feeling that's all.]

[There's no need to worry my lady as long as I am here no one will lay a finger on you.]

[Yes I know that.]

then someone burst in room. He was badly wounded.


[Zelio go and request a reinforcement.]

[But my lady I can't.]

[it is an order Zelio.]


Y-Yes my lady.]

And Zelio done just what I told him to do.

[Father what are we going to do They are killing our guest.]



Joiz was a human that was spared by my father and because of that he swore his loyalty to him.

Naturally It made some people to think of my father as traitor, even though he did that only out of goodness of his heart. My father is very kind person, but busy as much as He is kind, just like my mother.

[Understand sir please be careful.]

[Yes I will.]

And just like that Joiz and Lizy took me and tried to run away, but unfortunately our path was blocked by humans soldiers. If they caught us We will without a doubt been killed without mercy or hesitation.

[Lizy what are you doing.]

[Just hurry up and take lady Driza somewhere safe. I will buy You as much time as I can.]

[No nanny.]

[Lizy You can't You will di-]

[Just hurry up damnit.]

[Remember that You swore your loyalty to Duke Durlux Elzor Valentia. He give us order to take his daughter to somewhere safe and

We will carry out that order even if It cost us our lives.]

[Alright but don't dare die It will upset lady Driza and as a butler of Valentia family I cannot accept that.]

[Don't worry I am not going to die tonight.]

[Sir They are running away, what do We do.]

[Catch them men, I will teach this maid to know her place.]

[Understand sir.]


[Damnit ice wall is blocking our path sir.]

[What do We do now Sir.]

[Yeah We can't get through ice wall this thick sir.]

[Now the only way to get them is through me. Come at me You humans scum.]

[Well you heard her, kill her.]

[Understand sir.]

Joiz You have to hurry and take care of lady Driza.

{Meanwhile with Driza.}

[Joiz will nanny be okey all alone.]


[Don't worry lady Driza. Despite her age of twenty six and her job as maid she is actually very strong, that is also why she of all people was chosen to be your nanny, so she could protect you if needed.]

[Wait nanny is only have twenty six, but she act alot older.]

[Well She act that way so she can slack off.]

[Whaaat. I will scold her after this for that.]

[Maybe You should.]



[Huh. Where all this smoke is coming from?]

[Those bastard humans are trying to burn to the ground whole mansion.]


[Oh. I guessing It is strange for me to say something like that when I am also a human.]

[Don't worry my lady. I am maybe a human, but my loyalty is for you and your family.]


[Huh. Damnit the path is blocked, we will have to go other way.]

{After some time.}

[Lady Driza We are at grand hall. Just a little bit more and We will escape.]

[Well well well. Who do We have here. It's Duke's daughter and her butler demihu- wait no You are human.]

[What is meaning of this, why would You serve them.]

[C'mon man just kill that brat and We can go home as heros who killed monsters. If you kill her right here and now, I will make sure that you got any reward You ask for.

Here take this sword.]

[To kill my lady and get anything I desire huh?]

[Yeah that's the deal. Just do it and You will get anything you want, and you will also get a chance to take your revenge on them. It's one in life opportunity for you, you know.

So what do you say, am I great man or what.]

Joiz looked at me like never before. I can't blame him for killing me because if He do that He will become a hero and get anything he wants.

It's obvious what You must do, now do It, I won't blame You.

[It is an intriguing offer, but I must decline.]

What, why.

[Joiz don't You will die]

[I swore my loyalty to Valentia family My lady, I will protect you till I die.]

[Well then you can join your cat maid friend over there.]

Man with a golden hair and two scars on left and one on right eye throw a corpse.

If I am not mistaken this is the guy is the leader of humans army.

[W-w-what no, It can't be. No Lizy.]

[She is dead, I killed her. She was very strong. If it was one on one fight I wouldn't be alive right now, but since She choose to black our path it was five on one. We somehow managed to push her to front gate of grand hall and kill her. I m ashamed of myself that even with five of us We barely managed to win, even Duke and Duchess together were weaker then her, but maybe that how It was looked like since all five group of ten members were present.]

M-Mother a-and father are d-d-dead, no way.

(Sob, Sob Sob.)

Joiz started to cry over lizy's body.

[Time to die you stupid vampire.]

[lady Driza no. I have to save her.]

And just when that man was about to kill me Joiz stopped blade, he used himself as shield to protect me.

[Oh man, I killed a human, but since he was a traitor it doesn't matter does it.]

This man. How dare He, He killed my parents and my closest servants. Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable. I want to kill him. But I can't, I am too damnit weak.

I can help you with that.

Who are yo-no It doesn't matter, I don't care what you are or what you do, just kill him.

Excellent, then from this moment on, I am your loyal servant, my mistress.

[Well let's try this again shall We. Time to die.]


(Everyone gets blown away.)

[What happened sir, huh, what is that.]

[Uuh Sir.]

[What is it priest.]

[I detect a high-ranking demon aura coming from her.]

[We are in trouble, stay on your guard men.]

[Yes sir.]

[Sir enemy reinforcement has arrived, It appears that Shardox is leading them.]

[What that was no part of deal...

We will withdrawal for now.]

[But sir what about the mission?]

[She is never going to survive summoning a high-ranking demon. Our mission is as good as over.]

[Yes sir]


[Lord Shardox, the enemy is retreating, but lady Driza is in danger. It looks like She is summoning a high-ranking demon.]

[I will go save her.]

(After some time Shardox found Driza, used dash to teleport behind her and with a single blow She falls unconscious.)

[Don't worry You are safe now, everything is going to be alright.]