
Summer, Idol and Love

"I remember his eyes!!" * * "I can't let this happen!!" * * "Will you put the ring on my finger?" * * "What do you think of my back after checking it out with your donut eyes??" * * Kaya Rai....a girl studing in university and NJ aka Han Eun Woo is a lead rapper of worldwide famous K-pop boy band Blue. Both of them living in their own different worlds. But... " " " But.....Kaya and Eun Woo met each other and they found their lives get entangled like a rope. So let's dive into the book. There is a lot more to discover in the book about the two. A plenty of things that running around Kaya Rai and Han Eun Woo are yet to know!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will try my best for all of my lovely readers ♥️ Support my book!! Vote my book!! This is my first time writing a novel. I wrote a few poems and much more stuff before but nobody has ever read them except me so I don't know at all what others think of my writings and what are my limitations? where do i lack? where do i have to improve? So, tell me about anything that you think of my writing and novel. Let me know of your thoughts about my writing and my story making in comments and reviews.

Ivie · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Go!! Go!!....Seoul

Finally the day of their departure comes and they were all set to go to Seoul. Kaya was in her room ; getting ready and double checking everything when her phone rang,"Ding Ding!"

She took her phone in her hand and it was Dhruv's call. She picked up the call and said,"Hello dude! All set? Are you ready?"

Dhruv answered,"Yup! Waiting outside your dormitory. Come soon!"

"Ok, just 5 minutes. I'm coming."said Kaya and cutted the call. Then she carried her luggage , looked herself in mirror , wore her sunglasses and came down.

When she came down , she saw Dhruv and Noah both were standing there. She went to them , smiling all the way"Hey Noah! You are also here. But we decided to come at your home, then why do you came here?"...

"Ah!! I thought it will be little troublesome for you two to wait for taxi in this hot weather and honestly, i was too excited guys that i just couldn't wait so i came here to pick you both." Noah said while rubbing the back of his head with one hand and other one in his pocket.

Then Dhruv said,"Hey guys! Am i looking more handsome? I know-i know...i am" To this Noah said while laughing," You really are!!" Then moving towards the car, Noah said, "Guys, get into the car otherwise we will be late."

Meanwhile Kaya moved forward towards the car which was standing behind Dhruv and said ," You are looking so handsome that girls will throw tomatoes on your face....Hahaha!!" Dhruv came to her and hugged her neck with one arm and said with irritation," Girls die on this face!!!!!!"

Then Noah said to Kaya," Kaya, i think we should be honest to him." Kaya answered,"Ya! we must. Noah, tell him the truth. He deserves to know truth dude...Hehehe!!!"

"Dhruv, You will get eggs, not tomatoes,but don't worry we are here to clean those eggs. We both will never leave you!!" Noah said to Dhruv with a serious face and then both Kaya and Noah started laughing and Dhruv sat in car at the front seat beside driver with an angry face.

Meanwhile, Noah and Kaya also sat in car in tha back seat and Kaya said,"We were joking. Dhruv is always handsome. There's no way to even ask about it, right Noah."

"Absolutely right."Noah said while they both kept laughing. Then Dhruv said with a sarcastic tone,"I don't need your approval!!".....

Kaya said to the car driver;Hitesh,"Hlo uncle!! We met after so long. How are you?" Driver Hitesh said, "I'm fine. You tell?" Kaya said, "Doing well uncle." Then Driver Hitesh looked at Dhruv and said,"Don't listen to them. Don't worry, you are handsome!!"

Driver Hitesh is Noah's driver and 48 years old. He has been taking care of Noah since he was a little kid. Dhruv and Kaya also know him well as if these three friends ever had a car ride, then it's always with driver Hitesh. They never go for a car ride without their Hitesh uncle.

Noah said,"Let's go Hitesh uncle." and they kept laughing and joking with each other.Then they went to Noah's home, carry his luggage and went to the airport.

On reaching the airport, they got out of car and carry their luggage and then moved towards check - in queue....checked in; security check and do the required stuff on airport and.....the time came when the plane was ready to take off.

After 8 hours their plane landed at Incheon International Airport...after all the procedures of their arrival at airport and they came out of the airport with their luggage. They went to camp dorms by transport service provided by the camp.

On reaching the dormitory, the counselor alloted them rooms. Noah and Dhruv got the same room and Kaya got another room. While they were going to their rooms; Noah said to Kaya,"If you need any help, just let us know."

Kaya said,"Ok, bbye!" and then they went to their rooms.

Dhruv and Noah on entering into their room jumped on their beds and Dhruv said,"Ahhhh!! I'm so exhausted."

"Me too! But we have to do unpacking."said Noah. Then Dhruv said,"I think we should we do it tomorrow." Meanwhile, Noah got up from his bed and said,"We are doing it now and i will not help you tomorrow at all." Dhruv also rose from his bed slowly and started unpacking.

Meanwhile, Kaya knocked the door of her dormitory room and a girl suddenly opened the door with a wide smile on her face and said,"Welcome!!"

To this Kaya said bending forward,"Anyoung haseyo!!" That girl said, "Wow! You have learnt Korean language."

"No! No! I just learnt a little bit from google." said Kaya. Then that girl said,"By the way, I'm Lee Su Yeon. What's the name of my camp partner and roomie?"

Kaya said, "Kaya...Kaya Rai!" Then Su Yeon took one of Kaya's bags and pulled her inside the room and said, "This is our room. This is your bed , cupboard, study table , bathroom and these ones are mine. Let's unpack. I will help you do unpacking."

"Ok! Let's start.",said Kaya.

On entering the room, there was a shoe rack on the right side and on the left side, there were two doors leading to small bathrooms.

Further on the left side, there was Su Yeon's bed and study table. On the right side, there were two cupboards and beside it there was Kaya's bed and study table. On the wall opposite to entrance door of room, there was a big window.

Then they both do unpacking and after finishing , they lie down on their beds ; completely exhausted. After sometime Su Yeon said,"Do you wanna go out somewhere to eat and a little bit walk?"

Kaya said while facing towards her,"Ok! But i have two more friends here with me. Can we call them also?" To this Su Yeon said, " You have two more friends here!?"...

Kaya said, "Yup! Dhruv and Noah. We all have same major in college, pharmaceutical sciences. Dhruv and I are in the same college but Noah studies in different college. Me and Dhruv are even as exchange students here in SNU."

Su Yeon got up suddenly from her bed and said,"Oh! Pharma... I'm in Arts Management Program, Seoul National University."

Kaya said,"Hmm....Same college then!! Can we call then both of them also?" Su Yeon replied, "Get up! Freshen up. Call your friends and let's go. Your friends are also my friends."

"Ok! Let me call them first." said Kaya and Su Yeon went to bathroom.

Kaya called Dhruv ; he picked up the phone call and said,"What? Do you need some help?" Kaya asked,"Where is Noah and what are you two doing?"

Dhruv answered,"He is lying by my side and we are tired after unpacking so we are taking some rest. What's the matter?"

Then Kaya said, "Get ready fast. Me and my roomie are going to eat, so she said to call you two also.Meet downstairs in 30 minutes."

Dhruv said with an exhausted voice, "Ahh!! Ok!! I'm so exhausted but you will drag me, with you; so that's better if i will get ready on my own."

Kaya laughed and said,"Get up now!!"

"Ok bye! See you downstairs." said Dhruv and cutted the call. Kaya also started getting ready.