
Summertime Boss

Jack gets transmigrated into the MC of Summertime Saga. With very little help and his knowledge of the game seems to be less then what he remembered. How will he handle the Russian mob and all the ladies in town.

Jackoftrades · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



" " Talking out loud

' ' Thoughts whether Mc or characters

** Noises such as dings moans possibly

Emojis will be used only for texting

( ) always for author notes

[ ] for when I add images if I do you are welcome to add images of the characters if you wish

< > For any kind of text messages emails Twitter posts any thing to do with a message emojis will also only be found within < >

He walked away hearing Mary's bell like laughter as he got ready for his workout this morning.

After finishing his workout he headed back home to take a shower and get ready for school.

After making it home showering and changing into some nice clothes he headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

He sat down next to Jenny yawning "Morning."

Jenny kept staring at her phone but surprisingly said "Good morning loser."

Jack tilted his head as he ate some eggs 'That's more interaction then usual.'

Jenny kept making frustrated groans as she looked at her phone. Jack gave her a weird look "Are you okay?"

Jenny sighed "No….."

She then looked at him for a second "I posted some pictures on this website and people are paying me but not as much as they should, look."

She then showed Jack her Onlyfans account. Her pictures were all hot and the angles were nice but she still had clothes on. Jack rolled his eyes "Well obviously Jenny. The top earners in that sight show more then just hot angles with clothes on."

Jenny thought for a moment before an idea clicked in her head "You busy tonight?"

Jack shook his head "Maybe I'm not sure why?"

She frowned that he did not say what she wanted "Whatever loser just text me if you're free at night."

Jack sighed as he got up "Whatever I'm going to school."

Jack rode his bike to school ready for the day. He went to gym and took a shower and decided to stay for class, for once.

Since he was staying he decided to head to the cafeteria before Art. He walked up the steps to the second floor and turned into the cafeteria.

He was immediately met my Annie have a mental breakdown in front of Eve and Kevin.

Eve looked super frustrated "You can't be serious."

Jack walked over listening into the conversation. Annie had her signature furrowed eyebrows look "I warned you both about this last time! You're both getting detention."

Kevin tried to mediate the situation "Come on Annie that's a little much."

Jack walked over"What's going on?"

Annie turned to him still looking frustrated "I just caught Kevin giving this one cafeteria food for free and I'm writing them up."

Eve was fuming "This is bullshit Annie, it's just a bag of chips."

Annie rolled her eyes "I forgot that if it's something small stealing is okay."

Eve looked down sad "I can pay for its just that my sister forgot to put lunch money in my account this week."

Jack was getting annoyed "Annie, I'll pay for it just stop writing them up."

Annie eyed Jack for a second "Fine."

Jack then handed Kevin three dollars and Annie left. Eve seeing the situation d escalated look towards Jack "Thank you Jack I really appreciate it…. Also sorry Kevin I didn't want to get you in trouble."

Kevin waved her off "It's no problem but how did your sister forget to give you money?"

Eve looked over to the side avoiding their eye contact "It's not her fault she just has a lot on her plate."

Jack nodded and pulled out some money "Here this should get you through at least the week."

Eve looked down to see Jack giving her a hundred dollars. She shook her head "Jack this is too much."

Jack put it in one of the pockets of her hoodies "Then use it for lunch next week too. We're friends and my friends should be able to eat during lunch."

Eve's eyes slightly widened "R… really are you sure?"

Jack shrugged "It's no big deal. Just make sure you eat something."

Kevin smirked "Look at Jack coming to the rescue."

Eve smiled "For real I'm starving. You're the best."

Kevin pointed his thumb to the kitchen "I have to head back to the kitchen. I'll see you two later."

They both said goodbye to him. Jack smiled "So what are you waiting for?"

Eve tilted her head confused "What do you mean?"

Jack smirked "You said you were starving so let's go eat before Art."

Eve smiled "Right let's go. Thanks again."

The duo ate lunch together talking about how much the school sucks and how Annie is just a bitch. They then had to hurry to Art class as they were about to be late from talking too long.

Eve went ahead of her since Jack had to use the bathroom. After using the bathroom he headed back downstairs at his own pace since he was already late. He turned the corner and saw Miss Ross talking to Eve. He quickly hid back around the corner.

He watched as Eve did not seem comfortable talking about whatever it is they were talking about. Jack knew it had to do with Eve's art however. He watched them finish the conversation as Miss Ross headed to her classroom and Eve headed to the Auditorium.

Jack walked towards the door leading to the auditorium to see if Eve was okay. He walked in to see her looking down as she sat at the edge of the stage.

He walked over "Eve, you okay?"

Eve slightly jumped not expecting anyone to come by "Shit Jack you scared me."

Jack chuckled "Sorry wasn't trying to."

She took a moment to calm down "What are you doing here, I thought you would have gone to class."

He nodded as he sat down next to her "I was but then I saw you and Miss Ross talking. It didn't seem like the best conversation so I followed you in here to make sure you were alright."

Eve raised an eyebrow "You stalking me now?"

He chuckled "No I was just worried. Wanted to make sure you are okay."

She gave a slight smile "You're worried about me?"

He laughed again "That is what I just said. I have to look after you anyways. Your my friend."

She smiled a bit wider "Thanks Jack."

Eve sighed "Seems like you've been helping me a lot today."

Jack shrugged "Everyone needs help every once in a while. So you like being in a dark auditorium by yourself?"

She nodded "Usually but you being here isn't so bad."

She then pulled out a joint "Want to smoke."

Jack nodded "I don't mind but where did you get that."

She gave a light smile "My sister. I stole it from her stash."

He smirked "You better hope you get along with her then."

She nodded "I do for the most part unless she starts acting like my mom."

He nodded "I get that at least she cares enough to act like a mom though."

Eve tilted her head "It's annoying definitely but that is true."

She continued "She just use to be a lot more fun. Parties every night… just really living life. Now she's just always busy. Makes me feel like I'm in the way of her fun life. Like she's not having fun because of me."

Jack sighed "I get it. I'm sure your sister doesn't view it that way."

Eve sighed "Maybe not. She's really awesome anyways. I know I'm lucky to have her. I know how about you meet her. You should come over sometime."

Jack nodded "Yeah sure I'm down. I'll come over tonight."

Eve smiled as she got up "It's called Sugar Tats. It's a Tattoo parlor. I'll see you later."

Jack smiled "Later."

He stood up and stretched a bit "I guess I should deliver some pizzas for Tony."

Jack rode his bike to Tony's where he worked until the evening. It was an overall easy day and he was now biking to Eve's place.

Word Count: 1366

(A/N Give me Powerstones)